Excited to announce I’m speaking at the annual United Nations Association in Canada event for International Women’s Day. I’ve invited my mum, my favourite teacher from grade 8, and my sister will be there too. I’d love to see some more familiar faces! Bring your mum, your bff, your BF, or come solo and hang out with us.
The event is at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 12- 4:30 pm.
My panel is about Women and Entrepreneurialism. The discussion will be led by other female entrepreneurs including Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher, Morgan Toombs, and singer/songwriter Domanique Grant (who will also be performing).
About The Event: Step Up for Parity: The Global Pledge towards planet 50-50
The United Nations Association of Canada, Toronto region invites you to the annual International Women’s Day event. The event will feature a series of panel discussions that will focus on the significant contributions that women have made in the economic, political, cultural and social sectors.
The first panel will highlight non-profit organizations with key note speakers from North York Women’s Shelter, Plan Canada and White Ribbon, who will explain what they are doing to promote women’s rights. The second panel will have a discussion on female leaders in the workforce, and the third panel will cover women and entrepreneurialism with a discussion led by entrepreneurs such as, Jacquila Rose, Melissa Macher and Casie Stewart.
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