art & music: the sounds of friendship

Today it is damn ass cold again. I’m wearing the warmest unit on my head, found it in Mum’s basement. It’s a Turtle Fur headband from the 80’s! Love it. I used to wear it skiing when I was a kid. This evening I will be attending two events that are artistic and appealing. Planning on going with my sister and probably going to make a dance moves vid also. If you’d like to join us, message me on Twitter (@casiestewart). Stop #1 My friend K.Hinto, a fabulous Toronto artist has a show opening. What: VH2 – An exhibit of contemporary paintings by Venus Lukic and K. HintoWhen: Show opens Tuesday March 3rd, 6-9pm, continuing all month during Cafe hoursWhere: Bisogno Espresso Bar, 61 Sherbourne St. (just North of King St.) Stop #2 My friend Zoe Bentley, a fabulous Toronto singer/musician has a show at the Cameron House. I wrote about her before here. Tonight’s details are on FB.

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sharing the randomness – 25 casie facts

This has been floating around Facebook since January. I figured since I’ve been tagged by a ton of friends it is about time I shared 25 random facts about me. The rules go as follows: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. Blah, blah, blah… Here we go: I was born in Canada to New Zealand parents and have dual citizenship (Canadian/New Zealand). I danced ballet, tap and jazz as a kid and completed in competitions across Ontario as well as Showstopper in NY & Myrtle Beach, SC. I was 5 with fake lashes and red lipstick! I wrote a book and became a published Canadian Author at 14. It was titled Jeans: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose. The Toronto Star wrote and article about me titled “Push Over Keats, Teen Muse Steps Ahead“. I went to Uni in Australia and lived at Bondi Beach. It was the best year because I learned the most about myself and WHO I really am. I hate scary movies. I get queezy and I don’t like to put bad images in my head. I’m crazy enough already! I still have all my Barbies and their vintage outfits. I hope to get them made in my size one day. I have a Green Belt in Tae Know Do and once knocked out a boy (Note: James Roszell) in grade 8 at school. Mum thought I’d get in trouble but I said “Mum, do you think he’s gonna tell anyone?“ I hate the number three. I don’t do anything in threes. I grew up around vintage cars and vintage clothes. My Dad…

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art attack valentine love bandit

I was out walking this morning, enjoying the sunshine. I passed this wheat paste art attack and felt filled with love. I share with you what I saw while you were still in bed. Enjoy. I like this stuff, I’m borderline artistic. My favorite’s are first and last, these are my photos.

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light snow with an in your face warning

The Twestival is coming soon (Mark Feb.12 on your calendar!) and I am happy to announce tickets are selling well! The night is sure to be a hit and will be enjoyed by over 175 cities around the world, together. Here is a mesage from the founder of charity:water thanking us all for being involved in Twestival. Founder of charity: water – Thanks the Twestival on vimeo. I’m looking forward to doing getting started on video blogging. It’s been ages since I have had a new camera as I lost the old one last summer. I’ve had a few requests to do some impersonations. This I assure you will be quite hilarious. Today is it -4 in Toronto and the snow is coming down in a sideways motion. I’d happy I live in a condo and don’t have to deal with snow removal.

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remove ourselves from everyday life

Sometimes I want to escape. Sometimes I want to fly. Sometimes I want to hide away and not see anyone. Sometimes I want to see everyone. I am always different, yet always the same. My thoughts often change and move in different directions. My feelings go up and down and around the corner. My state of mind is a product of my thoughts and feelings. I’ve been looking at a series of artistic photographs by Greg Stekleman. They all have a person removed and replaced with a drawing. Kinda like Tom Goes to the Mayor videos but cooler and more artistic. The guy in the one below is a stud. The couch is ugly but I barely even noticed.

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2009 ArtVenture: The AGO (Ontario Art Gallery)

Last night I had the pleasure of going to the AGO, again. TGFFW (Thank God For Free Wednesdays). I love it there. So many inspiring ideas which arouse my wild & creative mind. I decided to make my own art and snuck a few shots in. Please don’t be mad my dear AGO or Mr. Gehry for it is so lovely I just could not help myself. This is my favorite. You know I love Andy.I really enjoy some of the modern stuff and photography. I was looking at some of the pictures and I saw this total stud, I don’t know what it is about him. I have a thing for nerdy dudes.I love the staircase. How is winds around and shows beautiful views of the city lights. It makes me happy to dance around the stairs as they twist and turn and travel higher.Its is super busy on Wednesday’s since it is free. The gallery opens at 6pm and closes at 8:30pm. This is not enough time to get around the whole place. There are many nooks and cranny’s of artistic expression. Coat check is $1 and you have to check your bags. You are allowed to sketch in pencil, but not in pen. I like to write.

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