you wish you were here: #Montreal #INQNYE

Having the most fun. We are quite a hilarious bunch. Flight was short and we were quite loud which made it even more hilarious. We clapped at the end, y’know like how people sometimes do when you go on vacation?? Yes. Funny. The W Hotel Montreal is so beautiful. It’s my first time staying at this one. Went to Wunderbar the club here last night. The INQ Team is treating us really great, had bottle service and a nice dinner before hand. Brekky this AM with the whole crew, there’s about 15 people in the #INQNYE group, us, couple peeps from Strategic Objectives and contest winners. Spent some time shopping morning then I ventured out on a massive walk around downtown Montreal. Was nice to have a little self time before tonight. It is going to be INSANE, the whole place is open bar and we have a section to ourselves, a bodyguard (Frank Farmer?), and a massive limo for the night. Dinner is at a fancy place too. This is the life. This is my life, aaaaaaaaaaaaah! In other news, I’m blogging from iPad and it’s not going as well as planned. Adding photos is harrrrrrd. So many good ones to share too. Gah, getting me frustrrrrrrated. Check Raymi’s blog to see pix until I figure this crap out. Rarrrrrr. I need a nap before tonight for sure. Ok bye xoxo

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last three months of 2010: bring on the new year!

This was a very exciting time of year for me. In the past three months I’ve been in San Fran, LA, Boston, Dallas, and Puerto Rico. Last year my New Years relolution was to reavel more and I deff made that a reality. These are some of my fav things from the last three months of 2010: I was a spokesperson and got my first national gig and hosted an event in Young/Dundas Square. my friends were in contests wore a cute outfit hung out with friends another smirnoff party had my photo taken zombie nation smirnoff india party movember mum sailed to the bahamas from near toronto some of my fav things played with toys went to hohoTO was at the beach gave away LOTS of gifts made fashion toast went to Dallas w/ Virgin America, was on Boing Boing met a REAL cowboy met RICHARD BRANSON. bbbbbbbbb-badass

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time for change: july august september 2010

These are some of my fav things from earlier this year: tweetgasm 1 @ the gladstone i saw bon jovi in concert rant about reality went to smirnoff party, (the one i later was in the commericial for) i got a piercing in my FACE i entered the biggest contest of my life and ALL OF YOU VOTED for ME. #genyto august 2010 i was a domestic diva went to TedxTO i was in NEW ZEALAND for Fashion Week. front row at every show.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Partying like its NYE! @monikarola @melodieats #INQNYE # oh la la maison (@ W Montréal) # Hi from our limoooo #inqnye # # Pretty sure the entire plane hates us. #loud #hilarious # let’s remember: april may june 2010 #blog # I'm a boat… w/@andrewfstewart @raymitheminx & #INQNYE crew # We're here @porterairlines! # This is gonna be fun. #INQNYE # Car just arrived. Off to meet @raymitheminx & @andrewfstewart for #INQNYE ! Hazaaaaaaaaa!! # The party has started! #INQNYE (@ Mercatto) # Omgizzle I forgot my sunnies. Fml. Noooooooo. # Photo: real lovers # Photo: this is how i feel today # Photo: sunshine # the retrieval of events or information from the past #memory #blog # Photo: can i be this skinny please # Photo: pony play # Photo: flat out like a lizard drinkin’ # Photo: pretty nails # YES. Yes, I am. #blog # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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let’s remember: april may june 2010

this stuff happened: muchmusic was about to get degrassi so we did some creative work i was interviewed by jacon from 58ninety was feeling young & restless i met the FIFA World Cup trophy saw this and thought of you #boobquake had a photoshoot with erika i made pho drew some photos: borderline artistic you know those loud talkers on the subway? this is me at the W Hotel in Miami Beach i did not get in trouble for traveling with a gun shopping party!! rainbow fruit and a wig on went to the beach my city lives video: genyto & red carpet escaped the G20 there were riots new camera we got a SUPERSWARM on foursquare there was an earthquake had a rant new tattoo

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the retrieval of events or information from the past #memory

i love going back and looking at my archives, it’s amazing how much you forget. for me, it is a really good reminder to make the most of each day, smile, be positive and keep motivated. you never know what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. lots happened january – march 2010, here are some of my favs: i was in toronto life magazine and now everyone knows where i live i worked at CTV doing the FB & twitter for @MuchMusic & @MTV Canada i didn’t feel like blogging then i posted a fav quote by thomas edision a professor at queens university used me as an example in her class told you about a date partied with DJ pauly D and The Situation, kinda. told you about about a best friend i was interviewed in techvibes i met the guys from mtv’s the buried life …but then it was suddenly warm out. we all learned about chatroulette an example of modern media at work played with barbies bare bum on blogTO kissed a REAL Olympic gold medal there was a hot nerd takeover to raise money for haiti I’m way more into the Internet than sports. gave away some givenchy play for men to this lucky guy told you about my old job twestival 2010 went to a leaf’s game patio season was just around the corner had a blog girl gang hang bloggers dressed pretty in peachy for MTV lady blogga came out for a blog party i talked about blogging crazy awesome fun #genyto party went to art battle canada won gold

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