i got a new job

I just said bye-bye to my old job. I quit. I’m moving on…

I’ve taken a position with Much & MTV on the Digital Marketing team. I knew when I read the description,  this job that was for ME. I remained positive the whole time and knew in my mind and my heart that this is what I truly want to do.

I’ve worked really hard over the last year and it wasn’t luck that did it, it was preparation meeting opportunity.I used to work in web development Toronto and now I’m moving into new ground. I could not be happier than I am right now. I am proud to say, I have left a job and now begin a career.

Thank you for your love and support.

Let the wild rumpus START!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

sentimental, sent a mental note

It’s one of those days, the kind when you’re waiting for something that could make a big difference in your life. Something you really want. Lisztomania plays on my phone waking me up and all I can think of is the brat pack mashup. I love the 80’s. It feels cold outside from inside here. I lay in my bed as I write this. I dreamt of NYC last night. I’m excited for the weekend. I’ve been waiting a year to be a zombie again. Saturday night I’m going to a ball. I woke up to emails filled with positive thoughts and one about a package and the post office. It’s too early to get up and get moving but I just can’t sleep. I just can’t sleep, there are too many things keeping my mind a race today…

wild things: i rememeber it different

I guess we all do.

The book’s not many pages, some with only pictures of wild things and a rumpus. What’s is a rumpus really? We all remember the book and love it. Loved it. My mum hated it at first, not feeding the child his dinner and then the monsters.

Saw Where the Wild Things Are in IMAX last night.

Cruised Chapters before the movie and read the soft cover  to refresh my mind. In my memory it was a wild adventure of excitement, travel  and friendship. After twenty years, I only  remembered a feeling and not much of the storyline. The book is surprisingly short.

It was better in my mind. It  it always is. I’m glad I saw it.  We didn’t stay for the whole thing.

I know Max gets his dinner at the end. The voices were good, especially Kevin’s mom from Home Alone, Forest Whitaker and Chris Cooper (the weird kids Dad from American Beauty).  The wild thing kid is the is actually named Max in real life.

Go see it and be gentle with criticism, it will always be better in your memory. I’m really glad it’s in a movie now and would like to own a copy. The IMAX speaker & sound intro was really fun for me., it was my first time.

Keep calm and carry on wild things…

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it’s warm in my heart and my little red tights

I woke up in a great mood. It’s good day I can feel it. Had a nice brekky at Roastery with Jeff,  they have the best music. Soon as I got to the office I re-played I love the Nightlife on my Blip Station for my Twitter peeps to enjoy. It was perfect the perfect tune to dive into work with enthusiasm.

I’ve got two new penpals and am expecting mail. They’re both in the GTA so if you live far and wanna be my penpal, leave a comment and we’ll chat about it.

I’m also excited because some dear friends in the USA are sending me a camera in the mail!! Remember I broke mine? Lucky girl right here! Say goodbye to these Blackberry photos and hello to my pretty litte face nice and clear.

People went wild over this a photo I posted of my sis and I yesterday. Saying we’re Twins and stuff.  She’s probably the cutest thing…ok she ties with me. haha You can follow her on Twitter. I’m trying to get her into it as much as me but it seems I have a passion like no other!

Reminder to enter the Harijuku Lovers Contest by emailing [email protected] to tell me something you love. It’s that easy. I’m gonna pick the winner live on 12seconds.tv October 30th.

I love Fridays! Have an awesome day 🙂

some people have real problems…some kill it

It happens every year when the season change. You know what I mean, we all go through it. You wake up and wonder what to wear, what will it be like today? Outside? Inside at work? I think and say out loud “why don’t I wear a bikini under a parka so I’m prepared when it’s either freezing bloody cold or damn hot?” Ok…I exaggerate…

I remember this one job I kept a blanket at my desk all year round. I  never knew if I was planning for heat or air conditioning, never mind the unpredictable outdoor weather. It’s a problem but not like a really serious one…

I love fashion and style and clothes but don’t talk about them that often.  I’ve got a couple favorite blog spots that do cover fashion and they’re really good.

I  like their style and they’re all so damn cute. They are:

Go check them out. You will like.

if google was my boyfriend

I forgot something I said to Keri last night when we were hanging  out so I Tweeted her to remember. I had a three-way on Skype with Bob in Atlanta and Ellen in Boston, then Keri joined in from my place. I miss the famous Mayor of Twitter so I Google Waved him hello.

Sabrina’s letting me pick out my Christmas present so I shop online and send it to her over MSN. I also don’t know if I’ve won the Build a Bash party yet so I obsessively Tweet at them and upload Twitpics of me visiting their site.

I send photos to Posterous that update to a Facebook album and then post to Twitter. Oh the love is going round and round…

This morning we were chatting about Google being a good boyfriend…

Pros of Google BF

  • Very open communication
  • Easily connected to each other – in sync
  • We won’t can’t hide anything from each other
  • Her puts out alot
  • He knows what I like
  • Keeps track of all the blogs I like in a Reader for me
  • Makes my photos pretty and appeals to my artistic side with Picasa
  • makes it easy to subscribe to my life
  • He makes money for me and him
  • He’s got lots of room for me to grow and store stuff online
  • Manages groups well – open relationship?
  • Likes to travel the Earth
  • Helpful when I want to know something
  • Good at Jeopardy
  • Likes to get to know me
  • Good for maps and directions
  • Sorts mail and throws out junk
  • Could give me an even cooler office to work in
  • Helps with advertising

Cons of my Google Boyfriend

  • That smartass has an answer for everything
  • Terms and conditions
  • Uses algorithms all the damn time and I hate math
  • Kinda creepy collecting so much information about me
  • Sometimes throws the wrong things in the trash
  • He’s been everywhere so there’s hardly anything new to him

There’s gotta be more cons…I can’t help but see more positive 🙂