I want a balloon tree. I always have. The Balloon Tree by Phoebie Gilman was one of my favourite books as a child. We used to read heaps of books. Each summer Jenie and I would join the Summer Reading Club at the Preston library. I spent so much of my childhood at that place. I was either there, the dance studio, or gymnastics. I’m pretty sure I had my first reading by Robert Munsch at the Preston library.  I remember meeting Phoebie Gilman and having my photo taken with her. Authors were my celebrities back then.  When I wrote ‘Jeans: an anthology of poetry & prose‘ in 1996 we had our book launch there. We sold over 80 books that night and one dollar from the sale of each went to the Women’s Crisis Shelter.  It was a magical night. I’l never forget how good it feels sitting there signing your own book for a lineup of people. I’ve been (slowly) working on another  book. Write more, read more, that’s what I keep telling myself. I’m a big believer in the power of positive thought and a few things I’ve been thinking about lately are libraries and speaking. Not necessarily together but in general. The crazy thing is, I got an email from Marketing Magazine asking me to speak at an event next month and guess where it is? A LIBRARY. My favourite library in the city, Toronto Reference. We’re talking youth culture and the founder of VICE Magazine will also be there talking about The Creators Project between Vice & Intel. I’ve been a Vice fan for about ten years and have a diploma in marketing so this is all quite exciting. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN’T DO. The Creators Project is really cool and well, CREATIVE. “I have…

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Weekend Tune: “Settle Down” by Kimbra

Happy weekend everyone! Hope it’s going along splendidly! For this week’s weekend tune I thought I’d vibe off of something Casie posted earlier this week. Remember Gotye’s “Somebody That I Used To Know”? It truly does deserve a double post so let me refresh your memory… Pretty great stuff eh? Yeah. Enjoy that on repeat for a while until you’re ready for the weekend tune……. You good? Ready? Alright then we’ll move on. Now some of you might be wondering, “Hey Kate! Who was that stunning lady songstress featured in the about amazingness?” That ladies and gents in Kimbra. She’s from New Zealand and her debut album Vows just came out last summer. She’s kinda of a St. Vincent meets tUnE-yArDs turned pop act! Here’s the video for her song “Settle Down”! Enjoy! xo Kate

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Extraordinary thing, The Internet

Turned off the awards show last night to watch one of my fav films, Closer feat Natalie, Clive, Julia and Jude. I love it. Natalie says she’s a ‘waif’ at the start of the film and The Waif’s are one of my fav Aussie bands. Turns out they’re from Perth like Sam. Today is a busy day shooting two things for two different tv networks (just my luck they’re both on the same day). These photos were sent to me last night from Javier Moltó in Madrid. We met last week in Detroit for the International Auto Show. I loved this song when I lived in Australia and was happily reminded of it last night. I really want to go to London. Attending & covering the Olympics would be a DREAM come true. Have a wonderful Monday. It’s nice to be back in town but I love that my international friends never feel that far away. Looking forward to tonight & hibernating. How many days till summer?

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#ShitBloggersSay: coming soon to a screen near you

Good morning and welcome to 2012 work life! How was your holidays? You know how mine we’re, obvs. Had a relaxing day yesterday then went to Sammy’s to watch movies. He made dinner and left for Jamaica early this morning. Lucky bum heads to the sun on the coldest day yet. Have you been outside in Toronto today? Bundle up yo. Packed on a fur on top of my winter coat for extra warmth. Sammy has more fur coats than me, haha. Came over to Raymi’s before my tattoo at 2pm. I’ll have have sleeve by summer I reckon. Lau, Raymi, Sarah and I invented #shitbloggerssay last night. You wait till we film that show! With over 200 million zillion blogs in the world it will surely interest a few thousand nerds like you us. I have so many days of photos and stories to blog, stay tuned for that later. A bloggers work is never done!! Have an awesome day.

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you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday: walked beside a gorgeous mariachi band in full… #thisismylife # You Only Live Once: Make the most of each day. You will never be younger than… #thisismylife # SO MANY BITES. The only bad thing about #summer # wow this guy is so german i love his accent. he can say anything. dis is beuuuuuuuutiFUL. # You can now get gift cards at @bicycletteboutique # Booking this hotel room for the weekend! # I want to live here omg so cool # i miss the #yandr someone please FILL ME IN?!! # new twitter <3 # I liked a @YouTube video Twitter: Yours to discover # Email from Tom at #TED My $20,000 donation to has been received!!!!!!! Sent to them by @TELUS & me 🙂 # Photo: was dancing the the hot summer rain yesterday #whitetshirt # Content Strategy Burger = Hungry for engagement.: HI, i’m on the internet and I… #thisismylife # Last night I helt a baby tiger. It HATED me. Like GROOOOWWWWWLLLLLLLLing. # Photo: love this one of her “wahhhh” # What time is it? NOW. # pina colada time actually! # oh-so-coco: # Walked 30 min to get here for whopper & wifi 🙂 (@ Burger King) [pic]: # Cute little rat tail # Had a baby monkey on my shoulder. MUCH nicer than tiger baby. # Empleado del mes: cat woman # Crazy bites omg hurting # Video: # Tasty view # I'm doing this. What are you doing? # I just ousted @tresdesuadero as the mayor of Reina Roja Hotel on @foursquare! # Booking the "After Hours" room for Saturday night. (@ Reina Roja Hotel) [pic]: # Photo: Skeleton…

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Toronto Fashion Week: LABEL S/S 2012

The LABEL spring/summer 2012 showing happened in the studio, and was definitely a breath of fresh air and the perfect collection for spring. The palette was very neutral, with whites, grays, lavenders, pinks, hints of teal, and some black. Every single piece that walked down the small runway I would wear in a heartbeat, and a similar consensus formed with the people around me: any girl could wear these clothes and be effortlessly chic! All the designs and cuts were beautiful, and could be easily dressed up or down with the right accessories. The models showed off cute organic statement necklaces; geometric wooden blocks, wooden cuffs. The whole show was very natural and fresh. Tree branches marked the runway and models stood on rock pedestals after their walk. At some point through the show I was just envisioning myself strolling alongside a river bank, wearing all the pieces! The movement and lightness of the whole collection was just so spot on, kudos to Shawna Robinson and Natalie Sydoruk! My favourites include the V-back LBD (the sheer and fringe were a wonderful surprise), the two-toned bodysuit-lavender maxi ensemble, and the pink drawstring dress with cut-out shoulders. x Carrie

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