Got a new camera today! Say helloooo to my new  SPROCKET ROCKET! Flash has my middle name. 🙂 Pretty stoked to shoot with this baby, gonna be interesting. The Lomography shop Queen West invited me in to be on one of their Lomo Magazine LomoAmigos. GRACIAS! Other Amigos include Elijah Wood, surfer Candice O´Donnell, actress Amber Tamblyn, and David Arquette. See them here. They have so many cameras in the shop. Beautiful space, nice hard wood floor. I want a ring, camera flash light ring. I picked the black one of these (boring I know!). Thought about the neon yellow but I like my equipment to match.  TBH, it’s HARD to take photos with a non-digital. I told Jane at the shop “I’m about to find out how ‘good’ of a photographer I am”. I’m going for Borderline Artistic style, we’ll see what we get. These (blog) photos were taken w/ phone cam, Motorola DEFY. Went mobile for a change this morning. Cruisin’ on bike in the rain isn’t really time for the PEN. Took a bunch of shots during the day with the Rocket, gonna drop off my film tomorrow and see how we turn out with the first round. Wish me luck!

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this is how you get driving muscles

Remember my comic about driving muscles? This is how I got them! Vrooooooom!

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something really special (about my bed)

Got something really, really neat in the mail yesterday. Any guesses? A cape? A toga outfit? Nope… Au Lit Fine Linens sent me 100% Egyptian Cotton Linens with MY NAME ON THEM! Did I ever have a great sleep last night. In August they have a White Sale: UP TO 50% OFF entire store! Downtown stores are: Au Lit Fine Linens: 2049 Yonge Street, Toronto Au Lit Outlet: 2045 Yonge Street, Toronto (Great deals) LIV by Au Lit: 418 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto (Home & Fashion) In other news… These are the old Docs I took back the other day. See the eyes on the front are not attached to the actual shoe? Docs don’t wear out that often but (if you have been reading this blog for a while) you know I am hard on things. I put everything through the “Casie Stewart: this is my life” test which is heaps of use and lots of wear. I’m REALLY great at testing products, especially electronics & clothes. (HINTY HINT) The things about Docs is they last forever. The shop on Queen Street kindly replaced my pair with a shiny new set of boots. When Fall rolls around I’ll be rockin’ them with that sexy leather jacket I picked up from Holts during the Crystal Light Challenge.   Tonight I’m staying at the SOHO Hotel with a friend courtesy of Jaunt.ca and tomorrow Keri and I are doing the Volkswagen Driving Tour. I’m gonna zip around in a TDI. Vroooooooooooooooom.  Gonna be a great weekend! Happy FRIDAY!       * Dr. Martens didn’t ask me to write this. I just LOVE THEM! ALWAYS WILL XOXO    

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so many girls on one bus when we went to bud camp

Saw the Busweiser rig at the Indy today. This thing turns into a truck and drives across Canada going to fun places. I went to Bud Camp last year. It was so much fun. Drove up on the Bud Bus with Carly & the Bud Girls.

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welcome to the races

I would like to take this for a drive please, boys. Ladies Day at the races. Ok not really, We had fun though. Beautif Keri played a Playbook. This guy was Facebooking. Nice outfit, great hat. The sign in the back POWER-PLAYA. Smiles all around. Canadian hot shot driver Paul Tracy in blue. His website needs a makeover. Look at that stack of photos to autograph. The line was hours to get to him. So many people waiting. The front of the line winds around again further than you can see. Crazy. There was no sign of Danika Patrick. I wish. Who would you wait that long for? I can’t think of anyone. Something else I saw today is this posted by Tony.  A guy named Erik Shveima draws the LA Times, everyday.

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today in blog news – i updated!

I updated to the new WordPress 3.2. The way it looks when I type before I publish is a bit different, I hear there are a few other new things too. It’s more like writing a document now. I feel like a reporter. I am reporting life of/on/in the internet. eTalk called me a Social Media Expert last night.  No argument.  I’m happy with how it went. Will post soon for Mum & anyone else outside Canada or doesn’t have TV.  The host Ben referred to me as “Stewart” and after calling me “famed blogger” they put my site on screen National TV. HI CANADA! I was using webOS on a new HP tablet. A bunch of people were them at an HP Blogger event last night.  I am still using iPad. My friend the CellGuru thinks I’ll learn to love HP’s TouchPad better. I dunno, we’ll see. Y’all know Andy is my iPad boyfriend.  One of the reasons I love him is because he has so many apps. We have heaps of fun together on Flipboard, Twitter, signing Autographs, watching Netflix, playing games. I can’t see myself without him and I don’t know if I’m ready to date anyone else. I’m planning to clean my desk this weekend. I do not like having a messy work area. It clouds my head trapping my thoughts from getting through my fingers to the screen. I’ve been saving these gifts to treat myself. These need to be dealt with. These need to be played with. Tonight I’m heading to the Spoke Club for Mark’s fall preview. Picked out some really great items from Mark’s last year before I went to NZFW. Impressed with how well they’ve washed, worn & stood up to my busy lifestyle. Remember: You are younger today than you will ever…

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