How To – Of the Day
How to Handle Fame “I handle fame by not being famous…I’m not famous to me.” Bob Marley Whether you’re a celebrity, a politician, a MySpace star, dating someone famous, a well-known author, and even if you look different in a small town, you might be uncomfortable with being recognized wherever you go.How do you preserve a good reputation while still maintaining your privacy?(Don’t be a Waste-Case!!) Be boring to the public. The best way to maintain the privacy of your private life is to bore people to tears. Unless you’re one of those people who believes that all publicity is good publicity, it’s better to become famous (and stay famous) through the merit of your work, not because of a rollercoaster relationship, an addiction, a surprise pregnancy, or a glamorous wedding. If you’re a naturally flamboyant or free-spirited person, it might be difficult to stifle that, and you need to decide how you’re going to strike a balance between uninhibited expression and privacy, which tend to be mutually exclusive when you’re famous. Go to major events solo. Even if you’re married, the fact that you’re there together is bound to result in personal, sometimes totally inappropriate questions like “When are you having a baby?” or “When are you having another?” or even “How is your sex life?” Also, if you’re always attending events as a couple, all it takes is one event when your schedules conflict and you don’t show up together, and everyone will presume your relationship is on the rocks. If you do ever split up, the last thing you want is people wondering where your date is–talk about salt in the wound! That being said, sometimes being consistently dateless can stir its own breed of gossip, depending on the context–a famous celebrity going solo is understandable; a…
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