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Teen Vogue

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Perez loves New Zeland Blonde Girls

If you’re blonde and from New Zealand, then we are LOVING you this week!

A few days ago, we introduced you to to the brazilliance of Ladyhawke.

Today, we’d like you to meet Gin.

This blonde from new Zealand remind us of a few of our favorite artists – like Skybox, Joel Plaskett Emergency and Macy Gray.

Her voice is quirky and intoxicating voice – her tunes fun and charming.

Listen to the delightful Under My Skin below!

And then CLICK HERE to check out more songs from Gin.

For the Fucking Record Bitches.


just do it.

turn your head to the left:


I like sharing, who has feedback on SharePoint??

I don’t know why but I like photos of server colocation. Nerdy and kinda weird but whatever. It’s something I have with computers. Me likey. The idea of being able to access all my files anywhere in the world is just exceptionally appealing, you know? SO you could be on a beach and pull out that business report, or be at the train station and check over the slides for that presentation next week. Super useful. I know that this is precisely the kind of thing that some businesses might want to use SharePoint for as part of their Office 365 package. Some of these businesses also choose to use end user experience monitoring to ensure that the experience of any given user is a positive and productive one.

I have basic knowledge and an looking into this type of solution. I’ve already begun looking into how I’m going to convert my digital and physical documents for it, so I have a few questions about the actual server-side of things. Stuff such as management issues, ease of setup, troubleshooting, what it is like when there are technical difficulties. You know, the standard fare.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I’ve been looking into this software called to help me sort and convert the physical files. It’s pretty nice from what a friend told me about it. They use it in their office to convert receipts and the like, and it was a part of a major digitization effort they had last year that’s apparently really helped them streamline a bunch of their procedures and processes in-office. Which, made it seem perfect for me to use in my application.

I’m wondering:

  • Have you worked with Sharepoint?
  • Do you know about it?
  • How hard is implementation?
  • Is is a drastic change for user who operate with MS Office & Windows?
  • How is it being the Admin and/or Manager?
  • Do users like/love it?
  • How did it help the business?
  • Does it make your work easier and more efficient?
  • Are you less stressed?
  • Reporting; love it or hate it?
  • What’s better than SharePoint?
  • Do you know it well?
  • Have you been to the Conference?

I will continue my research for now @,?:)-8-<=