read a couple blogs to form an opinion

Let me tell you. Working from home is great. Well, working when you’re not on a schedule or have any deadlines and you don’t have to report to anyone. Working on Tweeting your friends, replying to emails of interest, attending blogging events, videos, celebrating yourself and your friends…it’s a tough life. I woke up yesterday and put on Zombie makeup. It was lovely. I went to Sobeys to get groceries, got the mail and received a package from the concierge. Scared some new neighbor and the cleaning lady. It was so fucking fun. Me, alone, Zombie by day, not even Halloween yet. I love me when I do things like that. Like really live it out. Make the most. I started this draft a while ago and now it’s already almost 2pm. I have a meeting and haven’t showered even gotten dressed yet or washed my hair. Karrera took all these photos. I just made a scary movie. Working at home is harder than I thought… When you love what you do it’s not really work.

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all the things you love

Thank you everyone who entered the Harijuku Lovers contest. The contest closed on Friday and I apologize for being late at sharing the winner. I drew the winner while I a Zombie in spirit of Halloween. The winner is Bianca Swayne and she is from Toronto. Bianca, your present is on it’s WAY! Entries flew in from Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, and even Sweedish blogger Ewa. Some of the things contestants love include: being in love eating sleeping hanging with friends hugs and kisses from family pets Christmas time winning contests sunshine traveling talking on the phone The funniest one was: “I love cats that pee in the toilet. Specifically my cat. But since she isn’t yet, any cat is good enough.”

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the they filled the sky and danced with joy

awesome weekend filled with fun. so many photos. show you later. last day at the office. pretty darn excited. have lots of catching up to do with blogging. hate that. this week is gonna go fast and i am going to savor every moment of it. new camera is on its way. it’s getting sunny out. phones backed up and ready to give back. new number, the old number. blackberry makes it so easy to switch. today’s my last day. i’m nervous and excited.  exit interview, nice honest or the honest truth? and lunch with my boss.  omg. omg… i feel like i could puke a rainbow.

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quick saturday morning update:

First – GenyTO was fun. Thanks to Renee who really took the cake and made sure it went well. I left early after lots of congrats from familiar faces.  We raised a bunch for UNICEF! Thank you everyone for coming! Second – Zombie Walk is ON! No rain. I’ll be getting bloody and gross around 2pm and heading to Bellwoods to meet the other brain hungry kids for 3. Third – Will post the Harajuku Lovers contest winner after brunch.

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rumble tumble jumble…bundle blog

my tumblr blog is a collection of photos and things i from around the internet. it’s like a scrap book of pictures you’d stick on your wall with that blue sticky stuff when you are a pre-teen. the ones from the teen mags. it’s things that inspire me. it’s people who are inspired. sometimes it’s funny and that’s inspiring too. i choose to be happy and the simplest photo can do it. this one gets me

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she looks so pretty with blood on her face

It’s where beauty meets eats brains… So gross hot. I surprise myself all the time with my love for Zombies. I don’t like anything to do with blood or guts and cringe when I see them on TV. However…I love Zombie fun. I reckon I’ll be a Zombie pinup girl this year. If it rains tomorrow I will not be doing the Toronto Zombie Walk for the following reasons: It’s not fun to walk in the rain with a bunch of people Blood will stain my white wellies when it drips on them It’s not so fun to be a soaking wet cold Zombie Flesh woulds will wash off in the rain I don’t want to catch a cold before starting my new job

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