Thank God I’m Going Home Today




Vegas is crazy. I tried to stay home last night but went to the CES closing party w/ NextGen & some friends at TAO. What a fun time. My tweets tell the whole story… @casiestewart

Have a photoshoot I am rushing to get to right now. I really hope I don’t get delayed by snow on my way home. Back in TO tomorrow.


Daily Twitter News for 2012-01-13

Conference Crashing At It’s Finest #CES2012


I’m sitting here in the sun. It’s lovely.













The Art of Touch, Baby!

Hi from CES in Vegas! I’m sitting in the live audience of What’s Trending in the Venetian Ballroom right now. Some of my friends at Microsoft knew I would be here and wanted to share some gadgets with you guys. Before I left home Microsoft gave me a fancy soft touch mouse. I have it to Barbie cause she just got a new computer with Windows 7.

Microsoft wants to let you know about The Art of Touch Contest going on with the chance to win sweet prizepacks every week from Dec 5 – February 26.  You have to create a piece of art on the website

I have two of the Microsoft Touch Mouse valued at $79.95 for YOU! Leave a comment before tomorrow when I leave CES and I will random pick two winners.


Viva Las Casie






I reckon three days in Vegas is too long. I’m over it. Spent most of last night going to lame parties and taking taxis. The coolest thing is that we found the ‘secret pizza’ place in the Cosmo and had a pizza party. It is hidden behind a sushi place and outside of it is a pool table with gorgeous vintage furniture. I drank PBR and played with my iPhone while the others played pool. There were a bunch of celebrities at one of the parties but I really don’t care. That chandelier is the worlds largest Swarovski. It’s beautiful and spans three stories with stairs and an elevator.

I had a great sleep and today I’m planning to walk the strip and check out the sights. I would love to see Chris Angel!


The Virtual Mirror for Styling Your Face

Your face is extremely important to you and if you have/like to wear glasses you wanna have ones that make you feel good. Mum used to always say “looking good is feeling good” and its so true.

My favourite vintage waldo-ish glasses are really scratched so when ClearlyContacts asked if I wanted a new pair I was IN! They have this cool new feature that’s a virtual mirror for trying on glasses. I played around with it today and it makes the online shopping process WAY easier. Check me out gif styling & shopping at Whole Foods earlier today:

4rqabo on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

Clearly Contacts is offering a promotion tomorrow to all first time customers starting at 9am (EST) and the first 10,000 glasses ordered are free. YES FREE! Promotion doesn’t include sunglasses. To get your free pair visit them on Facebook or click on photo below.

I decided on a new pair of nerd glasses and black Ray Bans (so excited for these!). There’s a good chance they’ll be waiting for me when I get home from Vegas. STOKED.


I am so clever that sometimes I don’t understand a single word of what I am saying.

This is where I live for the next few days. Luxor pyramid. can you believe I (randomly) had an Egyptian cab driver drop me off who wish me well in a language I didn’t understand. You should see how it lights up at night. Disco pyramid!


I’ve heard the expression ‘only in Vegas’ a bunch since arriving less than 24 hours ago. I get it now. What a crazy place. Driving the strip last night was surreal after seeing it in movies and on tv my whole life. Hello, hello is anybody out there?

Today I’m working from this massive Whole Foods market where they sell everything from booze to Toms and every single type of food. I made myself some pho which was really good but I put in WAY too many onions.


Last night I met my friends at the Bellagio where we went to a party at The Bank then Hyde then Spearmint Rhino. Super fun. We had security and a driver, things I could totally get used to. The DJ was THE one and only DJ Jazzy Jeff and bubbles were falling from the ceiling. At one point I think the smoke set off the fire alarm and the whole place spent about 3 minutes with no music.

I wonder how people that live here 24/7/365.25 days of the year handle it? I guess you get used to it.

In other news I have a photoshoot on Friday and am doing something on TV back home on Monday. Scooting back to hotel now to change shoes and go to YouTube party. Ran into Twitter friend/fan Alex Kinsela from home at a party last night and he invited me to today’s Mashable party. We have never met and we finally do in Vegas. Crazy. I guess anything can happen here!

Remember you are never going to be younger than you are right now, so enjoy it! Do something fun 🙂


* title is a quote by the great Oscar Wilde

Daily Twitter News for 2012-01-11

I’m having the time of my life. ILU Vegas!




Sunrise to Sunset: a bloggers work is never done always fun


View from my hotel at The Henry today at 8am. I really should get up early more often. The last few days Ford has dome a really great job of making sure we never go hungry. Food everywhere. Remember the candy bar the other day? At one of our stops today I raided this only ate one of these I promise.


Some of the other kids have really good versions of this photo with more of us in it. It’s so incredibly cool to meet other international bloggers. There were all kinds of media represented including LifeHacker, Gawker,, heaps of design magazines, tech writers, fashion bloggers.


This car so CRAY CLAY!


Look who it is….


We’re actually a LOT alike, seeeeeee. Meet Dylan, artist & uber babe from South Africa(the one I was creeping yesterday). Check out VISI design mag and his tweets here. I think he looks kinda like Johnny Depp.



A little message for you

Jan 10, 2012 | Source:


A Little Razzle Dazzle in the Press

Sitting in the Product Development Centre at the Henry Ford Museum listening to a panel discussion on creativity, design, ideas, innovation & inspiration. It’s pretty neat because it’s not all Ford people there’s a mix of ages & backgrounds. I’m not gonna go into detail on it now so I  can actually pay attention. This photo was posted yesterday by Ford Europe from the Fusion press conference yesterday. Overalls from H&M, shirt StyleMint & vintage scarf from CTS.

Today I was quoted in the Detroit Free Press and the article is here. There’s a video of Joallore too. We’re representing Toronto here in the 313!

“There’s really cool booths where it’s like they’re not just appealing to you buying a car, but they want to create an experience for you – which is really cool,” said Casie Stewart, also a blogger from Toronto.

Have an awesome day. I’m off to Vegas tonight for CES. Ahhhhhhhh! Exciting 🙂



Photo diary: North American International Auto Show

I know a lot about cars man. I can look at any car’s headlights and tell you exactly which way it’s coming. – Mitch




























Now dinner. xo Casie

International Auto Show Day 1 #naias

Well hello and good morning from Detroit. I haven’t been up this early in a zillion years (by choice). Heading to the International Auto Show for a press conference. Expect it will be an interesting & jam packed day. Had a lovely time last night. Check my tweets for all the pix!

xo Casie




* dark photo is view from my room, YEAH, that early!

** breakfast staff are very accommodating here!


Travel Diary: 416 -> 313









This tunnel was so cray. Crazy awesome!

Detroit airport #inception #disco

Jan 8, 2012 | Source:


Now en route to hotel to meet the other kids. Sun is shining bright in Detroit! Enjoy the day!


StyleMint now ships to Canada!


There’s nothing like a surprise gift in the mail to perk up a cold winter day. It’s even better when it’s something you can wear and it comes from a company owned by your favourite famous twins Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen! Nice packaging too. 

Seriously though, I love them. Once I dressed up as MK&A for Halloween. We had venti Starbucks cups and huge purses as accessories with heaps more accessories on top.

Other members of team JewelMint  & ShoeMint, are Kate Bosworth, Rachel Bilson and celeb stylist Cher Coulter and Nicole Chavez.

This ‘Le Beau Necklace‘ is silver plated chains wrapped around 14K gold plated ring on a brass faceted cable chain. Love.


At StyleMint you pick a bunch of things you like, then MK&A ‘style you’. Once I connected with FB they picked my style matched with famous short haired blonde’s and even styled me with a boyfiend who was tall with long hair and a beard. If you know anything about me you know that those boys are my fav. ♥! Spot on with the outfit choices.

I love buying shoes online and have gone a *bit* overboard lately on Solestruck so it was nice to see heaps of styles I wold totally buy on ShoeMint at a lower price point. Getting shoes is the mail is like SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

JewelMint is like having Kate Bosworth as yout stylish. She picked for this ring for me. I think I have one kinda like it somewhere. I need to organize my jewellery. She has really beautiful different coloured eyes.


When opportunity knocks? I’m waiting by the door.

Well, here we go packed and ready for a week of two cities, two climates, two time zones and two conferences.


It’s a beautiful day to fly and my sister is coming to meet me for brekky then wisk me off to YYZ for afternoon takeoff. Luggage packed carefully last night. Layers and all the same colour scheme to accommodate the many activities.


I’m really not sure why I need two cameras but I’m testing the new Nikon and the Olympus is my baby. Now that I have iPhone I hardly use my camera. I took, edited and am posting all this from it now. THE FUTURE.



All that stuff goes in my purse for easy access. My passport photo always gets a giggle cause I’m wearing bright red lipstick with a bow in my hair.

I love this painting. It’s the last thing I see before going out the door. The title is “keep this one” and it was done by Hinto in 2008.



Daily Twitter News for 2012-01-08


The last time I did a phone stack at a meeting/dinner was GENYTO meeting meeting at The Pilot May 27, 2009 (having a blog is a great!). Was reading a post on the Kempt blog about getting together with friends. He said that when he meets with friends/colleagues they all put their phones int he middle and as htey all vibrate and make noise, you must rist the temptation to reach for your phone and if you do you have to pay.

I posted this pic in 2009 and now I know it’s called a “phonestack”. Duhhhhh! Think I’m gonna make it a game with my friends this week. Knowing me, I’ll be the first loser to reach for the phone and burn myself at my own game. LMK if you give it a try and if you win. I don’t recommend trying it with parents.

Some things and thoughts…

There was a really beautiful sky last night. I love the view from our place. Living near the water is something I adore. I prefer the ocean but the lake is good too.


Was recently sent a couple gift cards for Tim Horton’s so I could try out the new lattes. They were super nice to send a few extra so (I did a secret contest and) surprised a couple people with a gift. Tried the vanilla latte and it was ok. I reckon I prefer Tim’s regular coffee. So many memories as soon as I take a sip. Have you tried the Tim’s latte, what did you think?


Going to Tim’s with Dad as a kid was one of my fav things to do on the weekends. He would always read the Toronto Sun. I remember we’d always check out the Sunshine Girl which is why I think I wanted to be one. Crazy that was over ten years ago. I think I look  younger/better now.

Gimme a donut meowwww! Boston creme is my fav treat from Tim Hortons. Next week I’m heading to Boston for a visit with friends. When I arrive we’re going straight to the museum then a Rocky Horror show at night. Preeeeeeeety stoked.


Saw this painting at a meeting today. Liked it. Moooooooo.


Went to Earl’s last night with Stephen. The Financial District is such an interesting place. Everyone looks the same, sea of suits. I wore the JC Night Walk shoes, harem pants from Raymi and that lovely denim jacket from Bicyclette, with Dior lipstick. These shoes spark conversation everywhere they go. Honestly, they are really comfortable and easy to walk in. Rarrrrr!


Calculator phone usually gets a few commets too. It would be really cool if it solar charged or was a working calculator. It says ‘hello’ which is cute. I have a T-shirt with a calculator that says ‘8008135’ aka boobies on it. hehe


Check out this article on Lauren‘s new show MTV Creeps. Watch it Thursdays after Jersey Shore. You rule Lozzie Pops!


What season is it?


Busy day with meeting after meeting today and I’m fighting a headache. Can’t believe how warm it is outside. Leather jacket, no gloves or hat. All I feel like doing is curling up on the couch with my computer while someone cleans my room. A girl can dream can’t she? Typing this as I walk down King to Spadina terrified I’m going to trip and drop/break my phone. Tomorrow is a day of rest before I head to Detroit for the Auto Show Sunday. Jenie and Ryan are taking me to he airport. I love the airport!

Arrive at my destination now. Having a blog is like talking to yourself. I always loved storytelling 🙂

Happy Friday xo

Cougar Boots from Matchstick

This post is waaaaaay overdue…. Cougar & Matchstick sent boots way back in September but the weather was so lovely and warm I didn’t bust them out for months. And well, there’s no way for me to review something if I haven’t really given it a try! Now that winter is here I’ve been wearing them and they’re quite lovely. Leather & suede outer, slight heel and comfy to walk in. They’re not the warmest I’ve ever worn but luckily it hasn’t been THAT cold.

Here’s me doing a little dance last time I got my hair done! You can get Cougar Boots at The Bay, SoftMoc, Sears or online at (Beware their site has auto music!)

Stay warm out there!

* For mega warm boots for your tootsie toes check out my posts on Moovboots!

Art Attack: arm doodle, healthy snacks & sunshine

Shortly before the holidays I got the ship tattoo I’d been wanting for ages. It’s part of a masterpiece that will eventually be a half sleeve on my right forearm. This beautiful rose the latest addition. I took this in Instagram cause it’s not as bright as it will be when it heals up nice yet but I wanted to share. Pretty eh?


I’m thinking that the feather Stephen Shaw did will look really pretty if it’s coloured in kinda like this babe I follow in Instagram. Don’t mind what she is doing. You’ve probably done it too.


Bob reminded me of the day I got my septum pierced last year. I’ve been really temped to do it again (sorry Bob and Darren too!). If I do get it, it will be a really small one that I can tuck up and hide from the world if I want to. I love when all my tattoos are hidden and then someone sees them is really surprised.

Been eating more healthy snacks around the house lately. January is eat healthy and have a clear head time for me. It can be a really downerish time for people so I’m trying to make sure I feed myself good food & thoughts.


One of the great things about our house is how bright the sun is during the day. It can be super duper cold outside but if it’s sunny you’d never know! Sometimes I feel like I’m getting a tan, if you close your eyes and imagine, you almost do. 🙂


Je m’appelle Casie. c’est mon premier enregistrement.

I’m hoping there will be more of this. Recording is fun. Channel is here. Any suggestions? Questions?

Take a Different Look, See Things Differently

Had a good day working at home yesterday. Finished it off with a bevy downstairs at the Fox with Shan. My trend of winter hibernating has a bit of a new meaning now that I have to go less than 20 steps to a place where real humans hang out. Arrived there with two day old hair in a headband, huge Nana sweater, baggy harem pants from Raymi and an over sized fur. Trust me it sounds more glam than it looked. Man repelling hard.

Watched a few episodes of United Stated of Tara on Netflix when I got home and discovered this cool thing from Google Earth. Check out these cool interactive polar panorama images.

Nana’s old house in New Zealand: Napier Road, Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui. Behind Nana’s house are these massive windmills and huge hills like in Lord of the Rings,.

My old house on Curlewis in Bondi Beach, Australia. It was a fave min ute walk from the beach. I loved living there. You might love this photo, depending what you’re into. 😉 Been thinking heaps about moving back there. Some days the desire is so strong. Yesterday was one of them.

The house I live in until I was 21 in Cambridge.

Condo city, heaps of tall glass buildings, concrete jungle and the CN Tower. I love this city, it will always be home no matter where I end up.

Check out this creepy “Like a Doll” shoot I saw on Valfre’s blog. Man I love that girl. I don’t know her but I love her style and creativity.  She posts the cutest things and I really rad drawings. Isn’t it cool how you get to know a blogger through their creative expression?

Starting to plan things for SXSW in March. Super stoked to go, I’ve been dreaming of this for ages! Have a spectacularly awesome day. Heard on the news that Toronto is going to be pretty warm the next few days. Maybe we will skip winter this year? Whatta ya think about that?!!

Apps: Shopcatch – Location Based Dealios

I know it’s post holiday and Santa probably brought youuuuuu all you wanted BUT if you’re like me and love a deal, this might just be of use. Some friends introduced me to ShopCatch, an app that shows you location based deals.


I was at home when I snapped these and it gives me a pile of post holiday deals along Queen Street and what’s happening at the Eaton Centre. I have some GC’s to use from Christmas so if it’s nice out tomorrow I’ll see  what deals have my name on them. I reckon Mum would love this to watch for Winners clearance. Keep an eye out over the next couple weeks cause they (Winner’s) mark EVERYTHING down cheap. Maybe not in the city but surely in the burbs!

Have a cool app you’d like me to check out? Send a link to [email protected]


Party like it’s 2012! Dim sum dance party w/ Mansion

Mansion NYE Brenmar

We had all the blonde blogging babies out that night. Love those babies. Last night I watched Swingers and now all I wanna do is call my besties babies.

Mansion NYE

All our boys were there too. Love these love birds. Lozzie & Seany.

Mansion NYE

Mansion NYE

Emma is one of my style ICONS. You can find her managing my fav vintage shop @CTS_Queen. She is a beauty and always has the most rad outfits. She picked out my gold dress for the night from the shop, I cut it and added a bow + belt. Check the dance move of the guy in the background above. Ha! The cute baby boy with her below is her charming BF Brendan. Alliteration is my fav literary love.

Mansion NYE

All photos are taken by my lovely PA Miss Kate Killet. THANKS KATE!

Mansion NYE Dim Sum

These dudes were part of the dancing dragons. We were really at a Dim Sum spot. I didn’t eat any, I’m not really into Dim Sum. I heard there were serving lobster too.

Mansion NYE


Mansion NYE

Blondetourage rides again, Lauren, Me, RaymboBLOG POWER! That’s like GIRL POWER Spice girls style. We’re modern stylin’ Spice Nerds.

Mansion NYE

Mansion NYE

Mansion NYE

Mansion NYE

Sammy & Ross are in Jamaica right now. DAMN YOU JERKS! j.k. Have fun boys. Bring me back a rum.

Mansion NYE

Mansion NYE

Mansion NYE crowd

My sis Effie was dressed almost same as Lauren. TWINSIES! Thanks Mansion for a fun party!

Mansion NYE

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! ♥ See more photos by Kate on Flickr here and  Nirvana on FB here.

Every Day is a Chance to Make Your Life Better

The last couple days I’ve been feeling really exhausted. I wondered if I’m getting sick and refuse to let that happen. This morning I dragged myself out of bed ready for a new routine.

When I was in away in the hot sun last month I still worked every day but I added things to my life that made it better, long walk on the beach, smoothie for breakfast, writing in my journal. When I returned to the hustle and bustle of city life, I got caught up in the rush and lumped right back into old habits, drinking, eating bad etc. I got to thinking last night that there is nothing standing in my way of eating healthier and doing more exercise. I have a damn grocery store across the street and two gyms downstairs for christs sake! Took one look right into iPhoto and said STOP BEING A LAZY WOMAN!

Every single day that passes is a chance to make your life better, to start volunteering, to help a friend, to clean your room, to buy better groceries, to walk instead of transit, to hit the gym instead of the bar. You are the director of your movie, cast who you want to star in it and live out the script of your dreams.

I’m drinking a smoothie, watching The IT Crowd on Netflix and cleaning my room AND when I stop for break I will be at the gym.

Enjoy the day! Do something amazing 🙂

Love, Casie xo

P.S. Got a beauty rose tattoo beside the ship on my arm yesterday. I know I’ve not really shown many photos but I’m planning to shoot some real nice ones when they’re all healed up & looking bright!