went to the #smirnoffXchange party and all i got was…

SERVED! Big big thanks to Smirnoff Canada for hosting another great event! The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project has been travellin’ around 14 countries (Canada, USA, Great Britain, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany, India, Ireland, Lebanon, Poland, South Africa, Thailand and Venezuela). I would LOVE to go to one of the parties outside of Canada. Hellooooo nurse!!! Remember the last Smirnoff party I went to in the summer? It was called Graphic (click to see video) It was the one with the comic book theme? Shiz was off the hizzle. Check out pix from Nightlife Exchange Project on Facebook at Smirnoff Canada. I suggest giving them a ‘like’ if you wanna know about future stuff. My fav was the balloon drop from the ceiling and the music.  We  danced up a storm, threw back drinks and managed to get home before it got too cra-zay. Well, kinda… Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! roma-Roma-ma-ah! ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Katie Stewart + Jenie Stewart = babes Sequin queens ftw! Mood lighting = Rad romance Meeting this dude was crazy. We both said “my name is Casie/Casey” at the SAME TIME. That’s never happened before. My face it so totally ‘like whoa’. Whoa is me. Eva redpath, dancin’ queen! LOVE YOU BACK! Tweeps: handsome Brocklyn, darling Christine Love you sister. Prom is over. The end.

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hi, how are you today?

Fine. Sitting on the couch drinking water and eating Marmite on bread. Had a great night out with my sister last night. I’m closer to her than ever and it’s crazy how well we know each other. We are afterall sisters, but really good friends too which is awesome. I really appreciate her and that she lives in the city . We don’t see Dad that much cause he’s in Cambridge and Mum is sailing on her boat on the East Coast of the USA. LOVE YOU GUYS! Lots of stuff this week. Monday night is TweetgasmTO at the Gladstone. Tuesday night I have something I forgot to put in my calendar and I hate when I do that. Hopefully writing this now and reading it later will remind me what the heck it is. Thursday is Sabrina’s birthday. There’s always stuff hapenin’ on Thursday. Friday I will be at Dundas Square all day for an event follow me at @armyourself_gsk for deets on that. Friday night is the People Downtown Halloween party. Saturday, I reckon I will need sleep/home alone time. Sunday is Halloween yahooooooooo. I will be at Parts & Labor for a private show with Broken Social Scene that is hosted by Virgin America and the Torontoist. I really hope Emily & Feist are there. That would be great, I have a crush on them both. Next week I’ve got a spa thing at the Cosmopolitan Hotel and a lesson in DJing. Imagine I was a DJ? Imagining………..  In New Zealand I met this babe blogger from the UK named Gala Gonsales who DJ’s. I think that’s hot. This is gonna be a good week and busy week. It’s almost November already. So crazy. Looking forward to Movember and all the moustaches that will be floating around.…

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Good morning, good morning and how are you today?

Up early for a meeting. Have lunch date with Hann, who I have not seen in 8,000,000 years. Meeting couple designers at Toronto Fashion Incubator (TFI) in the afternoon. Attended a fashion event last night with Tarek (designer of my forever loved Nella Bella bags). Night was sponsored by Audi, post about that later. On the run right now posting via WordPress mobile on my Android. Attending the Greta Constantine fashion show tonight. Been looking forward to that one. Still haven’t picked up my pass for Indie Music Week. Gah! I’m actually NOT late this morning. Proud of that. Ok, go tiiiiiime! Have an awesomerrrrr day! xo Casie P.S. Mum, miss you heaps. Glad to know you are safe. When you get internet hope you go back a few days so you can see all the fun. I’m going to San Francisco on Monday till Tuesday to meet the Virgins! Love you xo

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eye spy with my new litte eye

Good Morning Saturday!! It’s lovely out. I got a new camera yesterday, Cannon PowerShot SD1300 I 12.1 mpx + 2 year warranty. If you have been reading this blog for more than six months, you will know exactly why I need a warranty. If you are newer than that, search camera here and you will understand. Let me show you around a little, welcome to my house… My girls – Gwen, Love, Angel, Music, Baby. Smellin good. Mum’s fav passage by Billie Jean King “there are no shortcuts to achieving your dreams” thanks Mum. Love you. Gold angel for good luck and love. They are everywhere around my house and Mum’s house. Thanks Julie, rest in peace, I love you. Tiffany’s silver bracelet from a boy, white gold diamond ring from a different boy (both who now have kids and might be married? Oh memories.) The septum piercing I took out last month, vintage earings. The gold thing is from an award my Dad won for a hot rod he built in the 80’s. Love you too Dad! Me and frog magnet. A penis magnet. Morgan & I at George Strombo‘s party, Carly, Brock & I at the Diet Coke party all during TIFF last month. I love photo booths. I’m sure that does not surprise you. Sabrina is whiping up a quiche for brekky. She really is quite a darling. Makes a wicked quiche! Imma eat you SOON! This does not need explaining, I’ve shouted from the rooftops already. My girl Barbie, one of many around the house. She is special because she has a video camera in her chect (kinda jealous) and an LCD screen in her back (not jealous) for recording videos. Thanks Mattel! Her and I need to spend more time together. Perhaps we will take…

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warhol’s portrait of gretzky, pretty fuckin’ sexy

During Toronto Film Fest last month I saw Hawksley Workman at the Festival Music House perform this tune from his new album and I love it. Been listening over and over. I’m feeling a little better today. If you’re feeling sick too, as I hear heaps of peeps are, try this Thyme Bath (instructions  in this post). It seriously works like a CHARM! I went to bed early last night and slept till 1pm today. I reckon I’m more tired from a whirlwind September than actually sicky-sick. Fingers crossed for speedy recovery. Quite missing Mum, we used to talk every day and now that she’s on her sailing adventure, we hardly talk anymore. Mum when you read this CALL ME. I LOVE YOU. Might go home to see Dad this weekend depending on how I’m feeling. I usually have a pretty fast bounce back from sickness. If I don’t get better soon I’ll be pretty annoyed + pissed off. Ok, that’s all for now. Time for more soup 🙂

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just call me domestic diva

oh em gee, a baby! You wouldn’t normally say “domestic” with me in mind, I’m usually the opposite. Not really into cooking, children, cleaning and stuff like that. However, last night I cleaned my room, vacuumed and made a hearty butternut squash soup…from scratch! It startes like this, boiling the squash then peeling and putting in blender with magic ingredients before letting it simmer on the stove. Very tasty. If you wanna try just ask! I’m actually pretty good at cooking, Mum taught me well. The thing is, when you’re single, cooking for one person isn’t really that fun. I love entertaining (surprised?) and having people over, that’s when my Martha skills come out. How hot is Sabrina working our new LG Kompressor unit. Dayum grrrl! This thing sucks like a mofo. Our house is like mad clean atm. You can sleep on the carpets. I have to keep it that was cause a crew is coming to film at my place for an upcoming project on Monday. Tres exciting 🙂 Ok, TED afternoon session is about to start! I’m ready to be INSPIRED! Hope you are having a wonderful day. PS: I’m not affraid of babies anymore. Look at Isabella, she is just too cute for words. MISS YOU! I know she can’t read this yet but I just wanna let her know. xo

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