2006 – first post + cartoons i drew, was blogging on myspace with poems, worked in fashion, had been back from australia for one year, moved to Toronto in the Annex 2007 – wasn’t really that organized or posting that often, started working in IT, learned to love the internet more, was doing freelance PR, lived in the East End 2008 – posting regularily , dark hair, started borderline artistic, signed up for twitter, partying often, living Queen West 2009 – doing it daily, loving it, drawing, tweeting, doing charity stuff, got a job doing what i love, moved to a condo by the water 2010 – who knows that the future holds! Thanks for being part of it.

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crossing borders, timezones and interwebs

I’m excited. Like, I mean, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally, excited. There are so many things happening around right now that make me want to puke a rainbow of joy for weeks on this thing. Sia Concert – Tonight: She’s performing on MTV Live. I’m working at The MTV Temple instead of MuchMusic. Awesome. Hills Finale – Tonight: I’ve got almost 30 people coming to ma Hills party at MTV. I used to have Hills parties at my house. The friends who are coming all blog and/or tweet. Hellz fucking yeahz. Jays vs Boston – Wednesday: My cousin Isaac and his GF are here from NEW ZEALAND. Last time I saw him (the only time we met), I was 12. It was 1994. Birthday – May 8:  Officially TBD. I’d like to have a “haven’t met you yet” party, everyone comes and meets everyone else #casie. Florida – May 27-31: just talked to my friends yesterday and I’m so excited. Ready for a vacation with friend I haven’t seen in a whole but I love. Gonna dance heaps. MMVA – June 20: Watch it play out on Twitter #mmva The G20 – June 26-27: right near my house.  Rumor has it I need a pass to get to and from work. Been asked by York/Ryerson to take part in a doc about it. Filming me daily. Um, can I G20 Summit Rental my condo on Craigslist? Big money. Pride – June 26-27: Same weekend as G8. haha [deep voice]  I’m the gayest. Boston – July: I’m commmmmmin’ back. LTFO (look the fuck out) This is Sia. Happy listening. Enjoy the day 🙂

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this is a pretty good blogging phone

I took these pix yesterday with phone camera then edited using photo edit. I’m using WordPress for Android to blog this and I’m testing out all the options right now. I’ve named this sexy little phone the Motorola ‘Stone‘ Milestone. My Netbook is Bobby and this is my now other computer and our relationship is getting pretty serious. You can use HTML in the post window of the WP app which would be helpful if you knew it really well. I’m not totally ‘fluent’ but I like it. You’re able to change the image size but not to ANY size, only by 100’s. Not ideal but ok. I’m sure that will be added sometime. I’ve notived that my dear Bobby has been a bit neglected since I’ve been spending most my time with my paws on Stone. Mobile posting is so convenient. Because the camera on this baby takes such great pix, it allows me to cut out any time uploading images or editing on computer. If you thought I blogged lots before, jus’ wait.

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in a new york state of mind

Happy Friday! This baby was leaked this morning! HELLLS YEAH> Aiden is back. I love John Corbett. He’s like, my dream man, the sexiest. If you’re him, or kinda like him, let me know. I’m right here waiting for you. Was just staring at his photo for a min and I’ve totally dated a few of J.Corbett doppelgängers,  prime example right here. Mass Exodus last night was fun. Always a great time hanging out with the girls. We got called Fairies cause we looked so cute, all bleach blonde/pink/grey hair, stylish & short. Why did we not take a photo of us? Ah well. We had great seats and  Fritz Helder was my fav part. There was some really interesting designs, I have a bunch of notes to go over this weekend but for now here’s a few of my fav designs. All the pix are by the lovely Lynsie Roberts.

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like graffiti on the walls of the heartland

It’s alive! FORA launched last night and so far the buzz is pretty positive. It’s a fashion magazine about beauty, trends and has contributions from featured bloggers and a couple friends. I’d love you to check it out and let me know what you think. All the images link to the site so click-click away! This is the cover, it’s animated and features Dan & Jessi from The After Show on MTV Canada. There is video content throughout the magazine. Click on the image to see the this video of behind the scenes at the shoot for the cover. I’ve mentioned Shop My Clothes a a couple different posts here and here. Jonny and I have been friends for a couple years & he’s our contributor giving  you Spring style tips for dudes. He’s a super stylish 😉 Breanna wrote about dating and the social media dating game. I’m sure you’ve checked out her blog, Unbrelievable, a couple times already. She’s got so many great dating stories on there! Remember when we all wore those great dresses to the FORA Launch party? They were from Peach Berserk! I interviewed Kingi, the founder/designer about her shop. Click the image to read it! The last page is a little sneak peek of what’s coming up in the next content update; there’s new pix, vids and articles. Woot. If you wanna contribute to future issues email me at [email protected]. I’ve been having some serious anxiety the last couple days, I’m not sure when it comes from but it’s lingering and annoying. Stayed home in my room night last night. Wrote a blogpost, will publish later on. Put on my red Moovboots today and jumped in a few puddles on my way in just to kick up my spirits. No matter what, don’t let…

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in a past life i was a blog

I’m recently watched Objectified, a doc about objects and design. I’ve been waiting, wanting to watch this and sit in my room for ages. Me, my bed, my gadgets; laptop, camera, flipcam, phone, monitor, sketchbook, reading book, memory cards, usb/wall charger. Objects of my affection. The whole time I’m thinking about web and design, blogging and user interaction, activity. “a big part of who you are as a designer is the way you look at the world” jonathan ive, senior vp industrial design, apple This is also a big part of what makes a good blogger, the ability to show the world how you see it through a different perspective. Taking something and designing it to be interesting. “when you see an object, you make so many assumptions about that object” The movie is artistic and filled with industrial design, computer technology, ergonomics, materials, form, connecting, analog, digital, spoon, chair, shape, look, feel. Making gadgets  better.  Making things user friendly. “improve the way people do things without them really knowing or thinking about it” “users react very positively when things are clear and understandable” What are you saying in your header,  the way your blog/website move, images, widgets, pages, reading, writing, categories, colours, links. themes. There’s so many things to think about, so many opportunities to show creativity in detail, design. phases of modern design formal logic or the object symbolism, content, rituals, cultural symbolism contextual sense, technological, human/object relationships “everything that has ever filled your world had been designed” “every object tells a story, it depends how you look at it.” henry ford

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