Swimming Pool, Sunshine’s Cool, Winter Drools
I was saying yesterday how I’m really looking forward to summer and sunshine and the cottage. I found myself looking through old photos of us last night, hanging out in Muskoka, relaxing with the calm sound of nature and the lake. I’m due for a vacation. Thailand was months ago and although it was a really good time, it was the opposite of relaxing! We were on a tight media schedule and it was rare to have a couple hours alone for naps or lazing on the beach. I just want to feel that sunshine. I want to feel warm. I’ve not taken off my scarf or hat since arriving at the office and there’s a space heater beside me. This is the longest winter in 25 years and we’ve had a record number of ‘cold weather alert’ days. I try my best to stay positive and not let the weather get me down but sheesh, this is the hardest it’s been. I know months down the road I’ll look back at this and think, if you could get through this you can get through anything. It’s snowing again… <3 CASIE
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