yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Tick tick tick, that's the sound of your life running out. #dexter # Omg #dexter Cut you. # I'm 983 votes ahead of the other #SauzaSin finalist – help me hit 1,000 by casting your vote now! /via @SauzaSin # Cute > Goodnight tweedos Xox /via @Sn00ki # WordPress To Be More Tumblr Like /via @courtneyengle # How Sarah Palin says "crevas" is funny "cre-vaaaas". Is that the right way? # If you have a pain in the back try laying on a frozen apple on the couch. Feels nice like a cool hard massage # Live well. Learn plenty. Laugh often. Love much. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson #quote /via @VROOMmedia # Congrats to Tina Fey on the Alaska show. Kinda serious buy still funny. # Forgot my BF Sandy Cohen from OC was in Centre Stage. Reason enought to watch right there. # I miss doing ballet and having long hair for a bun. # Full Moon starring Smith Jared. Full frontal. # Thanks for the Dexter deets. ILU guys! 😀 # What day is new Dexter on and what channel? # Can't take my mind off of you, can't take my mind, off of you…till I find someone new. #blowersdaughter # a web log entry > # Blogged: Kiwi model Jessica Clarke just shot the D&G campaign with Mario Testino HOLLA! /via @isaaclikes # I could never say no to this face. #closer # Wise words from Marc Jacobs in Vogue UK: "You can never please everyone, and I believe it's best not to." /via @LisaTant # Friends, where should I go for accupuncture in this city? # Closer is a good choice on #Netflix One of my favs + all good actors. # Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Where are you guys? I can't see anything. (@ Toronto Fog w/ @_jsa @ngreene @jgrdnr) # what are you doing home on a friday night ? — hibernating # do you like your new job? — yes, my boss is so smart/good looking # how many tunes do ya hav in yer itunes? and what's ur… — like 200, using netbook and full library is on TB driv… # What do you value more time or money? — time. money comes and goes. # trapped sky high in condo by fog perhaps? # "for the record we are not a racist show" RT @nationalpost: Lake Shore creators apologize for anti-Semetic trailer # i love this fog. # Go to this > RT @lynsieroberts: The gallery tonight is at 684 College st, from 9pm-3am. # monkey jumping on bed # You seem really busy. Do you ever spend time reading books? — on ipad # What's the most you ever lost on a bet? — my dignity # What's ur favorite color???hhehe — greeeeeen. # omg today is le tired. nap time. # #tastemakers gifting lounge! (@ Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres) # Photo: this is awesome – colouring walla paper. # Photo: the truthest truth. # RT @adtgrg: Be the world you want to change – Not the Mahatma # htting up the #tastemakers gemini awards lounge today. yahoooooo. happy friday to me 🙂 # omg 300 photos last night. aaaaaaaaaah. # had a call w/ @virginamerica this morning friends…. you gonna likey what we got a cookin! #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Buncha babes in sequins! @raymitheminx blogtourage ftw! # Party time! @raymitheminx 10 year FTW! (@ Wrongbar) # somebody haz party dress on! # can you hear the horses cause here they comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # i love my blog. there i said it. it’s true and i’m not taking it back ever. true love <3 # if you are not making it to wrongbar for the awesome @raymitheminx party you should go see @morgan_c_ross at rivoli 🙂 # Today i tried on some great dresses at @ShopFY and the winner is…. # omg nick and sharon are getting married again. way to follow in your dad @victornewman‘s footsteps guy. # damn, i forgot to get eyelash glue. # this one’s for you miss # hai # Recognized by someone I don’t know on the street. Love when that happens 🙂 # Omg there are so many nice things here peeps. Think we found a @shopfy winner! # You will be happy to know that this morning, my room started gettin cleaned. Oh yeah. New leaf haha. # Heading to @shopfy for an outfit for @raymithemix huge bloggerama party. Look out style baby! Outfit pix coming soooooooon! #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

whoa rounding up #NZFW analytics. i blogged heaps and tweeted about it like 300 +. cripes! # Christmas Dinner for all the #Toronto Kiwi’s > Tickets here #kea # look for @itsbrownbarbie at the raps game tonight. she will be styling as usual. # i want christmas lights this year. not even big on christmas i just wants lights and candy canes ok. presents are ok too i guess. # i am so excited to meet @richardbranson in dallas december 1st. omg. # cooking up some awesome w/ @virginamerica… #provocateur #staytuned # do you know that on monday, someone in the fine city of #toronto is going to get a @virginamerica flight… #provocateur # Make your weekend jealous! @VirginAmerica wants to upgrade your Monday. Yahoooooo! > # a photo diary of my day # party ticket info is here > # our house is so bright. sunnies on. # making my media/cool blog friends list for @raymitheminx 10 year blog party. add you? # How long you reckon wait is? (@ Service Ontario) # Go go gadget solar charging phone. #walking #dying #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Who has new Windows phone? # College Champs on #Jeopardy tonight. # "What brings you happiness is meaning and purpose and contribution" @deepakchopra /via @shiralazar # Returning camera again & loving Christmas music (@ Best Buy) # If someone says something mean to you on the internet you should probably just ignore therm. # Is this the real life? # what companies have really great interactive facebook pages that you enjoying being involved with? anyone? anyone? bueller? /via @JulieGong # Lunch date /w my BF @raymitheminx (@ Boom Breakfast & Co. (College)) # Found a @downwithwebster button on streetcar. # lunch date w/ @raymitheminx today. # RT @laurenonizzle: Putting together a list of influential Canadian bloggers… Anyone I'd be remiss to omit? #bloggers #blogchat # Did you get your ticket to @raymitheminx 10 Year Anniversary Blog Party on Thursday? #gongshow #wrongbar # can't wait for vacation next month. oh man. # Serious deals on @nellabellabrand happening right now. Get a fancy bag like me! # say hellooooo to my little friend, WALDO! #ipad #hard # shit. just downloaded where's waldo for ipad. see you next spring! # RE: @turkuaz @advergirling oh cripes. you are good then! first one I saw was her but you were obvs on the ball & movin… # Photo: snap snap! love this roller girl # been practicing Florence And The Machine, Dog Days Are Over for karaoke. not bad at all. # yesterday's @virginamerica winner was @rochlatinsky but really, we're all winners here! # Now I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? # Photo: › Missing Unicorn… Reward # Photo: a picture for you # makeup styling.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Oh that @KFUCKINGP is so charming. # Dexter has a guuuuuurrrrrrrrlfriend. # Haha “@Dan_L: @laurenonizzle when will women & #cosmo get it. There’s NO SECRET to male arousal.” # Holy shit Nick Newman, do that to me please? #yandr # Photo: love her # Photo: ring like @keriblog # Photo: › @@circlespex? # Photo: heart on # Photo: fuckyeahladygaga: # Headache. Please go away. Thank you 🙂 # Can’t wait to see what @VictorNewman is gonna get up to today. # i am so excited for next month. dallas, boston and a week in san juan and a week in LA. omgizzzzzzzzzle! # omg my camera flash is broken. good thing i got that damn warranty. returning it for the second time! # The random @virginamerica #flightclub winner at Finch Station is @rochlatinsky!! # Who is gonna get thew @virginamerica flight today? I’m excited. #flightclub # I feel like Marla #flightclub # You better have your signs ready I want a warm welcome. Getting out of subway car soon. Look for Virgins. #flightclub # look for the virgins. i’ll be with a pack. #flightclub #

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