yesterday on twitter, this happened:
Tick tick tick, that's the sound of your life running out. #dexter # Omg #dexter Cut you. # I'm 983 votes ahead of the other #SauzaSin finalist – help me hit 1,000 by casting your vote now! /via @SauzaSin # Cute > Goodnight tweedos Xox /via @Sn00ki # WordPress To Be More Tumblr Like /via @courtneyengle # How Sarah Palin says "crevas" is funny "cre-vaaaas". Is that the right way? # If you have a pain in the back try laying on a frozen apple on the couch. Feels nice like a cool hard massage # Live well. Learn plenty. Laugh often. Love much. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson #quote /via @VROOMmedia # Congrats to Tina Fey on the Alaska show. Kinda serious buy still funny. # Forgot my BF Sandy Cohen from OC was in Centre Stage. Reason enought to watch right there. # I miss doing ballet and having long hair for a bun. # Full Moon starring Smith Jared. Full frontal. # Thanks for the Dexter deets. ILU guys! 😀 # What day is new Dexter on and what channel? # Can't take my mind off of you, can't take my mind, off of you…till I find someone new. #blowersdaughter # a web log entry > # Blogged: Kiwi model Jessica Clarke just shot the D&G campaign with Mario Testino HOLLA! /via @isaaclikes # I could never say no to this face. #closer # Wise words from Marc Jacobs in Vogue UK: "You can never please everyone, and I believe it's best not to." /via @LisaTant # Friends, where should I go for accupuncture in this city? # Closer is a good choice on #Netflix One of my favs + all good actors. # Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long…
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