Day 376: You Make Me Happy

This week has been good. I’m getting into a workflow and figuring it out as I go. Most days I get up at 7-7:30, go for a run at 8 am, do a short Peloton workout, then get ready to start work at 9:30. If I’m at my desk or working inside the whole day, I like to put on something I’ve not worn in ages and go for a walk. Sometimes it’s just around the neighbourhood, other days it’s a nice long walk with a friend. YOU MAKE ME HAPPY The title of this post ‘you make me happy‘ is also a song also used in my latest video here. When I put on this jacket, it instantly made me smile. Made me think about how my clothes make me happy. So many of them have fond memories of a time or feeling. After spending 90% of 2020 at the cottage, one of the things I was really looking forward to was being home with my stuff. I love playing dress-up or sorting through things I haven’t worn in a while. While the world around us is so different, I find great comfort in the familiar things. Might be my Taurus nature to love home so much. I don’t have many family heirlooms but some of my most treasured things are clothes worn by my parents or anything from nana. Remember the other day when I mentioned Transitional Coat Season? Well, here we are again with another coat! I ordered this one 5+ years ago from one of my fav artists, Valfre in Mexico. It didn’t fit for years but I couldn’t bear to part with it, no matter how many times Sean said “you have too many coats“. Glad to report she fits great now and Valfre is…

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Day 364: One Full Pandemic Year

Sometimes it feels like, is anyone out there? You’ve been following my year but how has your year been? How are you doing? I’m here if you want to talk, text, email, or Tweet. It’s me on the other side of your screen. Some days I feel good like I can handle this, I got it, I’m doing good. Other days I melt into the couch in loungewear wondering when the hell this will be over. I binge-watch shows and eat too many snacks. Then go to bed early, in my same clothes, and wake up hoping for a good day. Day 1: Social Distancing was published on March 14, 2020, it’s been one full pandemic year. My biggest accomplishments have been growing my hair out, writing this blog, and surviving. Getting through this has been hard and just making it to Day 364 is an accomplishment, so man people aren’t with us today. Although our old ‘normal’ seems a lifetime away, there are things to look forward to. As vaccines continue to roll out, and stores start to reopen, we’ll get back to some kind of normalcy. Yes, you still have to wear a mask and it might be sometime before we’re all vaccinated, but the days are longer, patios will open, and things will get better. One thing we can all take from this is the joy of slower living, the hygge of having a space that feels cozy. How important it is to have best friends, or how a call from someone can turn your day around. Some of the best times I has this year were long walks with friends or hanging out in the park. I have great memories with our cottage friends and spent lots of time reading on the dock. I’ve talked to…

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Day 357: Walk On Water

Nice morning walk on the frozen lake. The ice is very thick. Crazy to think we went right across to the other side. Walk on water, baby! I love these smoke bombs, thanks Sean! You can find them at your local fireworks store or here on Amazon. Made a video and posted it on Instagram. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE It’s so quiet and peaceful out on the lake. The shifting ice makes these subsonic sounds that you can feel in your bones. With a shift in temperatures, ice moves, vibrating up and down, kind of like a drum or deep-sounding bass. It’s really cool to feel when you’re walking on it. Sometimes it’s loud and we can hear it from inside the cottage. How great is this jacket?! It’s Sean’s mum’s and has matching hot pink snow pants. I love it! Hi Lorna if you are reading this, miss you!

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Day 352: A Good Old-Fashioned Phone Call

Today I booked a meeting with someone and when she asked for my phone number I was so RELIEVED. In her email, she mentioned Zoom fatigue and I was like ‘YES I AGREE’. We ended up having a great chat for 30 min before even getting to the meat of what we planned to talk about. It’s amazing how wonderful a phone call with a friend or family member can be. I ring mum about once a day to chat about the day. Sometimes when I have a good day, I call her a couple of times! I miss seeing people so much but there’s something so personal about a good old-fashioned phone call. These days gabbing with my girlfriends is the best way to connect, if we’re not able to meet for a distanced walk. In other news, I’m on a good streak with Peloton workouts and discovered a new fav today. There’s a 20min Bad Boy Entertainment full body and it is SO GOOD. I’ve been a HUGE fan of Puff Daddy & the Family since the 90s! Went out for a run at magic hour and she did not disappoint! The sky was so beautiful. As I arrived at the Dundas West bridge on my way to Roncy, the sun was just setting on the horizon. The cotton candy sky had me smiling as I ran the rest of the way home. I think this is gonna be my new thing, I usually run in the morning but a night run is a great way to close out the day. It made me feel alive and free! I am living for these longer days when I can get outside AFTER Young & The Restless and it’s still light out. Hahaha!

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Day 349: Talk To The Moon

Met up with Michelle to go for a nice walk in the sun. I was thinking of taking the King Streetcar from Bathurst back to Dundas West but changed my mind. Decided to follow the sun and head west on foot, picked up some flowers, and walked home. Went through Trinity Bellwoods then along Dundas, when I passed Lansdowne, the sunset lined up perfectly with the bridge at Sterling Road. Got home as the sky turned to night. Was feeling big moon energy and said my 6 wishes under its bright light. Learned this manifestation from mum and always go out and talk to the moon, tell the universe exactly what I want. It’s amazing how fast the universe responds if you go confidently in the direction of your dreams, leaving doubt behind. For the full moon, I attended on an online sound bath hosted by Sound Meditation Presents. A sound bath is an opportunity to travel inward, explore your thoughts and feelings through sound and breathing. In January 2017, after 3 crazy days of CES in Las Vegas, I drove to LA. I offered to drive a friend back and he brought 2 friends for the ride. I was on a solo mission so didn’t mind the company. One of the friends was Suzy, who invited me to join her for Sound Bath LA. Had no idea what it was but I went. We grabbed blankets and pillows and drove with her friend to a dance studio. It was such an incredible experience, I wrote about it here. I left that night feeling like a different person, I’d changed. Spent the next week in LA, alone, staying at different Airbnbs and going on adventures. There is nothing like traveling by yourself to rediscover who you are. I was forever…

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Day 341: Fresh & Happy

Woke up feeling fresh & happy it was Friday! Sean left for the cottage after dropping Em to school, she’s with her mum for the next week and I’m home alone. ? I had such a great workday today. In my afternoon meeting, we were chatting about branded products and it was a great opportunity to show some I’ve made over the years. I pulled out the stickers, note cards, and of course, the pillows I had made years ago. We all had a good laugh! Sending you good vibes today for a nice restful weekend. Get outside, feel the sun on your face, call a friend, support a local restaurant. Do something, do nothing, do whatever makes you happy!

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