this one time, i tried to vacuum…

I’ve never owned a vacuum but I do like vacuuming. I got sent this totally rad unit recently, LG Kompressor. In the handy kit from LG was this rug, dirt, coffee, cheerios and cardboard pieces so I could make a mess and clean it up to test how great the unit was. Well, I thought it was a crazy awesome idea to be all home shopping network and show you how good I am at that kind of thing. Yeah, not so much. So I set it up like this. Then this happened…watch with amazement and enjoy the music. No really, enojy the music. So, I got dirt and stuff all over the rug AND our carpet. I do not recommend trying to vacuum piles of coffee, dirt, cheerios and cardboard AT THE SAME TIME. Otherwise, the unit is lovely. Quiet and sucks really hard. Haha.

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tiff day 3: movie premiere + tiredness = night in

I managed to make it to a movie premiere last night but wasn’t up for the party scene. I have a busy day Sunday so trying not to burn myself out. Movie I saw was Client 9: The Rise & Fall of Eliot Spitzer. I was given tickets by Cadillac Festival Insider. Might actually be the only movie I get to. Hah, I know it’s Film Fest but for me it is more like party fest. The movie was well done, a doc about Eliot and his sex scandal. Liked it. Interesting, crazy how much escorts make and what people pay for sex. I don’t even want to get started talking about it. Blows my mind. I have no idea what I am going to wear out today. I got a HUGE box of tights from Secret  & Jockey yesterday. Like huge. There are about 20 pairs all different colours and styles. Totes one of the very bestest things I could get considering I NEVER wear pants. If you catch me in jeans it is a RARE ocassion. I would say it happens about 10-20 times a year. Seriously. Today’s agenda isto attend an afternoon Tea Party at The Red Tea Box for an Australian movie called Jucy. After that I’m going to a house party hosted by Vitamin Water for  “Into the Wind”, the Terry Fox documentary directed by Steve Nash. Should be pretty packed with cool people. Here’s the trailer: What are YOU doing today? 🙂 p.s. If you see this shirt anywhere. I NEED IT!

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TIFF day two: apparently somebody is famous

Oh man. Was in bed all day today. I need to rest. I am almost Tiff’d out. Premiere tonight thanks the lovely Cadillac Insider. Going to see CLIENT 9 The rise and fall of Eliot Spitzer. Have to go get my tickets but I don’t want to go outside yet. It sounds windy. Not as sunny today. Yesterday was an awesome day, an awesomely looooong day. Yorkville all day Tastmakers Gifting Lounge for  nails done, makeup and more. Thanks for the presents guys! That neighbourhood is growing on me, could also be that it is Film Fest so buzzing. Joe Fresh makeup is really nice. My lipstick didn’t leave marks when kissing cheeks of all the zillion people I saw throughout the day. Diesel Lounge for lunch on the patio and a mini photo shoot with hot NY photog Raphael Mazzucco. He is apparently a pretty big deal, shooting covers of Time, Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret. Can’t wait to get those photos. He was also very good looking;  tall, long hair, charming. Went to Vitamin Water Backyard Social. Was fun. Did this interview with O’Nizz and had my phototaken heaps. I could really get used to this kinda stuff. Met a few peeps that made a point to come say hi and were really happy to meet me for the first time. HI GUYS! Vitamin Water party had a great bar, top shelf selection. Food was good too. Everyone was on Twitter which was fun. Hardly took any pics of my own. This is Blondetourage member, singer/actress and also ex-MTV babe Anna Cyzon. We in love, she has a great look eh. Blonde Jovi. haha Went to private secret location roof thing on King Street after with some friends then home to change for the CBC party at the…

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Fake Ads V1.0: Givenchy Play for Women

Photos by Lynsie Roberts Remember last year when I posted about Givenchy Play? I kept the men’s cologne cause it smelled sooooo good. I still wear it sometimes. Last week a gift bag arrived from Givenchy with Play for Women. Lynsie and I decided to have a little fun the other day, she took these pix of me with the bottle.  The bottle is pretty neat ,it’s not made out of glass so good for taking on the road or keeping in your purse. You can smell it on myself or Lynsie before you can get it at the Bay next month. I love having my photo taken. It’s been a while since I actually modelled and it’s fun and not nearly as easy as it looks. I’ve  got a new vacuum arriving soon (hopefully this week). We’ll be doing some fake ads for that one too. Housewife in the kitchen? Yes, with vintage apron. Have something you wanna send in? Email me and I’ll give you the shipping address 🙂

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hardly no service for two days + didn’t internet

But it was fun. Seeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Exhausted from a whole day on the bus with the Bud gurlz. Sweet thangs they are. (HIIIIII to you if you are reading girls!)  Everyone was super nice and fun especially the security and event staff. One employee girl was bit snooty but I reckon it’s because I got an outfit and didn’t wear it. Yay me! I’m wearing it NOW as I BLOG. 🙂 Overall, we had a fun time. The food was pretty good too. Nice getting there before all the boys arrived on Friday. There were so many boys. About 150 winners each with a plus 1.  Watching them get off the bus and come down the gaultlet past the girls was charming. I missed the internet but not as much as I thought. Wilderness was pretty nice. Fresh air, stars, woodchips and fire. We stayed offsite at a house with full bathroom and tv which was great. Freaked out over chipmunks. I though I liked them, but no. They are cute from far but far from cute. Rascals, all nut eating and scurrying and stuff. They  need to have mobile charging stations at these type of things. The cabin stayers had no outlets. None!! I hardly had phone service and couldn’t checkin on foursquare.  Wahhhh. Chatted a dude about getting the mayorship but my phone was not playing nice so he got it. Learned for about $5,000 per carrier you can get a temp tower put up. That would be badass, wifi for everyone. WordPress mobile, twitter, facebook and posting via email to tumblr FTW. Talk nerdy to me. Lots happening this week, looking forward to it.  Tweetgasm at the Gladstone Melody Bar Monday night and GenYTO Thursday at the Tap House. Also The Virgin contest is over in 9 days…

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#WarpedTour: guest post by @jordanrachael feat @lights @taylormomsen @OfficialAAR

Earlier this summer I sent two people as Casie Stewart Brand Ambassadors to Vans Warped Tour – Mike Albertini & Jordan Rachel. I gave them all access media & back stage. I asked Jordan to write about her experience & here it is. I’m Jordan, reporting for … Van’s Warped Tour 2010. The Van’s Warped Tour is known to have one of the biggest set lists for any concert, with 70+ bands appearing at our hometown Toronto date, there was no shortage of genres represented. From the smooth poppy vocals of newly acclaimed Mike Posner, to the grungy rock sound of Taylor Momsen’s band The Pretty Reckless, fans of all kind gathered to see their favourite bands.I had the opportunity to get all access, backstage, media access with my partner in crime Michael Albertini. One of the first things Mike and I saw was a pretty tough looking dude sporting a “F**K JUSTIN BEIBER” tshirt.. (yes, spelt like that). From then on, we knew that this day would be one for the history books. The first artist we knew we had to see was Mike Posner, and as I suspected, with him came along a following of loyal fangirls. Although fairly new to the scene, or at least to my knowledge of him, he’s had a pretty steady crowd goin’ on. I guess that hit “Cooler Than Me” has really caught on! Soon after, we hit a few other bands such as The Cab, and The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band (They were insane!!!) Then it was time for The Pretty Reckless, and most importantly for us: T.MOM! Not gonna lie, I have been a big fan of Gossip Girl for a while now, but let me tell you I have now seen Lil’ J in a whole new light… and I loved it! She had…

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