Oh, What to be on Halloween?

I was a sexy pirate, but what should I be next? I went out as a Zombie and was sexier than the rest! I’ve been out as an Olsen with my sister Mary Kate. I’ve been a nasty nun . I was drunk with pregnant traits. I’ve been a super hero a ghost and a witch. I was an old lady and she was a sexy bitch. I don’t know what to wear, I’m pulling out my hair!!

Oh, what to be on Halloween!!

winter is coming

you know its time for winter
when the wooly socks come out
your hats and mits and scarves and such
and lots of little pouts

you know its time for winter
when the snow is on the ground
the streets are filled with slush
and your spirit feels a frown

you know its time for winter
when you’re oh so bundled up
trying to keep warm inside
hot coffee in your cup

you know its time for winter
when holidays roll around
you gather with your family
and many drinks go down

you know its time for spring
when the flowers start to bloom
love is in the air
and sunshine fills the room

casie. oct.29.2008

Looking Good All Over, Barry.

A dear friend notified me of something very interesting going on at www.economist.com. You can login as a member of the site (or signup!), choose your country and pick who you would vote for in the upcoming US Election. It is evident by all my posts that I’ve got a thing for Obama. I was pleased and surprised to see that the whole world, the ones whom are interested in The Economist, would vote for Obama as well.

The countries that chose McCain are mainly concentrated in one part of the world and McCain leads in Iraq, of all countries, with 67% of the vote. Interesting point maybe? In Canada the favorite is clear, 89% of Canadians that have voted online, vote for Obama. the polls are refreshed every 3 hours and overall there are 9,120 votes for Obama and only 270 for McCain.Check it out if you find it interesting by clicking the links or the map.

Just Dance!

Tonight I’m taking my sister to see a show that I am quite excited about. The show is entitled “Bloodletting and other pleasant things” by Tony Chong at Dancemakers Centre for Creation. I’m quite looking forward to it. I don’t have much knowledge about the show yet however you will all know what I think about it tomorrow! It is in the Distillery and starts at 8pm if you wanna come with us. I’m looking forward to hot bodies dressed in minimal clothing and a roller coaster of emotion expressed through contemporary dance. My sis and I have always been involved in dancing. We both started at the age of 3 with Meyerhofer Dance Academy in our home town and we both had fake eyelashes and hairpieces at 5 years old. We travelled to New York, Myrtle Beach, around Ontario competing in many, many competitions. With that thought, the two of us are good critics for tonight’s show.

Recipe for Brain Cancer

take a kid, add a mobile phone, use it for a few years…
study shows that Cancer may develop

I came across this article today addressing links between children, cell phones and the development of brain cancer. I found it to be informative. You can read the entire article by clicking on the editor’s name below.

“Children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use mobile phones, startling new research indicates.

The study, experts say, raises fears that today’s young people may suffer an “epidemic” of the disease in later life. At least nine out of 10 British 16-year-olds have their own handset, as do more than 40 per cent of primary schoolchildren.

Yet investigating dangers to the young has been omitted from a massive £3.1m British investigation of the risks of cancer from using mobile phones, launched this year, even though the official Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research (MTHR) Programme – which is conducting it – admits that the issue is of the “highest priority”. If anything, we should learn from this and realise that the use of mobile phones could be damagerous to our health. There are a few things that we can do to protect our health at least. The first and most obvious is to reduce the use of mobile phones, whilst another thing that people could look to is EMF Protection as well.

Despite recommendations of an official report that the use of mobiles by children should be “minimized”, the Government has done almost nothing to discourage it”

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor

Is that Fey or Palin?

Tina Fey is cool but Palin is not so cool.
Check her out ‘raising the roof’.
it inspired me to write a little som’tin som’tin…
my name is palin and baby i’m failin’
raisin the roof like i’m raisin concern
in a few weeks i’ll be back on that stage
in a pageant with girls half my age

one kid in the war and one a teen mommy
SNL & tina already got one up on me
throwing out hate to reach for the votes
and right in my face you’re all making jokes

she spent so much money to get fancy clothes
yet not she’s not even stylish wherever she goes
her leading man is so fucking old
and comments she makes are so often so cold

she’s got ol’ dirty bush, ODB, on her side
but barry obama’s taking them for a ride

my name is palin and baby she’s failin’
written by me today