in memory of a great one: swayze

I love Patrick Swayze and still swoon over him every time I watch Ghost, Dirty Dancing or carry a watermelon. He battled hard with his Cancer and will forever live in my memory. I loved him most when he danced. I was never lucky enough to meet him, despite  day dreaming about it the last twenty years.  As a young dancer I was fortunate to have Patsy Swayze, his mother and renowned choreographer judge me at a dance competition. It was Rhythm Dance competition, Humanities Theatre,  Waterloo, circa 1993.  My first year doing a solo. The adjudicators sat in lit tables behind the first few rows of seats. They recorded comments on tape while you performed on stage. After, they listened to the tapes and calculated the scores  of each category. As dancers, we got to keep the tapes. I have a stack of them packed away from years of competitions. I was nervous and excited from what I remember. She spoke about me on the podium after and I don’t even remember what place I came in. The thing that stuck with me all these years is what she said about me on the tape “It’s too bad we don’t have lighting from the audience to show this child’s facial expression because she truly does deserve”. Patsy, you raised a great son. You both made a big impact on me. Rest in peace Patrick. I’ll never put you in a corner xo

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absolutely, a total need for something different

I’ve always been a little different. I when I little I would mix match the couple outfits Mum would lay out on the bed to wear and make my own. I wore two different socks one time, orange and green to match the shorts shirt combo. I remember it. A parent turned to Mum and said “You’re gonna let her go like that?” as Mum says, “If she feels confident like that then I’m not gonna stop her”. Thank you Mum. It’s important to be different. Mum made the dress I wore to the Notable TV party about 16 posts ago. The video of the party just came out, go watch it now! Julian talked about the the Notable brand in his toast (3:28) which is my favorite part after Raymi and I at 2:40. haha j.k. There are some cool smart young people featured on Notable TV and I like how Julian wants to give people something different. I think that’s important. I truly love the amount of motivation & determination amongst Generation Y in Toronto. There are some really cool things going on in this city. Makes me proud!

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some kind of broken social scene

 Last night the Harbourfront Centre was a buzz with fans of Broken Social Scene. I was looking forward to it and it was music to my ears. It was so crowded that it in itself, was a broken social scene. Cool crowd though, mix of hipsters, families, public drunken-ness and the smell of pot in the air. I love Toronto.   The best thing about it was that the whole BSS crew was on stage  including Feist, Amy Millan, Emily Haines and the boys. I didn’t bother to climb through the crowd but has Ryan has some closer photos and this one was my favorite. Look at Emily, so cute. I made an amazing emo video walking through the crowd as Metric was on and Emily was singing Gimme Sympathy. For some reason, it got deleted when I added it to my computer. So sad, I can feel it in my bones.  It was beautiful and the sun was setting.  Ran into lots of people but the one who made me most happy is Levey. The boy’s been in Korea for ages and I’ve not seen him in at least a year. Those are the best run-ins. The long-time-no-see-love-you-miss-your-guts kind. It was a really pretty night.  

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my hot date: me + internet ♥

Finished up the day with some work writing, always nice. Biked home. Changed out of the white dress, felt a raindrop on my face. Got to Wired Wednesday in time to say a few hello’s to familiar faces and get a seat close to Saul. Learned about Zoompass, BrandMentions Brand Tracker, backtweets, yoono and saw the babes form Scribblelive. Lots of cool people and good ideas. I learned stuff and I like that. Looking forward to seeing many of those beautiful faces Friday for GenYTO. A hot 12 inch sub and I sat down at the computer. Opened email, RSS reader and started reading a post from How to Make My Blog. That lead to new tabs and my internet excursion. I’m just getting in to backtype now; seeing all my comments and searching my name through the interwebs seeing what’s out there. Out There: a marketing & pr agency I made up in Entrepreneurship class in hignschool.  Got a good mark.  Mum will remember. Been thinking about L.A. lots lately, California in general. Made a new friend at the LA Times. Traveled deep into the internet on the couch finding new things and blogs last night. Didn’t stay up too late,  got a good sleep. Had a nice date with myself.

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michael jackson memorial day

Post was updated as the memortial was on ok… Starts in about an hour and a half. Watching live on CNN.   They expect the MJ Fan page to go over 7 million after today.  I wanted to get in on the live stream early. Heard rumors the memorial might break the internet! Ok, it’s started now. By the looks of Twitter, it’s the only thing happening in the world right now. Good one MJ.  Nice work. By the way Totally hilarious…

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the sweet taste of kerosene

I was connecting to the lyrics this morning and fighting a wave of sadness.  Coffee, double latte. The office was freezing as I took off my sweater to cover my legs under my desk.  ‘Be productive and you’ll get distracted’ I told myself.  I listened to my blip station, starting on the second page after the Michael Jackson. Wasn’t in the mood for him today, started with Pretty Young Thing but it didn’t work like it usually does. ‘Get on your bike and ride around at lunch’, I tell myself, ‘that always works’.  It did.  I ran into a friend who joined me for a sit and chat in the park before I headed out on a  Liberty Village tour. It was lovely. My hair‘s not pink anymore, it has a peach slice in it now. I got peanut butter cookie mix and Cheerios. I hate buying groceries. I never know what to get and I always think I don’t like anything, but I do. I love cooking but hate groceries. I like to make things up with whats around the house. Creative cooking.  Had a creative weekend, enjoying the flow that comes with a new sketchbook. Came up with a good idea at lunch today. Ran into Golly on my way back. We met last year and I wrote a cover story about him in an arts  & business magazine. He’s a positive soul, cheered me right up. I’m really looking forward to the TV lineup tonight.  It’s one of those days I’m glad I have cable. Just got a call to go with Karrera and L.B. to John Butler Trio. So excited, must be my lucky day. It was sold out and I was sad I had no ticket. Love you friends. You’re the best. in the dark of…

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