I don’t usually blog about blogging but this blog post is about blogging because I have some blog updates to share on my blog. You know that I like giving tips and advice to those of you who want to start blogging. I’ve told you about SEO, the articles on MangoMatter about web hosting, different ways to come up with content, the list goes one! But today I’m going to be talking about WordPress!
Ok, the new WordPress came out yesterday and this update has some neat things to help you as a blogger, communicate and share, globally. You can watch this quick video or read more about it after scrolling my list of favs from their post. If you blog you should watch it because it will make you a better (WordPress) blogger.
Even more embeds: Paste links from Tumblr.com and Kickstarter and watch them magically appear right in the editor. With every release, your publishing and editing experience get closer together.- Host of new characters: Native Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters, musical and mathematical symbols, and hieroglyphs.
- Streamlined plugin updates: Goodbye boring loading screen, hello smooth and simple plugin updates.
- OMG! Emoji are now available in WordPress! Get creative and decorate your content with ?, ?, ?, or?!!
UPDATE IT TODAY. LIKE NOW. Google announced that the Mobile Friendly Update began rolling out YESTERDAY. This update is going to be the largest Google update ever and if you don’t get on it, you’ll notice a drop in traffic. And it might be huge. If you don’t know if your site is optimized for mobile, check this link to find out google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly.
There’s a good blog post on searchengineland.com from yesterday that states:
Postscript: SEO Clarity’s Ryan Heuser sent me some early data at 1:45pm EDT saying as of this morning they are now seeing “1.7% difference in ranking domains between desktop and mobile versus the previous few days.” He said the big winners thus far are sites like Wikipedia that are mobile friendly, you can see their jump in visibility in the mobile results in the chart below.
I recently switched back to using the WPTouch plugin and my mobile is experience is waaaaaay cuter. Have you checked? Are you on your phone right now? It’s a free plugin and the WPTouch Pro (paid) version has some fancier features. These screenshots don’t do it justice. Optimizing your website for mobile can be a complex process. Therefore, if you would like some help with designing your website so that mobile users can access it more easily, you might want to reach out to a website design professional for some advice.
It’s insane how much blogging has changed over the years. It did NOT used to be this easy to create, publish, and share. YAY Internet! Ever have a blog question, Tweet me or call me! Here’s me on the news last night w/ the gang, Justin Bieber, PSY, Chris Crocker. Oh, y’know, just a regular day.
In light of the YouTube 10 Year anniversary yesterday, I’m really inspired to make more vids. Here’s one inspired by something that happened today. My BF thinks I am so weird but he loves it.