I was really busy today with work and didn’t have time to bloggy blog until now! I usually develop a mild anxiety if I don’t update. Oh man, you should see me if whole day goes by without internet or blogging, I start scratching and pacing like a total crack head nut job.

I wore these shoes today, wanted to give them another go. Last time I wore them my feet were torn to shreds and hurting for at least a week. Shoes, I have a message for you “you’re cute but it’s OVER, it’s not you, it’s me, you hurt ME. I wanna be with you, inside you but the pain is unbearable.”
Wore this shirt today, one of my fav’s I ordered from Threadless. On my way back from meeting Abby to talk Degrassi I got stopped by L’oreal. Really good pickup line “you have amazing style, can we take your picture”. Obvs I was like “yeah”. Turns out one of the photog’s does work for MuchMTV and I uploaded a bunch of his Juno photos last week. Small world, totes.

Good thing I brought flip flops to walk home in the rain. RAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR!