Amazon Prime Day is Today – Get 5x Aeroplan Miles!!

I look forward to Prime Day each summer! I bought my first Instant Pot on Prime Day years ago and I’ve been obsessed ever since. If you’re an Aeroplan Member, you can earn you 5x the Aeroplan Miles on Prime Day this year. Think about that for a hot second, get amazing deals AND rack up those miles! DYK what day it is tomorrow? Prime Day #PrimeDay gotta get deals on #PrimeDay ! So what i love amazon prime ok. — CASIE STEWART ?? (@casiestewart) July 15, 2018 I’ve been earning Miles w/ Aeroplan as long as I can remember because mum was keen on getting any help we could in order to visit the fam back in New Zealand. I really love Amazon Deals and Amazon, in general, it’s such a great addition to life. An easy way to get just about anything sent to you in a day or two. If you don’t have a Prime Membership, sign up here. I love the future! Amazon Prime + Aeroplan Details WHAT IS AMAZON PRIME? The basic benefits of being a prime member are FREE 2-day shipping, access to Prime Video (Man in the High Castle, Mozart in the Jungle Transparent), access to Prime Music, AND special deals on Prime Day! There are over 100,000 deals across heaps of categories like electronics, fashion housewares, and more. How it works: Amazon + Aeroplan Visit Using the search function on the page, find Enter your Aeroplan number and last name Click on the ‘Shop Now’ button to be redirected to GET ALL THE DEALS. Happy shopping! The Aeroplan eStore promotion starts on Prime Day and lasts until July 18th. Prime Day starts at 3pm ET on Monday, July 16 This week is an exciting one, today is Prime…

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Eat. Drink. Live | Win VIP Passes to Medley Food & Drink Festival!

Hot summer nights, good food, music, and drinks, you can’t go wrong!  This coming weekend in Barrie is Medley Festival in Barrie, Ontario, a food & drink event celebrating Canadiana with a bunch of great vendors and live music. One of my old buds is behind the event and I want to give you some tickets! I have (1) VIP Ticket Package (valued at $300) and 2 Pairs of Weekend passes (valued at $50). I would 100% be there but Wednesday I leave for Portugal. TO ENTER: Visit Leave a comment on the blog about what you’d like to eat, drink, see, or do there this weekend! I would like to note that one of the food vendors is Pie Wood Fired Pizza which is MY FAVOURITE PIZZA. Just look at this it’s amazing. Here’s a little look at what to expect at Southshore Centre & Park, Barrie. FYI it is 45 minutes from Toronto and there is a GoTrain RIGHT across the street. So, if you don’t have a car, don’t worry, enter the giveaway, save yourself the hassle of traffic, and enjoy a few cocktails! Winners will be picked at random and notified on Wednesday by noon and have 24 hours to claim the tickets. Prizes will be delivered by email. Thank you for reading, sharing, and entering! GOOD LUCK.

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Portugal: Europe’s Hottest Destination for 2018

I’ve always dreamed of summer in Europe and although I’ve travelled to heaps of countries, I’ve never done a Euro trip. I KNOW! Well, ladies and gentlemen, the time has come. As part of my ongoing partnership with Aeroplan, tomorrow I’m heading to PORTUGAL. We leave mid-month and we’re back on the 30th.  Have I said I’m excited, yet? I was originally heading to Paris with Sean but that trip is a little delayed and I’m so glad this worked out. It’s a great feeling to text your friend and say ‘hey want to come to Europe this summer?’. Ahhhhh pinch me, it’s times like this I’m like omg, this is my life! I am so excited. Portugal is the hottest spot to go this summer, just check your Facebook feed or of your fav online celebs and they’re all checking in to Lisboa, Porto, Sintra, and beautiful coastal beaches. Yesterday I was reading this article on W Magazine and it’s one of many about how Portugal is THE SPOT to be. We’ve planned out most of the adventure but I’ve left a few days up in the air to figure out as we go. I love not having a plan and the freedom to make things up as we learn more about secret beaches, hidden hideaways, and locals only spots. If you have any food & drink recommendations, family, friends, hotels, Airbnb, vacation properties, restaurant owner friends, anything, PLEASE COMMENT. We have a Google doc and Slack set up to manage everything (yes, we are nerds) so I will add all of your suggestions. So far we’re arriving in Lisbon, going to Sintra, then to Porto, we’ve got a few days with no plan, then back to Lisbon before coming home. We’re gone for almost 2 weeks. It is going to be so hot and…

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Brighter Days

Smile into the sun. Feel it on your face. There are brighter days ahead.  What a week right, amirite? I don’t think I’ve ever been more looking forward to escaping to the cottage for the weekend. We have worked really hard since March to get it ready and we’re finally there. Time to relax. Yesterday I had a nice lunch with my sister Queen West. We sat outside and laughed in the sun. I spent some time in Bellwoods, caught up with an old friend, met up with Lauren. We went to the Zane X Jenny Bird pop-up at ZANE for a bit. It was so nice out. I met Jenny Bird and totally fangirled like a DORK. Real bugger to hear about the Ontario election results after such a great day. Also sucked waking up to hear about Anthony Bourdain. He was such a great storyteller, inspiring chef, great traveller. This weekend I am focussing my energy on the great stuff. Planning the next 2 months. I have some trips coming up to plan for and a couple really fun brand partnerships coming up. I am feeling very grateful for the opportunities I have and the people around me. Extremely excited for the rest of summer. Today I signed up for 6 months with a trainer. I’ve wanted to do this forever and I’m doing it now, for myself! It isn’t sponsored and I probably won’t be posting workout stuff I biked there today and didn’t even tell anyone haha. Sending you sunshine through the internet. Here’s to a great weekend. ? Fluoxetine without prescription Buy Cipro online

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Turn Your Frown Into a Crown, Put Yourself in an Evening Gown

Gooooooood morning! I’m not sure what’s up but for the last couple days, I’ve been feeling super tired. I was in Vancouver for less than a week but I don’t think jet lag would affect me like this. It’s not even that much of a time difference! Had a nice weekend at the cottage weather was amazing. It’s crazy how the weather can affect us so much. Did you see that May Flower Moon last night? There’s magic in the air! Today I’m doing a wellness retreat followed by a cannabis workship event. I’m also planning a summer trip to Europe w/ Aeroplan. What a time to be alive!  Oh hello. Weekend tan ILY. — CASIE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) May 29, 2018 Was nice to be back in the office after 4 days of the cottage, 3 in Vancouver, and the long weekend. It felt like ages! I am reallllly loving this sunshine. Makes such a difference in my mood each day. “So next time that you’re feeling down Turn your frown into a crown Put yourself in an evening gown”  

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Spring Style: Highlights are BACK!

Yesterday I went to Sassoon Toronto for a much overdue hair appt! That was all me, I’d been delaying getting a cut to let it grow a bit longer and give me more roots. I am growing it out from shaving my head last summer. I met with Kim & Tricia, who I like to call the blonde dream team! I interviewed Kim a couple month ago about taking care of your hair, see that post here. She is a blonde WIZARD. This visit, I asked her what’s trending for hair right now and she said that looks for cut and colour are going back to basics, classic looks, freehand painting. They’re doing more highlighted looks but instead of the traditional highlights (we all had as teenagers), the sections are more interesting, geometrical. As a blonde, highlights take a little longer to do but the colour process is quicker than full bleach, also not as hard on your hair. Kim did mine in a sideswipe diagonal at the front and it was cool to watch. Kim told me balayage is still popular, given it is super low maintenance. Something to remember is it takes precision to have your hair done well, highlights should line up and balayage takes specific painting skills.   I love the Sassoon SS18 Collection images. Check them out here for inspiration. I especially love the image below with the pink background, swoon.  [symple_testimonial by=”” fade_in=”false”]“Sassoon plays with natural hair by enhancing the beauty of original texture, functionality and colour in the hair. This season, Sassoon is manipulating the form of hair by utilizing classic techniques from the inside out, literally, changing the look of hair by looking from within.” Lorraine McAndrew, Toronto Senior Creative Director[/symple_testimonial] Tricia finished with my haircut, leaving the little bits on the side and not taking too…

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