today you will get things done & you will feel great

Do you do this too? Tell yourself that today you will check things off your list, you will feel accomplished, you will return email and phone calls one by one until you’re caught up. I talk to myself and I try to be a good coach, but I never really played sports.  I always stayed up late working on projects, the way I do now. I strive to do my best job, which means working harder and longer .  I’m not complaining, I’m just saying it’s hard  sometimes.  I get stressed out sometimes too. I went to sleep last night with warm thoughts of a new day  ‘today, today I will achieve and I will force myself to cross a few certain things off that list’. Unfortunately, my phone froze in the night, I woke up late,  took a taxi to the office, and was late for a meeting.   I’ve got a choice to feel stressed today or to feel happy… I choose happy. I’m getting my hair done tonight by Darren Kwik 🙂

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has anyone famous ever asked you out on a date?

I got asked out really nicely by a famous Canadian athlete this one time. I was in a coffee shop and he was sitting with his work mates. I walked in and he told them “I’ve gotta go talk to that girl”. He came over to me and casually said “Even if the coffee wasn’t so good, I’d still come for the music”, something like that. There was an old classic on the radio, they always played good music there. It was sweet and not too cheezy. It made me laugh.  I gave him my number and walked back to work smiling.

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i love playing dress up, photo shoot, model

Really enjoying this weekend time at home. Next weekend I’m at a photo shoot for work. It will undoubtedly be exciting, yet tiring. I’ve always loved dressing up.I was five when I did my first recital for our ballet studio. I competed for a bunch of years when I was growing up. Lipstick, eye shadow, lots of hair gel, tight buns in your hair, fancy costumes and sequins. Such excitement. Next weekend, I’m behind the scenes. I kinda always wanted it to be that way. As much as I love having my photo taken, I really enjoy the production side of things too.

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SWF likes surfing & long blogs by the beach

Dear Summer, How are you babe? Been thinking about you lately.  I bet your tan is glowing and muscles are pumped.  I was going through some photos of us together and was reminded how much fun we have.  Spending Christmas together was such a tease! I miss you! My tan practically  faded and froze the minute I stepped off the plane. I know you’re not that far away, but I feel like you’ve been gone for ages.  Wondering if you wanna wrap up traveling  and come here  in May? You can be here for me birthday 🙂  I’d really love that. I promise to make it up to you. Getting my hair done on Tuesday, you should see my roots right now. You’d die.  Luckily it’s  stylish to wear hats at the moment.  Remember the shave I had in Florida? I was considering going back to that but now the long is kinda growing on me. Anyhoo, hope you are well and making the most of each day.  Despite the cold here, I’m having a great time. Looking quite forward to your return in a few months.  I love you very much! xo ♥ Casie

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A blog is a best friend you find within yourself.

I’ve been thinking, about making changes.  I’m always making changes. I wanna wear high heels again. I wanna change my blog. I wanna change my hair, just a little. I used to write stories to myself about what I was thinking more often. Really helps me sort out my thoughts, like therapy.  A blog is a best friend you find withing yourself who is always there to listen and look at your pretty pictures.   I’ve been falling in love with Tumblr lately. Thinking about cheating on WordPress. I’ve recently had my hands all over the BB Storm  from Telus and I’m liking the touchscreen. It moves when you press it like a keyboard, it’s a good photographer and it’s kinda heavy which I like.  I’m spending today home alone and it ‘s great to be not hungover. Instead of GYM, TANNING, LAUNDRY today I’m COUCH, ICE CREAM, MOVIE and it feels so good.

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and then she tamed monsters with her disco stick

Gaga Law. Love it: (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MA MA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)² = Bad Romance I’ve got the house to myself for the weekend.  Looking quite forward to it. Rooms clean and clothes are put away.  I vision myself………. Sleeping in and watching movies one after the other all day tomorrow. Wearing the same clothes for the whole day and night. Making breakfast. Going back to bed. Finally reading Feb. Wired & Toronto Life magazines. Bailey’s with coffee mid-afternoon. Relaxing bath and a book.  Falling asleep in front of the tv. Afternoon delight, soft kisses. Making changes to my website. Handwriting letters. Chatting on the phone with far away friends, on speaker. Watching the sunset from my window.  Getting a new sketchbook and using it. Walking in brisk cool morning air. Waking up in your arms.  Listening to music. Having a great weekend ♥

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