it’s your lucky day, you know who you are!

Thank you so very much to everyone who entered this years holiday gifting. Big thanks also to the companies who donated gifts. I have notified all the winners across Canada. there are some I have met and haven’t met. So fun!! In 2011 we’ll have more and more goodies for you. I believe Santa is delivering some more stuff before NYE so stay tuned for that. Have a wonderful day and this is me giving you a huge hug!!!!! 🙂 Mum – my drawings remind me of Quentin Blake from Roads Dahl or Phoebe Gillman’s Jillian Jiggs. Ya?

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GIFTING DAY 5: you thirsty?

Earlier this year I went to New Zealand for New Zealand Fashion Week. It was an amazingly awesome trip. Words can not explain all the fun things  I did, the photos and blog posts will give you an idea but you need to ask me in person to really know. Thank you to Patty Huntington, Anna Jobz, the whole NZFW team, designers, sponsors and people I met for making it so freaking awesome-never-forget-fun. Today I share with you a story and a something from my little wee wine library. My most anticipated show for NZFW was Stolen Girlfriends Club.  It was the show I knew I’d like. This pic is me after the show w/ Venus who was my totally awesome Minder for the week. The fashion show ended with a cannon of confetti and roses. A cute boy caught a rose and gave it to me, there was glitter in my hair. I sat front row and centre and we were all in  an old theatre. Someone pointed out that the girl on the poster for the show looked kinda like me. Pretty neat. This was the final outfit.  The models all lined up then the ‘couple’ came out last.  That’s when the cannon went off. I love the clothes they make, the jewellry and how they put on a show. So hot. You know who else was there that night? And who had been tweeting away becoming friends before I even arrived on the scene? Kim Crawford Wines. (Found out the other day K.C Wine is Mum’s fav from NZ!). The people were all so nice and it was a pleasure meeting them. Everyone drank out of  little jars, it was fun.  The other day I recieved a case of Sauvignion Blanc and Pinot Noir from Kim Crawford…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#Boston ILU. # So hungry!! (@ Atlantic Fish Company) # The Eagle has landed 😉 (@ Boston Logan International Airport (BOS) ✈ w/ 41 others) # See you next week Toronto. #RobotCasie is taking over blog after today 🙂 ILU! Byeeeeeeeee xoxoxo # Love that I can take a cab under $10 about an hour before my flight and still have time for a lounge coffee. Thank you @porterairlines 🙂 # Hey dude, stop reading what I am typing on this phone. # Eye spy somebody who thinks its still #Movember Creeeeeeepy! (@ Airport Ferry to Billy Bishop Toronto City) # Hi @porterairlines! (@ Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (YTZ)) # Dear Phone, OMG you are driving me nutzo. can't wait to shut your face tomo and spend the day on the beach, WITHOUT YOU! Love CS. # Whoa that guy is huuuge! #nutcracker # i wanna be in another country with a camera taking your picture # New stylus for ipad, sht about to get #borderlineartistic # All I want for christmas is this…11" # Giving away a couple of these style bags but bigger on blog over the next week 😉 # Making some great time today. Meeting, lunch, blogged a bit, camera return. Might have time for a mani pedi before @porterairlines at 5! # Returning camera for a new unit. Same girl helping me 😉 (@ Best Buy) # something she said about the vigilantes # GIFTING DAY 1: Givenchy Hot Couture Giftset # First contest posts today at 10am! # Morning friends! # yesterday on twitter, this happened: # reverse pickpocket # just found this pic of me, mum, and my sis #samedress # FUN! RT @dfwcre8tive: Our photos from the @virginamerica…

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down with the sickness: part two #throat

I could feel it coming on last night and should have done this before bed. It’s ok, one day of Mum’s remedies and I’ll be all better. Have a sore throat?  Want it to GTFO of your life? Here’s watcha do. (Mum, GTFO = get the fuck out) Get some ground sage and 2 large mugs Boil the kettle Put sage in mug, pour water over Let sit until sage sinks to bottom and it cools down Strain tea into another mug leaving sage in mug 1 Make sure it’s not too hot Go gargle with it Repeat all day Feel better Mum had us do this as kids and because of it we hardly ever missed school (thanks Mum!). BTW Sage will also soothe hurting gums, cankers, irritated larynx and vocal cords. While you’re in the kitchen boiling that kettle, throw some fresh ginger in a mug and drink it. Down With the Sickness Part 1 is for common cold. It’s instructions on how to Thyme Bath your way to healthy. See that post right here!

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hello LALA LAND, i’m comin’ w/ my @nellabellabrand!

Was frantic yesterday running around looking for something to wear in Dallas that is ‘Western inspired’. Have no fear, the tickle trunk I like to call my closet room is chalk full of theatricical outfits. Jeans hanging up there are my Shop Girls Yoga Yeans, only jeans I’ve worn since I got them. Really comfy and slimming, this all coming from someone who does not like wearing pants so, I mean serious. Keri also came through with a rodeo shirt that will be perfect. I knew exactly what I was looking for and it was surely not this. Well, in some variation but not together… Before shopping I stopped by to see the lovely Tarek at Nella Bella and look what I got… BTW took the nose ring hoop out (Mum :)) so Dallas and customs don’t think I’m a punk. Shaved head/mohawk style looks kinda punky but the blonde hair is distracting, so… I try to take the safest route and go for cuteness when I visit to the airport. I feel like thatis somehting @barbiestyle (aka Barbie) would say. Haha. I wonder if I will see that one customs guy again? Whoa, tangent. Back to this this lovely HUGE bag, he said I needed this colour for LA. SO true. Thank you! I picked up a couple others that will come out during my travels. One is the famed Nella Bella London bag in red. The small part holds my passport and essentials and the big part fits my iPad (Andy) and netbook (Robert) in it perfectly. The big yellow guy is so handsome. If you ever wonder the white rabbit furry guy is from Ruby Boutique in New Zealand. Ok, flight time. Catch ya on the flip side AKA, in the air on Virgin America!

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incredible india wecomes you!

Saturday night Brown Barbie and The Blondetourage hit up the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange India party at the Munition Factory. It was fun. Thanks Smirnoff! Doesn’t this look like a bunch of fun? Super cute, Keri & Raymi. Say wha? 5 rupees? No way. More blondes! Blonde Jovi! There was heaps of food and a market with all kinds of things I reckon you’d find in India. Man I love a good theme party. Christine, April, Carly. Babes. Dance party! Lauren’s BF Sean is the best. Great sport takin’ heaps of photos of us, THANK YOU! You know this rascal.Always with the ladies 😉 Thanks Mum for having this wiked vintage Kaftan. It was a hit!

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