TGIF: girls who like boys who like girls that do

I know that following the previous post with this post is……..whatever. Everyone needs a little entertainment  in their day! Twitter Last night I had a Jersey Shore finale with with a heap of best Twitter babes and buds. Thanks to unbrelievable, irieras, CrystalGibson, LaurenBoutette, carolzara, jeniestewart,  kericdn for coming over. We didn’t get a photo of us all cause we were so into watching the show each other’s conversations. We decided we wanna raise money to get Snookers to come over to my place for a party. Awesome idea. Thanks jaggabombs. Google Just checked Google Trends and ‘sleep talker blog’ was trending…so I obvs checked it out….seems Sleep Talkin’ Man blog went viral today. Wonder when that’s gonna happen to me, I mean go viral, I think a Paris Hilton style is a sure way. The guys wife records/publishes stuff her husband says while he sleeps.  Some are pretty funny ex “Well if I’m the douchebag, you’re the contents, Titfuck!” Internet Today I learned that young Swedish women are more likely to have sex with each other.  In the Sweedish study the figures for women having sex with other women were “strikingly high”. Interesting eh? Facebook We’re planning the February edition of genyTO and it will be held on Friday the 5th which is two weeks away. Join our FB group for details. This week Erin Bury wrote about the TO Tech community coming together for Haiti at blogTO.

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she let out all the evils except one: hope

I recently got asked on Formspring “what can I do to help someone in Haiti?”. Well… I can do lots. I’m working heaps to get the social media organized for Canada for Haiti and Help for Haiti Now specials later tonight.  I’ll be on MTV Twitter duty during the Telethon too.  We’re streaming live on CTV & MuchMusic.  We’ve got lists where you can follow all the celebs here and here. I feel bad for the kids who lost their parents in all this. I can only imagine how different I’d be if I didn’t have my parents around while I was growing up. Here’s to helping where we can. ♥

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hump day: fashion forward and puking rainbows

I’ve been really busy at work lately.  It’s fun for me. Today, I had an awesome gathering at my desk about blog redesign. That stuff gets me really excited. haha. “talk nerdy to me”.  I also set up a MuchMusic tumblr. I got included in a big meeting recently about the olympics & social media. Cool stuff.  We’ve got another big meeting about social media plans for the Help 4 Haiti telethon. I love being part of all this stuff. One of the MOST exciting things to cross my plate is that MTV Canada is launching  a fashion/beauty magazine in March and…[drum roll please]..I’m the Editor in Cheif! Can’t share too many details yet but it’s gonna be fun. I always wanted to work for MuchMusic , dreamt of MTV and  visioned work for a fashion magazine…now I do! OMG. It’s alot of work but that means an opportunity to show I can handle it. I just feel sofuckingexcited every day,  I almost puke rainbows. Also, #GenyTO anniversary party is coming up (Feb.5)  and tomorrow night I’m having a little Jersey Shore Finale/Makeover party. Look out! Girls gonna be gettin’ Snookified! Have a  great day xo

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social media school of thought. process.

I’ve shared my internet/social media skills with a bunch of people over the last year but now it’s  becoming more official. I recently signed up for FreshBooks online billing cause I’m gonna be invoicing for teaching them skillz in 2010! Social media has become such a  valuable tool and heaps of friends who never really understood what I was doing, are now asking for my help.  I’ve got a student passing through my school tomorrow night.  Makes me feel proud of myself; I stuck at something I was interested in, despite being the only one I knew in it at times and now built my world around it. Lesson: Make a path leave a trail.

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this time last year i…

asked the universe for a new camera. saw andy warhol. had a different russian hat. still had my beloved red wellies. told you a story about being on degrassi high. cursed a damn pigeon for coming to work. saw social media for good right before my eyes. visited my family in new zealand. hated that red tea commercial. learned about our big unit. was still using burts bees. used a shitty shampoo. wanted to wake up in bondi beach again. wrote rhymes in tights. used to have a cat. my sister was a raptors girl. was glamorous. made a confession. got called out by a friend for being on the internet so much. wore tights in bed. was a bohemian gypsy queen in argyle tights.  drank ketel one vodka. was banging obama. was full of zeal. changed my perspective. lived.

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happy birthday sister, i ♥ you very much

I remember the day 24 years ago when you were born. You were so little and cute. I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you and always will. You’ve grown up to be such an awesome young woman. Lucky to have you as a sis.  Have a wonderful day Gay 🙂

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