bono sang me to sleep last night

The U2 concert was loud enough to hear distant vocals and the buzz  of the crowd cheering from my bedroom.  Took some pain medicine and passed out. It was only the second time the roof has been open for a concert ever. I taked to a guy the other day about the shape of the roof and how the sky done was built. He mentioned this really cool flat roof he was working on. I ove how rain sounds on a metal roof. The tower was lit up to match the show. Bet those were some pricey Concert Tickets to get. Some rad aerial photos from the show here.  I finally got a good sleep and woke up in less pain than the day before. The future is bright! I read an interesting post today from Erin on the Sprouter blog.  I’ve been getting emails and calls from friends not yet using this stuff saying “Casie, I need to  set up Twitter/Blog stuff  for my business.  Help me, help me”. The thing is, just setting up a Twitter account or blog is not going to generate a presence online, save your brand or make you money. Social media is more than just being online, it really is about being social. You gotta put yourself out there (and stay out there) online AND offline to get the social media results you’re looking for. Like everything else, it takes work. I apologize on behalf of Kanye the Douche, he interrupted my site yesterday. Yours too? Urgh, that guy,  SO annoying. I came in to the office to see Mum had sent me a email with a Health Warning. I assumed it was serious and then…oh Mum, so funny! p.s. Entertaining stuff on my Tumblr & Borderline Artistic blogs and my Twitter stream…

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the process of changing apples to oranges

I wake up. Twist and scream. I think, why me? Sometimes live throws you curve balls. You can catch it. Pain, I can handle it. X-ray day today. Most people don’t like the doctor but it helps when he’s young and handsome like mine. I’m grateful for the friends/family who have been helping me. I’m thankful for Mum. I rung her so upset this morning and she saved the day. She made me feel better. Then I remembered it’s her birthday. I felt horrible. Finally did some laundry. I got flowers last night from the house where I fell. They’re beautiful. Getting read to go now. I can do this. It’s gonna be ok. Positive thinking. I just read over your Billie Jean King quote about achieving your dreams, Mum.  The one in the frame. Thank you. I love you.

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garage sale vintage steal

One time Jenie and I went out to a fashion party and we decided to wear these vintage dresses from the 1950’s. Mum snagged then at a garage sale. Probably from an old lady. It was awesome wearing them. We both felt so elegant while the other girls wore mall clothes.  It was our debut and the first time they were out in over 20 years. We were a hit! Thanks Mum!

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the young and the restless

I wanted to wear the dress for ages. It’s so cute but short. Mum brought it back from the homeland a couple months ago. She made it when she was about 16 and Nana had it.  Raymi had this hat in her purse. Good one. I haven’t done a sneek attack like that in ages. I loved it. Recognize same face…haha. Lots of cool peeps were at the Notable TV party. We were all celebrating them being named Top 5 Emerging Digital Brands in Canada for 2009. Nice to see a bunch of bloggers. Love that too. Talia was looking hot! Her Sunshine girl photo is here. If you never saw mine from 2001, it’s here. I have a heap of photos from the night here.  Nice Raymi and Reado. Was a fun party. Marben is packed on Thursdays. It’s nice to run into so many familiar faces in one little local spot. Vaneska was DJ and the music was  rad. Danced a bit around the vodka table. Mostly chair dancing as not to spill drink, fall or get a bruise from the table. some of  the club clothes you were mentioning Before we went there was an unfortunate accident when I opened the freezer door and a vodka fell out and smashed on the clen kitchen floor. Smashed. Full bottle. SO accident prone. Got a battle would cleaning up the glass. Thank goodness boyscout had bandaids. Congrats to Julian and NotableTV. SO happy it’s the weekend. Staying way from Caribana crowds. I used to go when I was a teenager but I don’t like it anymore. Bring on the sunshine!

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you’ve won an all inclusive vacation to balconia

Nice outside today. I had a teacher in college that said he was spending the summer in beautiful Balconia and I  assumed it was somewhere in Europe. Nope, Blaconia = balcony, as in your own. It’s a more mod and exotic way to say the now popular term ‘staycation’. These are something things in my room I like a lot. Natalie Dee = favorite comic. She’s a riot. She posts new ones everyday. I have heaps of hers saved to look at later. This is a good one. One of my first blog stickers is on the bottom. One of my most favorite photos us us girls. It was in the back yard at Mum’s one summer. It’s been ages since I went home. I reckon i’m due. We used to have this Zen page-a-day calendar at home back in the 1990’s.  I always really like the Shakespeare ones.

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my two mums

When I was growing up Mum had a best friend named Pat Hope. They’re still best friends. They lived around the corner from us. Pat only had one son but no daughters. To us, she was like a fairy god mother. She was our second mum. She would pick up girly things on her travels like jewelry and dresses. She always had sweet treats with her. She had a room full of bunny things. She dressed beautifully and had great style. Her house was always beautiful and decorated better than any other…for every occasion. She would host elegant dinner parties with a long list of guests. Snacks on every table.  She rules, my second mum. They came to visit Jenie and I after work. Was excited to show Mum new comp and helmet. She was really happy. Had some wine and chatted while the Y&R was on. Found out today that it was Dad that got Mum into watching it before I was born. Dad picked my name from the show. Casey was Nikki Newman’s sister, a hot doctor. It’s great having them over for a visit. Thanks for making the trip guys. Love you!

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