Daily Twitter News for 2011-12-25
Waking up Mum's to the smell of coffee is magical. # I can hear Santa wrapping presents. # Social Media comics https://t.co/qidHKBRE # Thoughts: Is It Time To Abolish The Twitter Retweet Button? http://t.co/kSEq4FWQ via @zite # Five essential SaaS solutions no small business should be without http://t.co/mWA92BRi #seriously # DIY Color Oxford http://t.co/xIAtsU8E #fashion #shoes #goodidea # Yayo – who names a song that? And who wants to party http://t.co/s6ReiFt8 # Top 10 things to do in 2012 http://t.co/1rdXCMIP via @lonelyplanet #travel #adventure # Love bringing Mum clothes cause she does fashion show for me. It's the reverse from when I was a kid and always did that. So cute. # Together on this Christmas Eve 🙂 ILU JB! http://t.co/HbWW205N # Wow, miss this old car. It was at my house for YEARS (in the garage if you remember!). Huge Mickey Thomoson tires! http://t.co/kDBKeuwL # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/fwbNbCJ9 # Gosh, I love this time of year.: Been rushing like crazy the last few days. Have heaps to… http://t.co/sOrolJ7X # Snow! http://t.co/higFR8Fg # Copies! (@ Staples) http://t.co/GXU9S1wf # Shopping w/ Mum. She's so cute! (@ Winners) [pic]: http://t.co/joxW3a1r # I posted a new photo to Facebook http://t.co/SPINPOSm # Fire sale on trees $2!! Garland $.50! (@ Zehrs Markets w/ 2 others) [pic]: http://t.co/ySc6zebA # Galen influenced me. http://t.co/AkC9qyOt # Told Mum I will push the cart (so I can tweet!) # Thinking of you! http://t.co/aeQ10iY5 # Merry Christmas from Van Wilder 😉 http://t.co/i74ItE8l # We made them sort the Happy Meal toys so Mum could have the palm tree one and I could get the nerdy one. [pic]: http://t.co/kCpLDPhU # Video: Mum and I playing w/ toys at Maccas haha http://t.co/dfUHWylP # Weekend Tune: “Snow” from White Christmas: Happy merry everything everyone! Tis the season…
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