It was freezing cold out last night. We did just what mature responsible adults do. Eat warm homemade chilli, drink wine, play board games. It was my very first time playing Cranium and I was stoked.
This is me acting out “Winnie the Pooh”. Can’t you totally tell?
Amy and I realized that we’ve been friends for a while yet never ‘actually’ hung out. Crossing paths online and offline for god knows how long. It was about time.
She’s in town from Quebec and it was a special treat to spend the night laughing together.
I can draw pretty good…except with my eyes closed. It’s really harder than you think. You should probably try it this afternoon.
Kelly may be better than me?
Amy and I WON the game of Risk after. I have always hated that game but found a new love for it. Being on a team makes it way more fun. I went to bed early and woke up early and it feels wonderful.
Today I’m going to a Frock Swap and then gonna Shmotter my closet.
Enjoy the day. It’s beautifully chilly and sunny at the same time.