CoralTV: #ProudToLove

CoralTV: #ProudToLove

YouTube has launched a great initiative called Proud to Love encouraging people to share their own stories.

The team at  Coral TV is  proud to live in a great city that celebrates individuality and freedom. We put together a little video from all of the hosts to celebrate Pride week. I’ve been going to Pride for years, see a brief history here.

Upload your own video using the hashtag #ProudToLove telling us what you are proud to love!


These Flowers, For You

These Flowers, For You

Currently en route to the Thompson Hotel for a media lunch with Grey Goose (client) for the Cherry Noir. I’m working though so just food and photos, no dranks! This weather is so weird, in wearing a mixed up outfit of cutoff overalls and a poncho with Sperrys.



These are for you. I picked them with my phone camera 🙂






My hair is in a pony today. It’s getting long. Finally getting my lashes done today w/ JJ Cowan and hair is Thursday at Evolve Studio. These are the most gnarly roots ever!

Much love and light,

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You’re Never Too Old to Play

You’re Never Too Old to Play


Will post some photos later tonight! Been hella busy today!

Play Dressup

Much love, happy Monday!

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Summer, Sunshine, Sunday Supermoon

Summer, Sunshine, Sunday Supermoon







So lovely. I could stay up here till September.  Super hot out, should swim. Just might!

Sanasaaaaaaaa! Happy Sunday!

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Put a Smile on That Face and Share It w/ Someone

Put a Smile on That Face and Share It w/ Someone







Hello and HI from West Queen West. I’m your host Casie Stewart reporting live from TEH INTERNET. It’s a beautiful 18 degrees in the sunny city of Toronto and I wish you an amazing day! Now, go put a smile on that face and share it with someone.


With love & light,


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Tech | Heart on for Social TV and Data Visualization

Tech | Heart on for Social TV and Data Visualization

If you didn’t see this video on social TV from Twitter check it out. Pretty neat data visualization.

I LOVE social TV. Something I’ve been really passionate about since working at a TV station a couple years ago. The magic of Twitter and TV fascinates me. I love real time communication, advertising, and interaction. I hope to work more in that space again one day.

Last year at Banff World Media Festival, social TV was such a hot topic. Here’s my episode on Coral TV where I chat about upcoming trends, these are all relevant one year later!

In other news, Vizify is a wicked way to visualize your social resume. Made this little ditty the other day. Cool eh!


Almost the weekend! HUZZAHHHHHHH! WEEEEE.


Red Bull Solstice on Friday at Cabana Pool Bar

Red Bull Solstice on Friday at Cabana Pool Bar

Hey lovelies. It’s been a busy month with heaps of events, NXNE, MMVA,  Vancouver, and Montreal. I’m dying to get back up to the cottage and will be doing so after Red Bull’s Solstice event at Cabana Pool Bar on Friday night. I was there last weekend, it’s a pretty sliiiiiiick summer party spot.

The event is free but there’s gonna be a HUGE line. I can offer a bunch of you VIP to attend. I’ve got 4 passes for 2 on the VIP line bypass guestlist. All I need you to do is tweet me and I’ll pick winnas tomorrow. Red Bull parties are ALWAYS a blast, I’ve been to a few over the years! This party starts at Cabana Pool Bar on the Polson Pier at 5pm on Friday and goes till late at Sound Academy.


Would love to party with you as the sun goes down on the first day of summer! If you don’t win from me you and all your peeps can RSVP by visiting

Much love,


NXNE + MMVA 2013

NXNE + MMVA 2013



NXNE was fun except I got sick after and didn’t even go to that many shows. Didn’t do much of the MMVA either besides a few afternoon stops on Sunday. Wasn’t feelin’ it this year. Jackie my old friend, it was lovely to see you.




The Red Bull patio is always a good time. It’s the spot above their super rad office on Queen Street.



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Bowmanville Zoo – Photos later today!




Will post Bowmanville Zoo photos from Camera later today. Was super fun to feed and RIDE Limba the elephant.


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You would think…

You would think…

… it was winter with the weather and how cold I have been for the last 24 hours.


After a very busy two weeks my whole body said ‘NO’ do doing anything and I’m on sick day #2. I hate it.  There are heaps of things happening at work and not being there gives me the FOMO. There’s a bunch of events this week too but I can’t even begin to think about going anywhere. I am wrapped up in scarf, hat, Lazy Pants, warm socks, snuggie, and duvet. There’s a Ravi Soups around the corner, I wonder if they deliver?


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You Want Me Down on Earth, But I Am Up In Space

I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone…

 I crashed my car into the bridge. I watched, I let it burn. I threw your sh*t into a bag and pushed it down the stairs cleaned the house, baked cookies, and make kale chips. Happy Fathers Day! They are a little burnt but I DON’T CARE, I LOVE IT. I crashed drove my car the Lexus all day yesterday to the Bowmanville zoo (photos coming) and around town in massive traffic, but I DON’T CARE, I LOVED IT.

This is my Dad & I – Love you Dad! He’s in LA for the LA Roadsters Fathers Day show.

I don’t care, I love it.

With me in photos is Nataleigh from Coral TV. Photos by Shannon Litt

Today is the Field Party, one of the BIGGEST MMVA weekend shindigs. It’s run by my friend Karine Delage and last year I filmed an episode of THIS on Coral TV at the event. It’s the spot everyone goes before hitting the red carpet (or bar) at the MMVAs. Tonight, I’m planning to go to the Universal Music party and the 235 Films party for the Drake video (my BF worked on Started from the Bottom).  Last year he (BF) won an MMVA award for DWW’s ‘Big Wheels’ vid. This year, The Field Inc. is  celebrating  10 MMVA noms for their awesome directors.  Huzzahhhhh!

The VIP giftbags are valued at $500 (um, HELLO!) and include the Just Dance video game (I have/love this on XBox!), Green & Black chocolate (YUM!), Atlantis Niagara Ice wine, Hypnotiq, Fireball, Sleeman, John Allans products, Calvin Klein underwear (M/F?), MJ Cosmetics, and treats from Bath & Body Works.

The Field Party & MMVA Gifting Lounge 2012

Have a wicked day! Love your guts 🙂


This is the end (of the week).


Man, was it ever nice out yesterday. Today I’m taking Emily to the ZOO!


Picked out some socks for one of my most fav Dads in the world. Love the Father’s Day box they come in.


Got myself some new vintage overall shirts. Super cute, love love.


Glad it’s really nice out today. We have a VIP meet and greet with the animals! Squeeeeee!


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Universal Music After Party – Ticket Giveaway

Universal Music After Party – Ticket Giveaway

Ladies & gents, as you may know it MMVA weekend in our fine city. I’ve attended the MMVAs, had friends win awards, and in 2010 I was the Social Media Manager of the show. The best part of the whole night are the after parties. This year I’ll be on the Universal Music bus with artists (who shall not be named!), at the at Universal party, ans then the 235Films party celebrating Drake’s video (that my BF worked on!).


I’ve got ONE (1) pair of tickets for you to join me at the Universal Music after party and dance your pants off while having drinks with me and the stars. Winner announced! 

Party Details

* Contest is open to people in Ontario only, unless you are in TO for the MMVAs or NXNE and you can get yourself there. You must be 19+ as there is a strict security policy. Please note this is a super exclusive party and if you are my winner you better behave! Winner will be chosen at random by Kthxbai.

MMVA Universal Music Afterparty via @casiestewart #thisismylife

MMVA Party Memories

Hashtag cards we made at MuchMusic in 2010.

With Bucky from DWW in 2012.

Bench Lounge with BHD I hosted in 2011.

Dress I had made by Peach Berserk in 2010.

Whatever Weather

Whatever Weather




I can’t believe I’m wearing winter clothes in June. Hardly rode my bike the last few weeks cause we’ve had so much rain and it’s been chilly. Just finished from a haircut at Evolve Hair Studio with Sonya. This sweater was a gift from kiwi designer Adrian Hailwood during NZ Fashion Week in 2010 when I was a VIP guest.

On the bright side, since this is the first summer I’ve worked full time in over two years, I don’t really mind the weather. I can only imagine how hard it will be to gaze out the window when it’s super sunny and warm.

Hope the day is treating you well 🙂


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Busy, Baby, One More Time

If you had a really busy day like me I swear this will make you feel better. Promise.
Oh baby, baby… hit me baby one more time.

NXNE Interactive 2013 – Ticket Giveaway! #nxnei13

NXNE Interactive 2013 – Ticket Giveaway! #nxnei13

Wednesday this week kicks off NXNE! I absolutely love this festival. Think SXSW more Canadian.  I’ve been attending and doing giveaways for NXNEi since 2010 (photos below).  I spoke on two panels last year about the Psychology of Narcissism and on Social Giveaways.

This year, the Interactive festival runs June 12-14, is curated by FITC and two lucky people, will win a pass to attend. You’ll get to experience the intersection of media, technology and culture with the world’s best visionaries and leaders. It’s not hard to win. Tweet this button and you’re in. I’ll pick a winner at two on Tuesday, as in tomorrow, June 11th. 

 If you are in digital, social, or have any passion for anything internet, you will find something here to stimulate your senses.

NXNEi 2010

NXNEi 2011

NXNE 2012

Explore Digital – Media / Culture / Marketing / Music / Film / Startups / Web / Comedy / Art

Creativity/Ideation, Design/UX , Entrepreneurship/Startups, Funding/Grants, Marketing/Branding, Video, Advertising, Measurement/RO, Music, Film, Comedy, Social Media

NXNE Interactive 2013

  • Explore Digital – Media / Culture / Marketing / Music / Film / Startups / Web
  • June 12-14: Workshops+Conference

NXNEi Speakers

Johnny Cupcakes • Saul Colt •  YouTube • HootSuite •  TeamBuy • The Score • john st. • Jay Goldman • Etsy


Coca Cola Surprise Notes – Spreading happiness!

Coca Cola Surprise Notes – Spreading happiness!

Remember this post from a couple weeks ago? Turns out I took place in Coco Cola project Surprise Notes and I didn’t even know it!

Coca Cola / Surprise Notes

Happiness is spread with unexpected notes scattered through the city.


Field Trippin’ with Arts & Crafts

Field Trippin’ with Arts & Crafts






The Arts & Crafts Field Trip yesterday was so much fun. Spending Sunday lazing around, cooking, and watching Arrested Development. Might take the old Corvette for a spin later!

Enjoy the day!

Adieu Montréal, tu étais belle.

Adieu Montréal, tu étais belle.


Le tired today. It’s very rainy and gloomy here.


Currently experiencing the worst hair ever. En route home from Montreal. I think this was the shortest trip I’ve ever taken. Event last night was good.



Next stop, Toronto. Heading to Fort York for the Arts & Crafts Field Trip today. I hope it’s not too cold!

Ok, engine started. Ready for takeoff!


Canon Canada 2013 Ambassador – Casie Stewart

Canon Canada 2013 Ambassador – Casie Stewart

This is my new Canon Rebel SL1. It’s the worlds smallest and lightest DSLR. I’m super excited to have received it last night from Canon as part of their first ever  ambassador program. They’ve chosen five top bloggers in Canada to learn to use different Canon cameras in different ways. From now till December, I’ll be stepping up my photo game and learning how to really use this thing.  I’m amazed at some of the features and stoked to take my skills to the next level. I’ve never had a DSLR before! My first ever digital camera was a Canon Powershot and I replaced it several times after losing and breaking it beyond repair. Looking forward to taking you on this journey with me.

Thank you Canon for picking me, I’ll make you proud!

With love, CASIE


Montreal! Here I Come! Vroooooooooom!

Montreal! Here I Come! Vroooooooooom!

No, I’m not driving to Montreal but I AM en route to MTL via Porter Airlines for the F1 launch event Film Fashion F1 hosted by Community and sponsored by Porsche and Martini. I’ve loved racing since I can remember so this is pretty exciting. I’d love to being Dad but this is a work trip so I’ll be busy the whole time. Sorry Dad, will take pix!

My first race was the Toronto Indy in high school and a friends family business sponsored a driver. It was AMAZING! I had full pit passes and spent part of the afternoon during the qualifiers lounging on a boat outside Ontario place with some Hawaiian Tropic girls.  I really wish I had photos but it was WAY before I was on the internet and digital cameras weren’t invented yet. [No comments on that please!]

The last time I went to the Honda Indy in Toronto I arrived to my spot just as the cars were crossing the finish line and landed some camera time on TV. That kinda stuff always happens to me!

Boarding my plane now. Hope you are having a lovely day!



Experiments to Re-Imagine Advertising

Experiments to Re-Imagine Advertising

Saw this today and think it’s neat. Art, Copy, Code is Google project that launched at SXSW in Austin this year. It’s a series of projects and brand stories about the current creative revolution, driven by art, copy, and code.

Art, Copy, Code, Toronto

The film project shows experiments in ads, apps, social, and mobile that are reimagining advertising’s future. Screenshots in this post are from when I watched it earlier, but based on where you live, the weather, and time, your video will be different. Check it out!

About the Video

The marriage of art, copy and code is creating entirely new kinds of experiences, but it’s also revolutionizing more familiar ones, too. Here, we partnered with director Ben Tricklebank and Tool to create a dynamic video experiment that changes every time it’s viewed.

When a viewer presses play, the program gathers data points like time, location, weather and what’s happening on the web and incorporates them into the video. The result is a personalized experience that rewards repeat views.

Talking Shoe

Screen Shot 2013-06-06 at 11.13.47 AM

This is me today.

Hope day is treating you  well. Sending you sunshine because there is none outside!


Modern Comedian – Mitch Was a Writer

Modern Comedian – Mitch Was a Writer

Yesterday I walked down an escalator that was broken so it was stairs. I’m always reminded of Mitch Hedberg when that happens, his joke ““An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You would never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.” So funny.

On this ep. of Modern Comedian, Lynn Shawcroft talks about MItch Hedberg. Lynn is a hilarious Canadian comedian who was married to Mitch Hedberg the last 6 years of his life. Mitch Hedberg was my fav comedian of all time. Follow her online at @shawcroft.

MItch Was a Writer

* don’t mind the bad audio, it’s an old video!

A waffle is like a pancake with a syrup trap.

Alien Station

Alien Station

Alien Broadcast Network #thisismylife #casiestewart

You are listening to the Alien Broadcast Network and THS IS the Internet. No, actually.

Bacardi Best Seats Contest Coming Soon!

Bacardi Best Seats Contest Coming Soon!

Guys, Bacardi Canada is launching a HUGE contest SOON called Bacardi Best Seats. I gave away a pair of tickets to see Ke$ha and Pitbull today. Stay tuned for the MASSIVE CONTEST announcement next week. 🙂 Huzzah!


Love ya, CASIE

This One’s For The Birds

This One’s For The Birds

Birds Dress @casiestewart #thisismylife

 This is the birds dress. Last week it was ducks. I have about four of the same style dress in different prints. Cardigan is from GAP at Dufferin Mall and I used my CAA card to get 10% off. Huzzah! Thanks CAA! Photos taken and uploaded with HTC One. I really love this little phone.

Birds Dress @casiestewart #thisismylife

I listen to 102.1 The Edge when I take the streetcar in the mornings. it’s the funniest show. They have this “What’s Wrong With You?” contest where people call in and say what is wrong with them. Sometimes it’s so funny I have to hold back the giggles.  Some people have real problems! Ha.

Birds Dress @casiestewart #thisismylife #ttc

New fav coffee shop Hula Girl near Dundas Station. Had a great coffee this morning! They don’t accept debit so tomorrow I’ll be prepared so I can taste something from the snack counter.

Hula Girl Espresso Bar - Birds Dress @casiestewart #thisismylife

I’ve got a busy day on my hands (again). Here’s to making it a great one! 🙂


The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People

The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People

An oldie but  goodie, came across this again while cleaning up old bookmarks. The article blog post was originally published on Salon in February, 2000THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND. I was born a creative person and at times I’ve wondered if my vices are helping or hindering. It gives me comfort that many of the greats were open about their vices too. This list is a pretty good one, you’d enjoy the whole article on Salon too I’m sure.

creative brain head @casiestewart #thisismylife

The 7 Vices of Highly Creative People

  1. Drinking – For [Winston] Churchill, like many other great drinkers, alcohol was a tool used to feed creativity and social discourse. 
  2. Smoking – Smoking has often been linked with creative genius.
  3. Gabling – The world is full of stories of highly creative people whose success was based on the big gamble.
  4. Oysters – Certain foods are frequently associated with highly creative people. None more so than the oyster.
  5. Fashion – The highly creative always choose their wardrobes with a more consistent flair.
  6. Sex – The sexual appetite and prowess of those possessed by creativity can’t be argued.
  7. Abuse the Card – The highly creative travel an expensive road, and the best way to stay between the yellow lines, or at the very least keep food on your table, is to Abuse the Card.

Flashing highway on bridge! #YOLO @casiestewart #thisismylife

Here’s to the crazy creative ones!

Oh yeah! Ace Ventura! #thisismylife

Love to know if you have any to add to the list below? LMK in the comments or Twitta.