Today has been heavy. It’s hard to watch what’s going on in the world right now and not take action. I’ve hit pause on posting my own content to continue making space for POC creators and resources. If you are looking for resources on how you can help or show support see here. I’m still keeping my daily diary, it’s my way to remember, and a time capsule to look back on in the future. I hope that by sharing a little bit of sunshine here on the blog it can bring a smile to at least one person. ? We went to Beaverton in the afternoon and while Sean had a meeting, I got some groceries and called a friend. Today I made a delicious beet salad with leftover beets Sean BBQ’d the other day. I really love beets. The afternoon was really nice, I took some time to plant the flowers we got for Sean’s mum. She’s not planning to be up here for a while but we wanted to fill her flower pots and tidy the garden. Tomorrow we’re putting up the hummingbird feeder, we’ve seen a bunch of the beautiful little birds buzzing around. I think Sean’s parents have been keeping up with the blog so, “HI LORNA & KEITH, WE MISS YOU!”. ? Sean got a new power washer last week and it was quite therapeutic to blast the stairs and wash outside. This thing is a beast, so powerful! I power washed my paddleboard and Sean’s mum’s kayak, can’t wait to get out on the water. In other news, I beat yesterday’s 5K record on my run for Global Running Day. ?
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