Swimming Pool, Sunshine’s Cool, Winter Drools

I was saying yesterday how I’m really looking forward to summer and sunshine and the cottage. I found myself looking through old photos of us last night, hanging out in Muskoka, relaxing with the calm sound of nature and the lake. I’m due for a vacation. Thailand was months ago and although it was a really good time, it was the opposite of relaxing! We were on a tight media schedule and it was rare to have a couple hours alone for naps or lazing on the beach. I just want to feel that sunshine. I want to feel warm. I’ve not taken off my scarf or hat since arriving at the office and there’s a space heater beside me. This is the longest winter in 25 years and we’ve had a record number of ‘cold weather alert’ days. I try my best to stay positive and not let the weather get me down but sheesh, this is the hardest it’s been. I know months down the road I’ll look back at this and think, if you could get through this you can get through anything. It’s snowing again… <3 CASIE

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Travel | Postcard from Montreal

A couple years ago Sean and I drove to Montreal in a Fiesta for a weekend sponsored by Ford Canada. It was really fun and the weather was warm. We stayed at the W Montreal which I totally love, ate good food, and spent afternoons in the sunshine. This is the video Sean edited of our weekend ‘Postcard from Montreal’. Summer, please come back soon. I’m dying to get back up the the cottage ♥ CASIE

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Take Me Back, Back to Cali

Sean and I went to California for a week this summer, and it was SO FUN. I love the sunshine, the shops, the lifestyle by the beach. We rented a convertible and drove the Pacific Coast Highway, ate good food, worked on our tans, and spent much time at Disneyland. This cold weather does not seem to be letting up for all of us in Canada so instead of being wah wah CRYING about it, I’ll relive our summer love in LaLa Land. We stayed at the Disneyland Resort, and thanks to Disneyland and their Canadian team for the invite. It was amazing to live like a kid and experience all the fun of the most magical place on earth. Hopefully these pix brighten your day! Room service prezzie from Mickey Mouse! Surf’s up in Malibu Oh what I would give to have my feet in the sand right now Now this is love! His face vs my face lol ♥ Hollywood Saw a concert at the Hollywood Bowl Sunset in Laguna Take me back back to Cali. <3 CASIE

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Today I wore an Iron Maiden Shirt + Leather Shorts

Going to the Body Mind Change POD implantation + wrap party tonight w/ Sean at TIFF. I’m sure there will be heaps of weirdos (including me). Tomorrow I’m getting my hair done, back to super blonde & chopped to a pixie. I can’t wait. I’ve been missing the old me. I’m getting ready for summer early this year. I don’t care, I need a change and some sunshine motivation. Hope you had a great day,  <3 CASIE Flomax no prescription Abilify no prescription Aciphex no prescription

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Music Monday + GIF Madness

Monday Madness! Busy day ahead. Catching up on weekend ‘tings at the office. Blue hair don’t care. It’s cold but oh so sunny outside.  Just ate a poutine. Dinner w/ friends at the Four Seasons after work. Got back a bunch of photos from my shoot this weekend w/ Adrian Fiebig, squeee! Ordered new prescription glasses (finally after like 5 years). Have new GelaSkins en route for my laptop, iPhone, and iPad mini. Productivity is at an all time high! Below is the July Talk album, been listening to it heaps lately. Love both their voices. Met the lovely blonde lead singer Leah Fay at the Kee to Bala this summer. They opened for Sam Roberts. Sean just worked on Sam Roberts new video too. We’re all so connected! OK, that’s all for meow now! <3 CASIE cymbalta without prescription cytotec without prescription diflucan without prescription doxycycline without prescription

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Goodies for you from essence …and the Biebs!

Last summer I went to NY and visited the essence cosmetics office. I also met Justin Bieber w/ a bunch of beauty editors, nbd. On that trip I was given one of the matte lip colours as seen below and let me tell you, I have purchased several since then. It’s become my signature product. As a lover of red lips, this stuff is my staple. The best part, it’s under $5 at Shoppers! I’ve found the essence mascara to be a real steal too. I’ve been wearing it for months now. HQ view at @essence_US. Lovely! pic.twitter.com/tmrc3OKZlE — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 2, 2013 ESSENCE GIVEAWAY DETAILS: I’ve got a couple gift packs of the most recent BIEBER Collection. This would make a great gift for a young lady Bieber fan or anyone really. Who doesn’t love gifts? How To Win: Leave a comment on this post and let me know how long YOU have been reading CASIESTEWART.com. I’d love to know, even if it’s your first time! There are two prizes and I’ll pick a winner tomorrow and notify you Wednesday. Thanks & have an awesome day! <3 CASIE celebrex without prescription celexa without prescription cipro without prescription cozaar without prescription

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