don’t test me in the most annoying competition.

Stuck at airport family with bunch of kids behind us. They are annoying. Update: Erica Ehm and the mommy bloggers went to TOWN on giving me hell for this post. Thanks for the hits and personal attacks. I was stuck in an airport and these parents from Florida let their kids run ALL OVER THE PLACE. Who does that? I wasn’t attacking ‘every parent’.  Check out this little blurb in the HUffPo, I’m sure I inspired it: “But should you find yourself in the presence of a family, try to avoid behaving like this girl. I’m thinking of bookmarking her site to show my daughter an example of how not to act in public. The tight close-ups of her sun-damaged face making rude expressions about a family committing such atrocities as wondering where they’ve put their boarding passes and worrying about running out of diapers during a delay do a disservice to urban hipster doofuses everywhere. Corinne McDermott is the founder of Have Baby Will Travel – your online guide for travel with babies, toddlers & young children.  Hey, why don’t you show your daughter my site? And also the amazing things I’ve done?  Then show her what you wrote about me and explain that? Original blog post images have been removed because those Mommy bloggers bullied me and I couldn’t handle it anymore. WHAT KIND OF MOMS DO THAT, HUH? I’ve decided to be annoying too. I’m using three outlets, ahem…airport asshole. Please don’t be offended by this post if you have kids. My parents used to travel with me heaps as a kid. If anything, feel sorry for me! I am a terribly creative person trapped in an airport with a bunch of misbehaved rascals. They are running all around the place, being loud, can’t hear the announcements, and the parents aren’t doing…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

New BFF Sky & I car danced like crazy. It was awesome. Sky got twitter today and loves it. She is 11. Follow @skybenjamin. I could never be Mum to a race car driver. I’m having heart attack watching @kylebenjamin71. # This is really intense @skybenjamin @kylebanjamin71! Aaaah (@ The Pits At 5 Flags Speedway) # All you @kylebenjamin71! Your cheering section is rrrrrrrready! Cc @skybenjamin @ChantelleDay # Who makes their Dad carry their bike? I don’t care if you are 10 haha # Omg gonna be some more wreckage. These kids racing bikes before cars. So funny/cute/hilarious. LOLing so hard w/ @skybenjamin. # OH “I could run beside these kids” haha @skybenjamin # My new #BFF @skybenjamin. Live tweeting the races w/ her tonight. # Kids racing, mayjah wreckage RT @skybenjamin: wreck in turn 1 # Where’s ma chils support @Shashena @shawnhawaii! Haha #triangle # Its ok @kevinkvs, they’re just tshirt babies. # #ff @shawnhawaii my baby daddy to #triangle & Eviana # #ff @KeriBlog – bff & blog babe who makes videos & teaches me spy skillz # #ff @kylebenjamin71 – 13 year old who can drive better than all of you. #71 # watching qualifying times w/ @chantelleday & @kylebenjamin71 # I really should have watched Taladega Nights before coming to this. # Awesome qualifying time @kylebenjamin71! Killllll it tonight # Mmmmm RT @erinbury: This is AMAZING. RT @unbrelievable: Bored of plain old lorem ipsum? Try Bacon Ipsum! # Hacking wifi networks w/ an 11y.o. # In the rig @ race w/ internet, cable, xbox, AC. @chantelleday playing COD w/ #kylebenjamin # No @raymitheminx, not at all. I mean you might get perks or be seen as ‘influential’ on a specific topic. Cc @klout # Race day! #kylebenjamin #71 (@ 5 Flags…

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some things i love (right now)

Sun on the face & warm air when I roll outta bed and go to balcony. First thing I do is check phone, get up, check computer, grab camera, go outside. The Lake, the Airport, the many people on their travels to work. This vintage Lion Breweries New Zealand Olympic Team shirt that was Mum’s. Buckler Men’s undies. SO COMFY (even if you don’t have a package to fill them out but probably more comfy if you do). Have been using some really great products lately and figured it was about time I share with you. I always test things out for a before I tell you about them and I only talk about what I like [DISCLAIMER]. You’ll notice I enjoy products that don’t have too much scent, are clean feeling & soft on the skin. L-R: Dermaglow Oil Free Cleanser – soft on face, gentle, hardly no scent Dermaglow Daily Moisturizing Lotion – soft, no smell, clean feeling Dermaglow Wringle Release Serum – see how young I look? Yeah. Use it all the time. Goldwell Ultra Volume Leave-In Boost Spray – good volume, doesn’t make hair icky or greasy Cheeky Monkey Nailpolish in Party Whore – Yes, that’s the real name. Colour is my fav! Redken UV Body Rescue – Stuff is amazing is you love sun like me. Treats skin post tanning & has a soft glistening glitter. Thursday Plantation Tea Tree Antiseptic Cream – MOSQUITO BITES. I hate them. Lotion is cool & soothing w/ tingle. Givenchy Play – Smell is soft, feminine & good for summer. Bottle is metal so great for travel, throwing in purse etc. Givenchy Blush Gelee – Hot pink jelly blusy, one colour for all skin tones. First blush I’ve used on regular. The Body Shop Body Butter Duo in Vanilla…

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borderline artistic strikes again

See these two babes (no not me) Chantelle & Alana! They know me longer than you or the internet! OMGCANYOUBELIEVEIT. Chantelle and I danced together when I was 3+ years old. Alana lived down my street and used to play with u. She also used give us her old clothes. It was AMAZING to hang out the other day. They both say HI MUM! Mum, please try & ring me tonight. I miss you heaps & have so much to tell you. If you see glitter like this somewhere, you know I was there. Borderline Artistic. Look at this sad sight. Swan on a pile of garbage down by the lake. Heart break. Weather has been so lovely the last couple days. Today is an exception, kinda chilly out there. MORE GLITTER. BORDERLINE ARTISTIC STRIKES AGAIN. We were chillin’ and all of a sudden CP24 Breaking was there to do a story. No, not on me. Two mins later SF News was there. That’s Sweden. There were there filming this tall glass of water, here he comes. Voila! He’s playing TFC on Saturday. Jonathan, do you know his name? Something like Stephen or Stephan Fry. Then I tried to ride this bad boy but my feet couldn’t really reach the pedals making it nearly impossible to ride. Chantelle is taller so she was fine. I have to go get ready for class now. That sounds funny. I’d love to teach a class. Would you take it if it was a Sat. or Sun. afternoon workshop? Maybe I’ll put some more thought into that idea. I love teaching and talking. Wanna book me to speak at your event/school/office/bbq/party? Book me here. P.S. I really love Bruno Mars. Like, srsly.

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i just wanna blog, i don’t really caaaaaaaaaaaaaare.

I have like 8,000 things I’m trying to do an I wanna do is blog, blog, blog. Wahhhh. Here’s some things I did today real fast. Had this song stuck in my had all day. You’re welcome. Plank like ‘errrrrrrrry day. New shoes @ Get Outside. I replaced my white canvas Converse (like those words together) every summer. I love summer. Went to a beautiful Dermaglow event at the TIFF Lightbox. The team is fab. Thank you for all the products. I can’t wait to wash my face & moist it in a few mins. I’m excited for Film Fest this year. If you & your company wanna chat about doing something cool together email [email protected]. 10 days of pure awesome fun. Sometimes when Keri & I hang out it’s like, so meta. So funny too. Keri taking photo to blog and me taking her photo & blogging it. Oooh hehe haha. I kill me. Ate a meat pie. I love meat pies. Wasn’t as good as NZ meat pie though.  Say meat pie again. Mince meat w/ potato top are my most fav. I also like patio lunches. Got some jazz in the mail from China I ordered from Etsy. I freaking love Etsy now. I have a bad memory (reason I started this blog) so I forget things often. I didn’t know what was in the package before I opened it. Self gifting FTW. Keri got mail too. Look how happy. Tonight I have three events, Steamwhistle, Yelp, Molson Sublime. Excited to see friends. I love summer. Gah! LIFE’S A BEACH & THIS IS MY LIFE! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

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you’re so hypnotizing could you be the devil, could you be an angel

Morning friends. Mama’s headin’ to the beach today, yahoo. Get ya’ tan on. Yes Mum, I have sunscreen. Packed 60 for the face 🙂 Little rain over night but it’s beauty & warm out now. Great view (kidding!). Palm trees dudes, palms! Leaving Philly took foreverrrrrrrrr. Asked around and it seems so many planes were delayed in the US yesterday. I was like ‘JUST GET ME THERE ALREADY”. There were over five guys lined up to take off. It looked pretty. Luckily we jumped the line & got into the air first. Oh yeah. Had one of these on the plane. Super sweet and not even that good. Reminded me of Cuba. The brochure said it came in this really cute pre-mixed bottle, the ONLY reason I ordered it. I’m a sucker for sweet packaging. Fatal attraction to cuteness. Off to brekky now & then beach. I’ve been looking forward to this for MONTHS. Have an awesome day. P.S. Dave Coleman’s wicked condo at Young & Eg is for sale. He’s finally moving downtown! See it here. I would looove to have that much space. OmGAGA.

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