won a pink buddha for good debating. #swmt

Say hi to the babes, Keri, Brown Barbie, O’Nizz. Oh you know who ate a few of these. (Clue: starts with CASE, ends in EEEEE) Is social media more art or science? I debated ART. To me, social media IS an art. Sure you can get ‘formula’ for peak times to tweet or try to follow a ‘method’ but that doesn’t mean shit if you’re not creative. If you’re not artistic with your message (whatever or wherever it you’re selling it), people ain’t gonna buy it. You will be more successful in this new industry if you take risks and be artistic. Everything I have done/do to build my brand is driven by creativity. Debate winner: Rob Campbell aka @smojoe! We didn’t win the mass debate but we DO have cool blogs. michaelnus.com | this girl| keriblog.com I’m talking about #roboTO at this very moment. Look at that passion. It’s a party coming up that I started so we can all make robot costumes and have fun. Stay tuned. That’s how I won the final round of the debate. There was a creepy dude at the end that hijacked the whole conversation and mentioned 3D p0rn. So weird. Mugshot here. Sabrina looked at me from across the room and said “I want the pink buddha”. Then I won it for her. She derves it. He’s at our house laughing right now. This is so very cute, girl had a nice outfit. Proud of you Moffitt, brother. Look at everyone smiling in this photo. That’s good stuff right there. Then we went home and had a girl party. In other news, THIS pretty much makes MY LIFE. Click to open this in a new window and prepare to be amazed.

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i’m in the wall street journal.

Read it here. This is a summary of what it’s about:

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ho ho holy cow! here come the holidays!

Can you believe it’s almost December?! Time sure flies, eh? I’m getting ready for a month of travel (hello sunshine!), gift giving (to you from here) and looking back at all the great things I’ve done this year. My friends at Notable TV have put together a list of things to make your holiday shopping easier. Here’s a few of my fav’s.  Marc Jacobs – Bang & LOLA. The ads for these are so very pretty. Have you smelled them? Nice. Booze is always a good idea, especially if you are going to a party (or coming to my house), they recommend Jose Cuervo Silver. Nothing like a few tequila shots to get a party started! Aiaiaai! My other fav on their list is this fancy and oh so stylish fireplace designed by a Sydney Architect called the Zeta. Look at this thing! Pure class. It’s both mobile and  environmentally friendly. Ah, I would love to have one of these for my swanky New York loft (the one I dream about). For more gift ideas from Notable TV check out their full Gift Guide by clicking below and in the words of Julian Brass, STAY NOTABLE!

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hey, wanna go to a party?

Watch this video and lets hope you already have a way in or you come up with a good way to get the two extra tickets I’ve got because this party is gonna be seriously of the CHIZZLE. Warehouse, vodka, great music, one hell of a good crowd and 14 parties happening around the world at the same time. Our gift arrives in a crate with a party from India. I will be there and I know a bunch of people behind the magic making this happen and I can’t wait for it. Raise your glasses for vodka shots. Remember the other Smirnoff party GRAPHIC? You may have seen it on your TV with a one second unmistakable appearance from your fav pixie party girl at 00:18. Here are the deets: What: The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project: India Who: Jalebee Cartel, Shaa’ir + Func, Dragonette, Isis = Amazing When: Saturday, November 27th, 2010 > next weekend Where: The Munition Factory (so badass location) I dunno who I should bring with me. You need to be totally awesome and fun with a love for vodka and dance floors.  You must have intermediate to advanced knowledge of how to have a good time and not be camera shy. No bad attitudes or egos allowed. Strict dress code of personal style. Flare for conversation mandatory. Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project and you must be 19+. Apply below.

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it’s quite warm here in sunny california

Hey look, it’s me your fav little blogging munchkin’ baberoo. This is me at SFO airport about 45 mins an hour ago. SFO, it’s quite nice for an airport. I’m at the hotel now soaking up some free internet before I attenpt to tackle the Golden Gate Bridge and go see the home of Michelle, Steph and DJ Tanner. I meet Virgin America tomorrow so today is all MINE. MINE! Ok listen up… I have something for you…wanna come to a party with me on Saturday? You MUST be AT LEAST 19 and you must be cool. I have two special tickets with some hot young hipster’ who likes vodka’s name on them. The band USS is headlining with a couple other guests. If you like music & boooooze this is your cup of tea! Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project so you gotta show them and me some serious love aiiight. How do you win? Hmmm, why should I pick you? What will you do for me? Lets see if anyone is creative and start there. Comment away!! FYI: THIS PARTY COMES WITH A WARNING LABEL> YOU WILL GET CRUNK. Saturday, October 23rd. Doors open at 9pm Courthouse – 57 Adelaide St. East Facebook.com/SmirnoffCanada for more details

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Vroom Vroom!

I love summer and sad it’s almost over but quite looking forward to Fall fashion and the return of tights and boots. Next weekend my friends at Notable TV invited me to the Distillery District for a weekend long event featuring cars and bands called Lexus Live at the Distillery. (Cars & bands to means there will probably be some babes.) Chum FM & Virgin 99.9 will also be hanging out along with some pretty rad Canadian talent. I love visiting this part of town. I need to take Team Boston there when they visit. Kinda reminds me of the oldness of Newbury Street. The event is Aug 27-29 and is the Canadian Debut of a new Lexus baby called the CT 200h & Worldwide debut of the CT 200h Tour.  This is the only Canadian stop and the only chance you’ll have to check out the new ride before it comes out next year. Hope Dad reads this cause there’s also the Lexus Targa GS 450h race car. Now that’s the fast one, vroom vroom!. I’ll take one of those please! There’s refreshments & you can catch the free shows at these times: The Stills (Friday 7:00-8:00pm) Lily Frost (Sat 12:00-1:00pm) The Midway State (Sat 5:00pm-6:00pm) Paper Lions (Sun 3:00-4:00pm) I’ll be there for the Friday night show for sure. If you’re going, tell me. Also for a little more info check out the post on Notable TV.  This is Lexus’ second dedicated hybrid, i.e. only hybrid model and it is no gas. No gas! Bring on more hybrid! I hope I get to sit in test drive the race car!!

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