Protected: this is what i’m talking about

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i’d like to introduce you guys to some peeps

Oh hi. It’s me Casie. In case you ever wondered, my blog, This is My Life, started out as a way to keep more memories one  sunny April day in 2006. This b-b-baby has been a best friend, therapy, and a great platform for me to get closer to the dreams I’ve always had. I love it dearly. Tomorrow evening I’m doing a seminar about blogging with some people I’ve met and been inspired by over the last little while. You may not know them, the same way you know me, so I’m introducing you. There’s still a couple tickets left so go get one here and come meet me & them IRL. I met Carly last year through the internet, then IRL at a music thingy. Along with being cute and a good friend, she’s really talented. She is a Talent Agent representing principal actors in film, TV and voice.  In Jan 2010, her agency,  Fairlie Agency launched the New Media division and the Toronto Blog Stars group.   Carly has over 15 years experience in the entertainment industry, both on camera and behind the scenes. You’ll get to meet her if coming on Thursday. You may know Raymi from her blog or me mentioning her  (if you don’t, I’m a little surprised). She’s been blogging since 2000 and was the first daily blogger I knew; She was cool and from Toronto like me. I immediately added her as a friend on Facebook based on this alone. About a year later, we met IRL. She writes about her life and gives you a really close view of it. She became famous on the internet by blogging and has a unique style that’s won her heaps of awards.  Her videos also get heaps of attention ex: I met Sean Ward when…

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the most beautiful girl in the room

Yesterday’s magazine party  at MTV was great. Both my bosses were happy (phew!) and I got positive comments from so many people. via Twitter  & email.  Helps to get positive feedback cause, lemme tell you, I was so nervous and excited about the whole thing. It was really wonderful to see all these awesome people/bloggers in a room together. The dresses from Peach Berserk were a hit. I’ll get to posting more about it tonight but at the moment very busy! In the mean time you can check out these great post about it! Mushy Pony: A Shot of Cutrone Lava: My Sneak Peek of MTV’s FORA Chris Brooker: MTV Fora Magazine Launch – Part 1: The After Show

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Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches. Andy Warhol

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WWKCD: What would Kelly Cutrone do?

I watch more then I listen, but I dig the Gossip Girl style. Always dressed up, classy. I started K.C’s book today. Gonna read a little more before bed. I’m about twenty pages and into it. Her attitude is totally refreshing. She doesn’t put up with whiny, negative, bitchy, complainers, and she knows what she’s doing because she worked at it. I find her to be quite admirable and I’m looking forward to seeing her IRL. I love this: “Because, if you’re the kind of person who senses there’s something out there beyond whatever it is you’re expected to do- if you want to be extra-ordinary- you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you you’re not extraordinary. … We have a saying in New York: when you’re the most happening person at the party, it’s time to leave.” – Kelly Cutrone, If You have to Cry, Go Outside       She grew up in a small town and always wanted the city. It’s inspiring to learn about people that do the kinda things you like doing. I’m glad I got her book today, I was due for a new one since that bee sting book before last Fall. I like reading. I read more books in the summer, winter is online time. I like to bike somewhere  with my book and lay under a tree,  on a park bench in the sun. Did you know Kelly Cutrone used to read tarot cards  AND married Andy Warhol’s protégé, Ronnie Cutrone at 21? She has worked with the best fashion designers and heaps of interesting creative peeps. ELLE wrote about her here and asked a bunch of questions. This is my favorite Q/A: On witchcraft: “A lot of people think I’m a Wiccan. I’m…

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i always wanted to work in fashion until i did

I love this photo. I’m not sure the artist but I wish it was me. I’m polishing off the guestlist fro our FORA sneak peek tomorrow. I’m stoked. Kelly tweeted back to me @mtvcanada saying she’s might wear all pink instead of black. She always wears black.  Exciting. I dreamed of fashion, magazines,  and my job last night. It was great.  Woke up early, put on The City and made a plan to go buy Kelly’s book “If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You”. I remember I had a ‘hard ass’ boss once. It was my first job out of university,  I had always wanted to work in Toronto fashion. My boss, she was fierce. Everyone knew not to piss her off. She was strict and opinionated. I leaned a lot from her. Mostly I learned the hard way, by doing things wrong and having her yell at me. That was often preceded by me wiping tears in the bathroom and going back to my desk. It was that job that motivated me to work hard to get out of it. Now that I don’t work for her anymore, I’ve grown to love her.  I thought that working in fashion would make me so happy but really, you can always be fashionable  you should do a job you love. Ok work time. Gonna start the book after I get it tonight, looking forward to sharing it. Longer days today too, yahooo! Watch this vid, it’s lovely. I wanna wear all the dresses in the store. Peach Berserk Photo Shoot (Spring 2010) from Kirk Best on Vimeo.

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