Talk Nerdy to Me
How to Make a Pirate Cake

Having a pirate party? Celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19? Ahoy there matey, this pirate cake will be an instant hit with any budding swashbuckler. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
I pick my Berry as my favorite thing too.
Study Finds That 35 Percent Of BlackBerry And PDA Users Would Choose Their Device Over Their Spouse
NEW YORK (CBS) ― Of all the possible things that can come between spouses, you can now add BlackBerrys — or more precisely — BlackBerry addiction to the list. A new study reveals BlackBerry’s are becoming — among other things — the 800-pound gorilla in the bedroom. ‘Berry, ‘Berry, addictive? “I live with it. I can’t live without it,” one New York City resident told CBS 2 HD. Yeah … there’s a reason some call ’em … CrackBerrys. But are you having a love affair with yours? “I am on my BlackBerry more than I see my boyfriend,” one woman said. The study of 6,500 traveling executives says 35 percent of them would choose their PDA over their spouse.

Go figure.
Cara Matthew y’all – Listen UP!!
Hello Friends, it is with great pleasure that I introduce a great friend of Mine, 2008 Ontario Independent Music Award Nominee, Cara Matthew.
Doors Open at 6:30pm
Cover $10
Sunday, September 21st
For more information please
Jazz Lounge,964 Bathurst St. (2 Blocks North of Bloor St. West), Toronto
Please call for Reservations: 416.913.8197