Cottage Life | Video + Wood, Boats, Dock, A Fall Beard

[youtube id=”uEihYSAjbKA”] This weekend we did a few big jobs involved with closing up the cottage. On thanksgiving morning we took the big boat out of the water (which involved me driving the truck with big trailer attached). Add that to my skills! Once the boat was away we stacked HEAPS of wood. Skills include driving truck w/ massive trailer. — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) October 12, 2015 Was pretty exhausted after so Sean and I took a break and I did a festive thanksgiving take on the ‘flower beard’ we did in Calgary this summer. So cute. We stacked HEAPS of wood. It’s was big job but the weather was nice, worked up quite a sweat. Last task of the day was taking out the other small boat and the dock. We put on wetsuits and went for it. I think we were both surprised we did it by ourselves (and my strength!). Sean is strong, my muscles are not as good for heavy lifting. Over the winter I’m planning to work on my editing skills so I can make more + better videos. I would love if you subscribe! Kowing you’re subscribed motivates me to work harder and produce more entertaining things for you. I’ve also signed up for Skillshare, if you use this link you can sign up for a free month. I figure this year I should learn some new skills/perfect old ones instead of just sitting on the couch or Netflix & chilling. 😛

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☀️ self-pres·er·va·tion + re·lax·a·tion ☀️ 

Beautiful day for a boat ride on the lake. Kawartha ice cream, magazines. Relaxation station for preservation. Cottage life. ?     

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You may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one

Good morning and happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend. I just discovered that a Muskoka chair makes a great work desk. More of these in offices!  Sitting on the deck, looking out to the lake, catching up on emails, and writing this message to the world. Had a very relaxing weekend and plan for a very relaxing week. We’ve got some work to do around the cottage and I’ve got plans to work on a few internetty things I’ve been putting off. It took me a day to get out of city mode but now, I’m ready. Listening to the ultimate cottage summer station, 104.1 The Dock. ‘Imagine’ by John Lennon just came on. 🙂 You may say I’m a dreamer, But I’m not the only one I’ll try to space out all my #cottagelife posts with other things so it’s not overload (this is for you and me haha). I’m about to go out on the kayak and stare into the horizon… Here’s to a great week! <3 CASIE

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Long Weekend: #TasteLife + @Contiki Contests for You!

I can’t wait to be up at the cottage tomorrow. Last night I slept for about 10 hours and when I woke up it was like I had been in a coma and was still tired. This week has really tuckered me out! I’ve got a friends birthday after work then we are heading out tomorrow. My long weekend plans include sitting, sleeping, cruising the lake in the kayak, and more sitting. I’ve been working with Yellowtail Wines this summer to promote their Taste Life contest. This week’s prize is an iPhone5 and a picnic basket set and all you have to do it tag your Instagram posts w/ #TASTELIFE to enter. So, do something fun, soak up some sun, and tag your photos! For contest R&R or to see all the available prizes go here. My friends at Contiki are running a contest w/ Nuvango for the next 24 hours and you can win the goodies below. All you have to do is like and comment on the post below. So, visit their FB here to win! Post by Contiki Holidays. Here’s to a great long weekend! No matter where you are in the world or what you are doing, remember you will never be younger than you are today so make the most of it. Ok? With love, CASIE

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#Muskoka: Life For Me Is A Riverboat Fantasy

Had a great weekend lounging at the cottage up in Muskoka. The weather was a bit cloudy on Saturday when we arrived but it was warm and I have no complaints! Boat is in the water so we got to do some cruisin’ around the lake. I’ve had David Wilcox ‘Riverboat Fantasy’ stuck in my head since yesterday. It always comes on 104.1 The Dock when we’re driving in cottage country. If you’re looking for some good oldies and classic rock, you can listen online here. My activities on Sunday included floating, reading, snacking, and sun tanning. Magazine reading has me thinking about layering. I know Autumn is a while away but fall fashion is just so dreamy. Brock & Jenn came up for the weekend and we are all obsessed w/ Doritos Roulette. They’re so freaking good! I’ve ordered two of these donut floaties and they should arrive before the long weekend. Squeeee! Watchin’the sun go down… Hope your weekend was great too. Next weekend Sean and I are heading to Boston and the weekend after that is a long one. Yeahooooooo! I can’t get enough summer, I love it so much. This week is supposed to be nice and HOT! <3 CASIE

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Suffer for Your Art | Sunset Canoe Ride

Last night we went for a romantic sunset canoe ride. It was so incredibly beautiful. Took these with my GoPro. Jumped in the lake before calling it a night. It’s so great to be back up at the cottage. The weather this weekend was pretty nice except the bugs were HORRIBLE. I really ‘suffered for my art’ as Sean calls it because I got about 20 nasty bites while on the canoe ride. Mostly on my bum! The little buggers got me right through my Lululemon pants! This week is gonna be great! Today is the warmest day of the year. We’re about to launch some AWESOME stuff at work and today I’ve got a NXNE site visit for our festival sponsorship. The Jays are doing great and Thursday I’ve got a double date with Lauren and our BFs to sit in the Bacardi Best Seats for the game. We went last year and it was awesome. Here’s to a wonderful week and warm sunny days! Don’t forget to wear sunscreen 🙂 <3 CASIE

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