you gotta tell yourself a couple times first
I’m so glad this work day is over. I’m dying to watch the Y&R when I get home. Sit on the couch. Give Robert kiss. Thought about him today, all alone in my room. I’m gonna bring him to work tomorrow, it’s a half day. Have a doctors appt that’s a follow up from surgery last year. I never told you about it and I’ll save it for a rainy day when it’s not as sunny. Luis is gonna come over then I am getting a helmet. I’ve not been on bike since last week and god I miss it. Keri is the cutest and sent me a photo when I was away saying bike misses me. I missed it too. I find that if I tell myself enough times and write it down that I’m way more likely to actually get something done. I wanna grow my hair back. I’m gonna order an ipone tomorrow. Jenie got her hair done by Darren last week and is super blonde like me now. I love it. Mum said we look even more alike now. I love that too.
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