lets not play games with each other ok?

It was freezing cold out last night. We did just what mature responsible adults do. Eat warm homemade chilli, drink wine, play board games. It was my very first time playing Cranium and I was stoked.

This is me acting out “Winnie the Pooh”. Can’t you totally tell?

Amy and I realized that we’ve been friends for a while yet never ‘actually’ hung out.  Crossing paths online and offline for god knows how long. It was about time.

She’s in town from Quebec and it was a special treat to spend the night laughing together.

I can draw pretty good…except with my eyes closed. It’s really harder than you think. You should probably try it this afternoon.

Kelly may be better than me?

Amy and I WON the game of Risk after. I have always hated that game but found a new love for it. Being on a team makes it way more fun. I went to bed early and woke up early and it feels wonderful.

Today I’m going to a Frock Swap and then gonna Shmotter my closet.

Enjoy the day. It’s beautifully chilly and sunny at the same time.

mo money mo mustaches

Do you know what Movember is? If you don’t you should go learn so that next time someone brings it up you don’t look like a dork.

I’m a Mo Sista on a Mo Team and I love me some mustaches. …and mustache rides 🙂 haha You can support me and my Team by donating some dough right here. You’re welcome to join the team and grow your own MO too.

I got a huge box from Prostate Cancer Canada last night and it’s FULL of Movember Party gear including pageant banners for the best Mo Man and Mo Sista and a stack of stickers. There’s a Mo Love button too, oh I love. I’ll be hosting mini Mo Parties and collecting donations all month.

Have a wonderful day & happy Movember!

i heard swine flu gives you pig tail

I hate this stupid H1N1. I hate hearing about it an seeing the long lines of people non TV. You will not catch me lined up. I reckon you’re more likely to get swine flu in the line of ‘high risk’ people. I mentioned on Twitter I wasn’t gonna get a flu shot. Peter Mansbridg and I exchanged a few DM’s (direct messages). He told me I’m in a high risk group and that not getting it was selfish. Gah!

I love that the Raptors & Leafs players got the shot already. ‘High Risk’ my ass. That doesn’t make sense, I know. If you have money you can probably buy a shot from a private clinic. Who says we don’t have two tier health-care? ha!

I wondered what the Swine Flu, urgh, I mean H1N1 looks like through a microscope. Like a pig I reckon…

outbreak, outbreak, there’s an outbreak of chaos!
crashing and burning, spreading like wildfire!
worldwide & deadly
it’s an epic pandemic!

(knocks on wood coffee table reciting I hope I don’t get it)

a woman needs a man like a fish a bicycle

Feeling busy today and it’s only eight am. I’m ready for the weekend. It’s been a busy week. My wrist has been hurting, stress. Castor oil really helps, thanks Mum. The MTV Video Music Awards will be live on MTV.ca today and I’ll be Tweeting about it for work. I’ve got an album to review from Musebox, Adriane Lake. Watched my friends from Scribblelive on Dragons Den last night. Attending the opening of O’Brien‘s Roosevelt Room tonight and missing Art Battle. Possible attendance to see a major band tonight in style, depending on my tiredness.

Came home for lunch yesterday, felt great to do that. Made today’s lunch last night. Been daily reading Zucket’s secrets and Raymi’s public life. I need to take more photos.

I need a coffee today for sure.

The 2009 Weblog Awards

Nominations for the 2009 Weblog Awards opened yesterday, if you love, please nominate me for Best Twitterer or Best Canadian Blog. Raymi pretty much owns this yearly but it’s worth a shot! Enjoy the day. Rain boots and a brolly necessary!

just when you thought it couldn’t get….

…any better! I realized a few things yesterday as the clock struck 5pm, I’m not rush to get the hell out of here like my old job and omg, the Y&R is on and I have a TV with cable sitting right here at my very own freaking desk. No lie. I thought to myself as turned to my new friend and I swear the look on my face was if I had died and gone to job heaven again for the 40th time since yesterday. I confessed out loud “I can watch my show at work, do you know how happy this makes me?” So happy. Gah.

I swear guys, if you really want something go out there and GET IT! Don’t hold yourself back, you’re the only one standing in your way.

I also got some great news yesterday that made me really proud …my old office UNBLOCKED Twitter and Facebook. Yep, now that I’m gone. They hated what I was doing and I loved it.  haha!  I should have totally sent out an interoffice email with my Twitter ID before I left.

Have a great day!

don’t hold back, you can fly kid, you can

Don’t doubt yourself. Don’t hold back. Just go. Just do it. Don’t stand in your way. Live. Live it out. Go all the way. Be free. Throw your arms up and over your head. Look up at the sky. Reach for it. Your dreams aren’t that far away. If you can see them you can reach them. You can achieve them. You can fly kid. You can. Stretch out those arms and soar like an eagle.

“You can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls.”