you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls

Met Louis Lautman last night at Notable TV’s premiere of The YES Movie. I asked him to tell you about the movie since it’s his movie [see video]. He said it’s kinda like The Secret on steroids meets MTV. Would really like to know if the young peeps in the movie have blogs, Tweet etc.  Also, making lotsa money like that, these kids should be rocking serious style/designer shit.  Was surprised at the style, I expected more savy! Watched part of the movie today. Couldn’t make it last night, stopped by to see Raymi before #genyto #canLit. Nice guy, very tall and says ‘theater’ with an accent. He started the Young Entrepreneur Society, so naturally  I chatted him about entrepreneurship. I’m really into the big E. I firmly believe and know I can have anything I want , this is my life. He also told me he didn’t know how to spell ‘entrepreneurship’ for a long time, said lots of people have trouble with it. I’ve never had that problem. I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge when I was 15 for starting a publishing company. Little did I know then I’d become a modern daily internet  daily social publisher.  I spend lotsa my time going to these events, Tweetups, Genyto, etc these babies are really all about a crowd, a crown full of entrepreneurial thinkers. Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. B.Franklin Watched one of Lou’s (can I call you Lou?) video on the YES Ning network and it was about internship and inspiring. I always wanted to intern somewhere really cool but those days passed. In the year 2000 I worked work at a marketing company sorting catalogs for the summer.  Boring. Really excited to be mentoring about 6 girls from PR at Humber College.…

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synchronized speed scating vs. skating

Is that a spelling error? Hm. Funny. It went like this…Olympics, two blondes, blogging,  bonging, thinking about new sport ideas.  Me typing ” synchronized speed skating,” and typing “synchronized speed scating” by accident. We DIED laughing. So funny.  Haha. I wish I could type as fast as I think sometimes…you wouldn’t believe some of the things that come outta my brain. I just typed “thongs” instead of things right thurrr. Lesson to be learned. Check your stuff before you post. There’s nothing worse than someone Tweeting/emailing/commenting/calling you to say you made an error. Hate that. Went for a stroll this morning in tights and my jacket. No pants. It was surprisingly mild out!

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you wanna score? i wanna score too!

My BFF’s & babes that run the infamous Bridle Bash & Bridle Bash Foundation are bringing celebs together tonight for Cabbie’s Annual Celebrity Ping Pong Tourney.  Remember the last Bridle Bash when we made society page of the Globe? It was wild.  I’ll be there with web celeb Carol Zara causing trouble, as usual. Wanna come? You can try & RSVP. I heard Drake is gonna be there as well as all kinds of other sporty types.   I  won’t know who’s who cause I never watch sports but that makes it even more fun. Hazaaa! Have a good day, Happy THURSDAY!

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it’s a beautiful say in the neighbourhood

Tweeted the pic to @blogTo yesterday morning and voila….now this is popular media! Toronto Star! Snoetry, graffiti in the snow…beat that Banksy.

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believe in your self, dedication and discipline

This article was in the Toronto Metro yesterday & written by Rea McNamara. If you click on it you can read it  easier (Mum/Dad/friends).  I’ve worked really hard the last couple years on this whole social media thing. SO MANY late nights at home alone  with my computer, fiddling around with blog posts, learning HTML, installing/fixing wordpress plugins, editing photos and more. I’ve got over 21,000 tweets for christs sake, that’s a big time investment right there. Building a brand online takes work,  it takes work every single day whether you are building it for personal or business use. You just gotta stick at it. One of the best things I learned from my Mum is “just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t compete, it just means you have to be more creative“. Creativity & determination don’t cost anything, yet they have gotten me further than anything else.  All the social media sites I use are FREE. I use them often and yes, it takes up lots of my time but THAT has been my investment. It’s also how I got one of the coolest jobs ever. Thank you for the feedback & positive comments. I love hearing from you. Got some great messages from people lately that inspire me to stick at it when sometimes I don’t feel like internetting. April 27th is my blog’s birthday and I think it deserves a party.

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notabletv: hot babes tweeting

Last Thursday, I was one of about 100 people chosen to attend an exclusive event hosted by Notable TV. Good fun, great food, cool crowd, babes. Can’t ask for much more than that. You know these blog stars, Sean Ward & Carly. Blonde blogging babes, Carly, Lysnie, Casie, sounds so cute to me. I love Carly’s pink/blonde and Lynsie’s grey/blonde style. I’ve been thinking about grey with orange or pink or peach. Have never had orange/grey before, not on purpose at least. My hand looks really large to me here for some reason. I have small little hands like kid size .  I’m never posing with my glass like that ever again. Take note. Papapparazzi on these boys! If you come to this part, you will get your picture taken/be on camera. There is no way to avoid it unless you wear a mask. We were at Annex Loft Houses, Bathurst/Dupont and the night was called Nuit D’azure. The Loft House site plays automatic music when you go to it so I am not linking to it, pissed off at them for that.  I will also never buy a condo from them based on that single first impression in the 0.3 seconds it took the site to load. The crowd was fun and included all kinds of familiar faces to me. Sean Ward made this vid. I’m so freaking happy Sean and Carly had their cameras, I went back and redid this whole post. Makes a better loooking blog, my Milestone photos were subpar compared to power of a real camera. Catering by The Food Dudes, mme tell you, them boys make some tasty treats. Braised lamb with goat  cheese on a little crostini and beet bruschetta, amazing. I’ve been attending Notable events since Julian Brass launched around this time last year.…

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hot nerd takeover

OFFICIAL impact of  #haihaiTO event: $22,030! #HaiHaiTO + #GenYTO = AWESOME! Party was stellar.Tons of people were there, if you weren’t… be sad for a second then make sure you come to the next one! I was busy selling raffle tix and didn’t bring camera so good thing Sophie got pix. I also find the Flash on my new Motorola Droid isn’t that bright anyways. BTW, I’ve got a reputation for selling mad tickets and I lived up to it big time. Hire me for your next party! haha Skip to :40 in this video where the guy come off the stage and dances with me. I’m ok with it until he dances UP ON ME. I felt his “you know what” rub on me and all of a sudden I was MAD embarrassed. SO many cool peeps and so much fun. We danced our asses off like it was a highschool dance. It was amazing. I met a heap of peeps IRL (in real life) that I only knew from Twitter. So good to put the actual person to the face/name/voice. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a success. Will letcha know when the next GenyTO is.

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party with TO’s coolest peeps? obviously.

I’m inviting you to come out and party with me and a whole slew of TO’s coolest, nerdiest, smartest and best looking people who love social media being social.  This is the Feb. 2010 edition of #GenyTO and we’ve partnered with #HoHOTO to form #haihaiTO. Gosh darnit, just saying that sounds fun! Lots of people are chatting about it, look right here for proof. We’re donating proceeds to those poor folks in Haiti. You think the snow here is bad? HA! Imagine your whole house and life in rubble with no place to go. Ya, doesn’t seem so cold out now does it? HaiHaiTO is TOMORROW, Thursday, February 11 starting at 7 p.m. at the Courthouse, 57 Adelaide Street East. Lets have a fun night and do some good while we’re at it. I’ll be there early, like 7ish. If you’re not in TO but wanna be, buy a ticket just for fun because giving feels so good inside. Get your tickets here and NOW!

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TGIF: OMFG, we got a situation on our hands!

Twitter: Twitter is really where I turn for trusted answers, before Google, can you believe that?! Jeff cracked his iphone screen and I found out just how to handle it right there in like 2 seconds. If  you’re ever bored, go read mine, it’s a 24/7 source of entertainment. Google: Three words: GYM. TANNING. LAUNDRY. Tomorrow night Nat got a booth at Wetbar and Bre , Michelle, I are gonna beat up the beat baby with Mike “the situation” and DJ Pauly D. OMFG. Look out. Internet: Saw this on our lovely little MuchMusic blog, Ke$ha and some friends hijacked the Hollywood sign. Amazing.  I wanna do that one day! FTW! Facebook: Urbandictionary Week:  look up your name & post in status. This is mine…can you believe it? Hahah. Casie: A Very Sexy Woman, Who is very nice to everyone and always knows the right thing to do. She always makes people have the most amazing feeling in the world regardless of how they are feeling in the first place. “Casie is the most amazing girl in the world” Happy Friday.  Make it a good one tonight!

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OH: stop marketing, start engaging

First of all, OH = Overheard on Twitter. I layered my tights today as you can see, it’s the perfect way to incorporate fishnets into a cold winter day. Looking forward to trying it with my red guys. I overheard this phrase last night at a session for Social Media Week Toronto held by Scott Stratton. He runs  a company called Unmarketing, he’s  someone I look up to in the world of social media marketing, this guy really ‘gets it’. I met Scott about this time last year and he’s grown to over 47,000 twitter followers since then. He’s got a book deal now and the tag line for the book and his whole thing is “stop marketing, start engaging“. I learned a heap of stuff last night that’s gonna help me in my job at MuchMTV as well as furthering my own personal brand. Here are some interesting stats for you: There’s more crazy where this came from but, I shall save it for another day!

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