VIRGIN AMERICA: upgrade mondays! yahoooooo!

Ladies & gents, now, not everyone is as cheery as me on a Monday, this I know. Virgin America and your Virgin Provocateur (ME!) are changing that! Here’s how we’re upgrading your Monday. Today two people are getting flights and a WHOLE bunch of peeps will get to see a movie with me and the VX team. Make sure you are following @virginamerica and me @casiestewart on Twitter so you don’t miss a beat aiiiiight?! Have you been to Union Station today? Look for our Virgin street team, they’re handing out coupons and movie tickets for a special screening of Due Date (that hilarious movie w/ Robert Downy Jr. & Zach Galifianakis). Keep your ears peeled on Z103.5 to win reserved seats too. YOU can HAZ these, yes you CAN! If you can’t make it to Union Station, swing by Scotiabank Theatre before the 6pm or 9pm screening and we might have some room for ya. I’ll be introducing the movie and giving away a flight or two so make sure you say HI to me. People, this is just what you’re waiting for! Think how lovely it will be to ship off to LA or SF this winter for some fun in the sun. Ahhhhh-mazing! See you tonight!

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VIRGIN AMERICA: we’re all winners here

Yesterday I gave away a flight on Virgin America at Finch Station. I let out a few clues via Twitter/Blog and in order to be eligible you had to meet me there with an I LOVE VIRGIN AMERICA sign. I rode the subway playing Angry Birds drinking Vitamin Water hoping like crazy that people were ready to meet me.  Imagine if NO ONE was there? Oh man, I’d be mortified. Well, there were a bunch of people and they all had signs! Christine was the first one to spot me on the subway car and I heard her yell “she’s here” which was followed by her running beside the car to the door where I was about to exit. Imagine my surprise when I saw all these beautiful faces! (BTW don’t judge me for the crap photos, returning my camera today as the flash seems to have died. I am a camera killer.) Analog: Digital: In order to make sure the winner was TOTALLY random I was blindfolded with my pashmina and stood in the middle of the group whilst spinning around then stopped and pointed. Not the most advanced method but deff the most tried, trusted and true. The winner was Rochelle Latinsky. Congrats! After the big win some peeps had to go back to work and I took Phil & Tyler to Boston Pizza for a little lunch date. Big thanks to my new bestie Calvin at the Yonge Sheppard Boston Pizza for treating us all. Imma cook up some fun with that guy, he seems to have his finger on the pulse of some neat stuff and it all involves YOU. I’ll be giving away flights for the next couple weeks each Monday at a random TTC station. You know where to get all the info and…

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halloween: this social scene ain’t broken

Welcome aboard Virgin America Halloween Flight 31, my name is Casie Stewart your VX Provocateur. Our in flight entertainment tonight is Toronto’s own Broken Social Scene and they’re playing live. You ready for takeoff? Show was at Queen West hipster hot spot Parts & Labour. Nice choice. Show was rad. Perfect Virgin America mood lighting. We were chatting this babe in the bathroom about her dress and little did we know that she was a band member. Guy with hood is a babe too. Lady Gaga telephone hat & costume was so well made. Hat was quite heavy. Deff needs long hair, looks silly on me. You know this fine fox, Courtney Love otherwise known as Raymi the Minx. This fine Queen & ruler of Egypt is my sister Jenie. LOVE YOU. Total babes. BTW food at P&L is great. Meat table + cheese FTW. Kate Killet is a kyooooote kitteh. Say hello to Kate from Virgin America and her red wig. Totes on brand 😉 Great to see the VX peeps. They are all so cool, honestly, I am so happy to have met them and totally stoked for the next year of awesomeness. Look out Toronto. Bathrooms at P&L have the weirdest mirrors. So hard to really get a good look at your outfit. Best costume of the night, Adam & Eve. Scariest costume of the night, this guy. AAAAAAAAAAHH. Liked these guys, bloody butchers with muscles. Mmmm. Enjoyed these too. Heh heh got your nose! BTW my PROVOCATEUR biz cards are realy and should be arriving soon. Oh yeah. “Fool! Don’t you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without you.” Cleopatra True love right here. I love the blurry ones. Raymi, Jenie & I had a freaking…

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the sky is no longer the limit

I’ve been following all the news about Virgin Galactic since inception in 2004. I am amazed and inspired by it all. Richard Branson is the most inspiring man in the world to me. Hands down. No limits, no boundaries, ready to take on the world, the universe. Doing it. The fact that I get to meet him and be part of the Virgin Team is a dream come true. Got an email last night with the great news “Virgin Galactic Releases Exclusive Footage of Spaceship’s Historic Maiden Solo Flight.” This is SO EXCITING! HERE WE COME SPACE! In 2004 I sent an email asking if there were going to be flight attendants to space because I was ready to start training. For the record, there are not. VIRGIN GALACTIC PRESS RELEASE: The world’s first commercial manned spaceship, VSS Enterprise, which is being developed by US space tourism company Virgin Galactic, achieved its first piloted free flight on 10th October 2010 in Mojave CA. Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, who was present to witness the flight later described it as “one of the most exciting days in the whole history of Virgin”. He went on to say: “The sky is no longer the limit. We will now begin the process of pushing to the final frontier of space itself over the next year”. VSS Enterprise was described by Scaled Composites pilot Pete Siebold as “a joy to fly” and the company confirmed that all objectives of the flight were successfully completed. National Geographic Channel in the United States will be showing a documentary on the build up and preparation for the first flight of VSS Enterprise on Monday, 18th October at 10.00pm ET/PT.

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Say hello to my soon to be new best friend Sir Richard Branson Because I am the winner! Thanks for you votes guys. We did it!

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Ladies & gents of the world, the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur contest is almost over! (yes, finally) They have posted our videos on their Youtube page and are looking for your comments for a final push for the win. We can do this. I’ve been hosting great events in our fine city for two years along with raising money for charities and acting as a provocateur of good times. Please, if you love me and want to see me win, leave a comment on ! p.s. thanks Jeremy from TrendHunter for taking this great pic! Now, who’s ready for takeoff?

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