Happy Halloween weirdos! I wasn’t really feeling in the ‘spirits this morning but Sean asked what I was dressing up as so I started into a ‘little’ Halloween lewk. Well, about 45 minutes and huge coffee later, VOILA! This haunting creeper was born out of a desire to make a cute skellie with pink and sparkles. I love looking like this so much. I also really adore this wig (from Amazon) and will likley wear it more just for fun. BTW, superzoom in Instagram is so much fun. See video below.  I tried it out finally. I’ve been a but quiet the last couple days dealing with some family things but I’m a-ok. I’m working on a HUGE adventure for December and I want to tell you about it so bad but it must wait. Be safe out there and let your freak flag fly! A post shared by CASIE |Writer Speaker Director (@casiestewart) on Oct 31, 2017 at 8:06am PDT Not sure what my plan is for tonight after handing out candy but I’ll be creepin’ it real all day!    

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Got Your Halloween Face On? Wash It Off with This!

Fake blood, cheap spray on hair colour (I’m wearing purple today), copious amounts of dark eyeshadow…whatever you might be putting on your face, you wanna make sure you’re lookin’ fresh tomorrow without remnants of gunk on your hair or skin. I’ve been using Dermologica products for a while now and shared a few favs the other week (here). I highly recommend picking up  Dermologica Precleanse to get yourself ready for a new month tomorrow. It’s gentle on your skin, hydrating, and really gets the gunk out. I’ve had blood, liquid latex, dark black makeup, sparkles, and more on me this month and nothing is as lovely on your skin as this. Pick up some at Shoppers or your fav drug store or visit for future reference. Halloween Face? No Problemo! Red hairspray, glitter gel, Dracula hair paste? Apply to dry hair, emulsify, rinse and shampoo. False lashes? Precleanse is excellent for removing lash glue. Precleanse removes stick-on tattoos.  Eyeliner or dark circles, no problem! White paste all over your face (or your children’s) – don’t go to bed looking like a ghost! Fake Blood? A few drops will do the trick.  Walked past a kids costume parade at lunch in my giraffe costume and it was so awesome. We wished each other HAPPY HALLOWEEN with smiles and waves. Super cute!  Painted the EmBot like a fairy princess. Can’t WAIT to trick or treating tonight. So cute. Best costume of the day! Scary Sury! Last night’s makeup! These guys (girls?) are gonna need some help getting that gunk off. Some tunes for tonight that aren’t super cheeeeezy old halloween jamz. Enjoy! Please be safe out there if going trick or treating or partying. You never know what golbins & ghouls you’ll run into! <3 CASIE

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PARTY GIRAFFE BABY! Every day I’m shuf-f-f-lin’! MOOHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. Me later during trick or treat. HAVE AN AWESOME DAY! <3 CASIE  

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We Wouldn’t Be Seen Dead Here in The Day

Another night another costume! Brock, Lozzie and I went to the Rue Morgue/Netflix Canada party at Courthouse. It was SO GOOD. I have never been to a Halloween party with so many ahhhhhhmazing costumes. Honestly, there were heaps. I saw a few peeps that didn’t recognize me until I started talking to their face. I love Halloween so much. I am not a religious person but if there is one thing that I practice, it’s Halloween! It’s at least a week-long celebration every year. Roxy, Lauren, Becca There was some craaaaaaazy stuff happening at the Rue Morgue party. This girl above was getting tortured. The girl below had a glass box put on her head then it was filled with bugs while she was tied to a chair. No escape/terrifying. Another girl had REAL leeches stuck to her body then ripped off. Scary! SIMPSONS FAMILY. He actually had sound bites in his costume. He made the finals. I ain’t ‘fraid no ghost. Brockbusters! Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where the day is a bank holiday. The celebration takes place on October 31, November 1 and November 2, in connection with the Christian triduum of Hallowmas: All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.[1][2] We were going to the ladies room and this huge guy in a straight jacket and chains ran at us. I was terrified and actually scurried to hide behind something. It was so creepy. He was locked in a cage the rest of the night. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. SHARKNADOOOOOOOO! MILEYYYYY. Tim Horton’s Hallowselfie. So Canadian. — GORE-n HallO’wNizzle (@laurenonizzle) October 26, 2013 Family…

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Gettin’ Freeky Tonight at Screemers

Heading to Screemers, Canada’s #1 indoor haunted attraction tonight to visit SIX haunted houses with Brock, Lauren and crew. I can’t wait! Nothing like a good SCARE! Last year was so much fun. We got to go backstage and be part of the production. Check out this vid on Coral TV for a little creepy recap!   Est-ce que tu as peur des méchants esprits ? Ô monsieur, oui, oui, oui, oui ! C’est l’Halloween, c’est l’Halloween hey, C’est l’Halloween, c’est l’Halloween! (The greatest Halloween song ever! Grade 1 French FTW!) We’re all dressing up tonight too! I love this time of year FEAR! <3 CASIE Buy Fluoxetine Buy Levitra Professional Buy Topamax Buy Wellbutrin

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