Study Finds That 35 Percent Of BlackBerry And PDA Users Would Choose Their Device Over Their Spouse
NEW YORK (CBS) ― Of all the possible things that can come between spouses, you can now add BlackBerrys — or more precisely — BlackBerry addiction to the list. A new study reveals BlackBerry’s are becoming — among other things — the 800-pound gorilla in the bedroom. ‘Berry, ‘Berry, addictive? “I live with it. I can’t live without it,” one New York City resident told CBS 2 HD. Yeah … there’s a reason some call ’em … CrackBerrys. But are you having a love affair with yours? “I am on my BlackBerry more than I see my boyfriend,” one woman said. The study of 6,500 traveling executives says 35 percent of them would choose their PDA over their spouse.
“That’s a tough call,” one said.”Oh you don’t want to go there,” another added. And apparently that attitude is being seen in the sack. Of those polled, 87 percent said they bring their devices into the bedroom(Always!). Another 84 percent check their e-mails just before they go to sleep (And while you sleep, lol!!!!) . Another 80 percent check them in the morning as soon as they get up (Always!) . “It can actually ruin relationships,” said Dr. Susan Bartell, a psychologist and relationship expert. Bartell said couples should be interfacing more, but with each other. “People are so focused on their PDAs, they’re not focusing on what might be going wrong in their relationships,” Bartell said. Of those polled, 62 percent said they love their blackberry or PDA, and most of them said it makes their life more productive. However, experts suggest, for the sake of your relationship, you might occasionally … “Turn it off, spend some time with your partner. Have a real relationship with a living human being,” Bartell said.

The study was done by Sheraton hotels. Among its other findings: More than three quarters of those polled say their gadgets give them more quality time with friends and family… and help them enjoy life more.
Go figure.