And by numbers… I mean Pemberton & Plashkes, the creators of Art Battle. Their numbered shirts equal seventeen. Eight is my fav number, I have one tattooed on my right arm. If you have never been to Art Battle, follow them on Twitter here and stay tuned for the next one. It’s one of the most awesome things that happens in this wonderful city. Competitive painting for the WIN. Paint pr0n. THIS is how you do event shirts. These babies were all up for grabs. Painted that night, silent auction. I really liked this one. Bid was $150, I didn’t go for it. Jack will always be in our thoughts. The ones without bids are DESTROYED. See video here. Hello new friend blog fan, Twitter peep. (Please tell me your Twitter if/when you see this!) Queen West art hipster types in full force. You can tell there are deep thoughts going on here and I like it. Smart, arty & handsome. Winning combo 😉 Painting in the final round. Counting up the votes. Simon & the winner of the Art Battle 17 David McKenzie. David & his is final painting. “Let’s destroy some paintings” Paint on the clothes is a good style I reckon. Maybe some for me next time? I like to paint too. Some serious talent at these things. I know for sure you will enjoy yourself. I’ll keep you posted on the next one.
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