Life is Like a Blog of Chocolates

You never know what you’re gonna get. You start a blog, you write, you post, you share. If you are interested in blogging that’s a good place to start. And, if you’re prepared when opportunity presents itself, you’re lucky. I’ve grown so much over the past seven years writing this blog and I’m extremely grateful for all the awesome it’s brought into my life. This is my sister Jenny 😉 Mum rung me from the boat this morning and they’ve sailed into Canada after being away for about a month. I can’t wait to see her. She’s so inspiring. Living out a childhood dream today casting kids for a commercial. I always wanted to to this. TBH it’s not that glamorous! Getting kids on camera and judging them as they act out part of the scene. I was pretty nervous at first but after a few, it’s easy. Having gone to heaps of auditions is helpful. Got this last night 🙂 If you are around & about Queen West pop by the Great Hall & get a SummerWorks programme. GO TO SOMETHING! Most stuff is free and you will be glad you did. Get cultured! There’s a gallery across from Dog & Bear at Dovercourt where Nina Arsenault has a piece of performance art. It’s super interesting. She is a great writer. Jenie and I went by there on Friday. I’m gonna pass by again on my way home. I wrote about Nina’s Live Art piece on the SummerWorks blog here. Hope you’re having an awesome day!  

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Don’t Get Mad, Get Rad!

Hola! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Jenie stayed over after an awesome night at a few SummerWorks events. I was up early to meet the team from Coral TV for brekky. Was the first time all the hosts on the channel have met up with the team. First of many! We’ll be doing cameo’s on each others show before you know it. This week Sara Lynn and I had promoted vids on YouTube and both are over 4,000 views. Crazy awesome! Lucy, Candice, Me, Julie, Sarah Lynn Photo by Julie Stopped by Eaton Centre & the 3F store on the way home. Saw ‘Don’t Get Mad, Get Rad on a shirt, like it. Was so lovely to walk in the rain, the sun was almost peeking out. La Senza sent me over a lingerie set from the new ‘Show Off’ Collection and I exchanged it for sizes today. The entire collection is incredibly BRIGHT. I picked this fun set. Va va voom! Feelin’ the love La Senza, thank you! Lots of sales at 3F right now before new Fall/Winter stuff comes in. I got a denim jacket in coral and didn’t even realize it was called ‘coral’ until I got home. The annual Perseid Meteor shower is tonight. Science is AWESOME. It’s going to be magical. Hope you have someone special to share it with. MIght take a drive into the country when it peaks around 1am. Lauren did a great post on CBC with all kinds of details of what to look for and where. WE ARE ALL MADE OF STARS!  OLYMPICS FTW! Official outfit. Blogging is a SPORT!

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Bot & Sold on Twitter (RE: Article from @FastCompany)

A couple of times over the last few years a photo of me has been used as a Twitter bot. I didn’t think much of it. I figured there was nothing I can do other than report for spam.  To be honest, my first thought was “you’ve made it” then it happened over a handful of times and it was kinda unsettling. Have I been targeted? What is going on here and why does this keep happening? Yesterday, Keri sent me this article from FastCompany  “Who’s That Woman In The Twitter Bot Profile? by Jason Feifer. I got a couple Tweets about it too. @casiestewart remember how there was a twitter bot of your Sunshine girl pic? Seems like you weren’t the only one! — Breanna Hughes (@unbrelievable) August 9, 2012 They’re sometimes called “bimbots”–the army of Twitter bots with pretty profile pictures. Who are the women pictured in those photos? This is the story of the quest to find out.” Omg, it’s a thing. I read on… “After dozens of searches, a pattern emerged: Most bot photos had a long digital tail, having been posted on dozens of sketchy porn sites or blogs devoted to the barely legal. Occasionally, I’d be able to track a photo back to what seemed like an original source–like when a bot’s photo showed up alongside many others of the same woman, all posted to the fratboy site Barstool Sports. The site claimed her name is Aurora. But when I reached out, as was always the case, nobody cared to explain where the photos came from. …I tracked two bots back to the 2009 SUNshine Girls calendar, a lingerie showcase produced by the Toronto Sun. (I guess newspapers have to make money somehow.) The calendar only offered the models’ first names, and the paper’s photo…

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Stick Up for Yourself, Son

Never Mind What Anybody Else Done

Feeling so excited. I might just take off, levitate, hover, from one place to another. It’s a holiday in Ontario but when you are an entrepreneur you don’t really get many days off, you don’t want to. Hopefully you are doing work you love that doesn’t ‘reallllllly’ feel like work. Friday, I fully made myself not work and I slept the entire day. Today, I’m working and getting ahead on things for the week. Have a video shoot today for something in LA LA Land. I am crossing my fingers, sending all my positive energy into the universe, hoping that a few things that have come up lately work out. You can cross yours too. I think it will help. This time last year was the calm before the storm of work and events that kicked off in September. Here’s to good things happening! Set your goals, write them down, tell your friends, tell a stranger. The best way to make them a reality is to believe in them.  Your thoughts become things!! This song always makes me feel like I can do anything. In Other News: Check out my latest episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV, talking Creative Blogging (watch for my vids in the promoted section of!)  My latest post on the SummerWorks blog: Dare Night Lockdown Please like my Kurations on & Enter yourself! Madonna tickets & weekend getaway! Helloooo. NEXT, GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO OUTSIDE! P.S. Mum, if you get Internet, call me. Love you. (She is in NY sailing back to Canada right now!)

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The Weekend: Girls Night, Dinner, Justice, Osheaga

We had girls night on Thursday, us five Spice Girls took to King West. Look out. Michelle, Lauren, Me, Sarah Irie, Hollywood Friday we had 1188 dinner at Parts & Labour for Sean’s birthday. It was nice. They make a mean beavertail. I had a burger but it was mixed up with Matt’s and came rare with cheese. I order ‘no cheese’ everything. Last night I went to my first concert at Fort York, M83 & Justice. M83 was great. I felt like Justice was a light show that went along with a pre-recorded mix. It was fun though. There were LED light sticks flying all over the place. Looked awesome with the bright lights and CN Tower glowing in the background. This week SummerWorks starts and I’m stoked to see some theatre. See my most recent interview with a ‘sexy transexual’ on the SummerWorks blog here. See the full festival schedule at . LMK if you have tickets to something, I’ll be around! Check out Matt’s posts from Osheaga. Would have loved to be there. He presents to you OSHEAGRAM! Hope you are enjoying the weekend. Just had my nails done w/ Barbie! Huzzahhhh 🙂

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Give Me a Hint of Your Light!

New post on teh ol’ SummerWorks bloggy blog. Festival starts August 9th! There’s a free workshop you can apply to called Making & Breaking on August 4 & 5th. It’s a two day workshop in contemporary performance. I’m doing it! LMK if you apply. Details here. Check out the OFFICIAL song of the performance festival: “The idea for the song and video came out of wanting to get people excited about the Festival, and re-iterating that SummerWorks is a celebration of incredible, exciting work and artists. SummerWorks wants to ‘give you a hint of its light and be your spark,’ (lyrics from the song) says Michael Rubenfeld, Artistic Producer of SummerWorks Performance Festival.  

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