yesterday on twitter, this happened:

so many treats back in the MAC lounge! chillin w/ my handler @venustong #nzfw×7 # love it – @derekfabulous on a nz brekky show #nzfw # new BFF @venustong – getting hair + makeup done in the ghd + MAC VIP Lounge #nzfw # #NZFW breakfast DAY1. @joefreshstyle lipstick/nails @nellabellabrand bag @weareandyhall blazer # feels warm out here today! so sunny! # morning from #nzfw world! sporting @weareandyhall blazer, mini & red tights today. # fun time at the opening night for #nzfw met lots of cool peeps! stoked for shows tomorrow 🙂 # RE: @ArmourDeLaMode @ArmourDeLaMode haha amazing. you know him too eh! we met like 10 yrs ago when i came to visit fam… # one of my friends is en route to my hotel, first time seeing in like 10 years mang! so excited 🙂 #nz #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

W/ agent @carlyannedotcom star @brockmclaughlin #festivalmusichouse #classy (@ Roosevelt Room Supper Club w/ @hawleydunbar @sidewalkhustle) # I was a guestlist jerk bringing extras. Sorry. Ma friends! We changed plans. # Photo: Made these today # dressed for fall fun. # i love demi. moore. # i hope joe fresh is doing makeup tonight at the #dietcokeTIFFest (long hashtaaaaag, i guest other options would be inappropriate eh) # restarted fixed. love hate when that happens. #SOS # omfg. deep breath baby, sit down. hot. RT @shopsterium: Just talked to RYAN GOSLING! He squeezed my forearm. I think I'm going to faint now. # THATS WHAT SHE SAID hahaha. RT @lannycardow: @casiestewart thanks for the tip. These questions are best left to ppl cooler than me. # #SOS my mem card slot on my comp makes noise when goes in, no reading though. tries card reader. need photos. please help. # Photo: i love her. i will d.i.e. if we meet in NZ for # this #genyto was fun # atta girl haha RT @Sn00ki: My look is copywritten, you can tell I made it. -Fab 🙂 # halloween. i'm waiting for you. i can't wait to pour blood on my face for the zombie walk too. # happy birthday mum # aahaha RT @jessepace NyQuil texts are the new drunk texts. # i'm bringing @parishilton to the coke party. see you in the bathroom. #tiff10 #dietcoketiffest # This is so funny to me. Meat head. "You think the meat dress matches the meat drapes? That would be my question?" via @Nick_Nolte # Thanks @rockitpromo for #festivalmusichouse Reporting in my absence tonight is @rochlatinsky. Have fun!! #tiff10 # the famn damn @brockmclaughlin @AndrewFstewart @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle @SidewalkHustle # hi @NZFashionWk, i'm like mega stoked. will be styling at…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened: and it was fun.

W/ @hawleydunbar #tiff10 #festivalmusichouse # W/ @jkschneider and a babe named Jeff # Tokyo Police Club #tiff10 #festivalmusichouse # With some hot babes who are actors watching #tokyopoliceclub So fun. # 12seconds – Likes this guy. #festivalmusichouse #tiff10 # Want to be the best blogger you can be? Don’t force your views on anyone – offer them, let others choose. #sbt10 /via @DannyBrown # I dunno who the guy on stage is right now but his “pretty fuckin’ sexy” song is pretty fucking succexy. Me likey. #festivalmusichouse #sexy # Those mini burgs are taaaaasty. # Up front camera high, filming everything! Is that really necessary? # Brave new world? Uh, a whole new world. #aladdin #internet #tiff10 #spoke # I wish my hand charged my damn phone when I pressed the keys. # Just had my shine at the panel, they know my name now. Seems I am like, the only one tweeting? Weird no? #tiff10 # One guy has worked in tv for 30 yrs. I am not even 30 haha. Communication has always been around yes but SOCIAL not always MEDIA. #tiff10 # I had a delish treat at Fleishman today. Nom nom. Must be fun to work there. # I’m getting more involved in tv & film. Starting already. Look out world, the internet girl is coming to your house. # People upstairs at #netflix keep coming downstairs to the panel and being so loud. Doh. #spoke # Oh, one panel dude is part of @trendhunter. Tres interesting! # Panel dude says succes is audience – true? If you get audience, money comes. # Super stylish handbags I’ll be rocking at #nzfw None other than @NellaBellaBrand baby. #style #canada in reply to NellaBellaBrand # Storyteller. # Um, we all create content for…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

The film #jucy was so good. Honestly, go see it. Especially if you have a BFF. It plays one more night. #tiff10 # going to this movie right now #tiff10 #jucy # dear casie, get off the internet and go get ready! #tiff10 # film fest day five: lovely to meet you people. welcome. #tiff10 # looking forward to @beatricepirate tonight at the festival music house. i have a crush on her. #tiff10 # watching this special about Orpah's first show makes me excited fro my first show. whenever that may be. # plixi – i think you are ugly. # browsing @gretconstantine & @WeAreAndyHall for #nzfw look out NZ, we are stylish in canada. oww ow. # i have new love for @stolenGFclub. looking forward to #nzfw hot hot hot. # wrote you a little note NOT about TIFF or NZFW. # i need to try and meet Bret & Jemaine in NZ. wonder if they will attend #nzfw #FOTC # RT @matt416: Porter flights are 20% off again, promo DROP20 # the style parade is starting! my cuzzie just told me about #NZFW # Photo: we are who we are for a lot of reasons. fuckyeahtattoos: # Just wait. My new mom jeans are so succexy. (@ Mark's Work Warehouse w/ @rlangdon) # Marks shopping went really well. Hot boots, mom jeans, soft cardigans, french cuff shirts. Quite stylish actually! # Meeting @rlangdon for a Marks Work W.House shopping date! (@ High Road Communications) # hello hello baby you called i can't hear a thing # hi internet. # joe fresh concealer is doing a good job if hiding my tiredness. thanks tastemakers lounge #tiff10 # fak. so late again right now. seems story of my…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Blondetourager! At Squirly's w/ @shawnamazing @lynsieroberts. Love it. in reply to shawnamazing # Cute Tea Party babe @lynsieroberts #tiff10 #jucy # Phone is gonna die. Hotshot gallery 7. Steve Nash houser party after 8. The rest is a mystery. Making history w/ @lynsieroberts. # Don't you hate at open bar weddings when people say repeatedly "this ones on me" /via @HawleyDunbar > yes! at any open bar! # Stopped by the Hotshot Gallery in Kensington. Show there is at 7 tonight! # Star studded cast. #tiff10 # Eye spy… PSH on stage! Oh. I love his voice. Deep. #tiff10 # Priority seating, was let in early! #tiff10 (@ Isabel Bader Theatre) # Jack Goes Boating – special presentation #tiff10 # Here we go again! #tiff10 day day 4 # what's for breakfast? oh, a tasty blog snack. nom nom…movies, madness & more # oD JoelReillyme. i'd love to see you 🙂 # Seeing Philip Seymour Hoffman's directorial debut "Jack Goes Boating" today. Anyone else? #tiff10 #stellafilm #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

This is the movie I am going to see tonight: Client 9 Eliot Spitzer thanks @FESTIVALinsider! #Governor #Hookers # RT @buildabeard: Let's hear it for hairy guys… Perhaps the quote of the night. # hi internet. it's me, casie. # quarter chicken white with fries. swiss chalet. i will not be drinking on empty stomach again. idiot. # Mail bag: Oh em geee! I'm tights McGee! #secret #jockey # Spotted John Legend across the street from Gretzky's just now. # 12seconds – The Bell Lightbox is rocking right now #tiff10 # Picking up tix for tonights movie Client 9 (@ Roy Thomson Hall w/ 3 others) # RE: @raymitheminx yes. DEATH. # "don't be boring and dress cute wherever you go. life is too short to blend in" @parishilton # NZST: Sun, Sep 12 2010 6:03 am. Mag: 4.6. Depth: 5 km. 30 km south-east of Darfield. Report: #eqnz /via @NZquake # blondetourage babes – me & @annacyzon #love #tiff10 #byard # look at these studs @strombo & @brockmclaughlin last night at the hazelton #tiff10 # OH "i'm actually afraid for tonight" #tiff10 # I feel like I am back in Uni. 24 hr party people. # Ha. @brockmclaughlin love that you used MY name to get in you little skid in reply to brockmclaughlin # Have the microphones ready, have the tracks ready, have drinks ready, have your outfits ready, have your jewelry ready … /via @kanyewest # we can do it!! /via @justinbieber # What day is it? Kill me now. #tiff10 # Last night was fuuuuuuun. Thanks @strombo baby! #

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