- Leaving #kingstcrawl for #loserkaraoke w/ babes @hawleydunbar & @escapefromrl http://twitpic.com/27qnj0 #
- Just did an interview for #virginradio Vote for me as #virgin #provocateur! #kingstcrawl is fun as yo https://casiestewart.com #
- Heading to #loserkaraoke soon. You? #
- Third stop #kingstcrawl (@ Bier Markt) http://4sq.com/12I75c #
- 12seconds – #kingstcrawl land down under live @ fynns temple bar http://tiny12.tv/QP32A #
- #kingstcrawl (@ Firkin on King) http://4sq.com/c7NjV9 #
- #kingstcrawl has begun http://twitpic.com/27p5d8 #
- En route guys! Where do I meet ya? #kingstcrawl #
- you are what you tweet #
- if you just started following me, you should check this out right now http://bit.ly/9Q6C0g then tell me you did so i follow back 🙂 #
- shit damn RT @stephenjerzak: Just rear ended a lady that just got a root canal! Haha sucks for her. #
- thank you for following me @carlsbergcanada. i like you too. #
- so much to do so little time to blog it all. intern needing is growing. might need a #casiearmy 😉 #
- deff be at #loserkaraoke tonight after #kingstcrawl – anyone else up for free beer, couple spots left. meeting @ 7:15 http://bit.ly/bxc5Gp #
- anyone having trouble with FB photo uploader? keeps going back to home page for me. geeeezzz. #
- Too many chips …..urgh. ttp://twitpic.com/27nsn5 #
- anyone a huge @lights fan + going to Lilith Tour this weekend? #
- fire alarm testing #evacuatethedancefloor #
- 12seconds – Feel de Vibe @ 299 Queen St. #caribbana http://tiny12.tv/PJIHM #
- lunch + blog (@ Ackee Tree) http://4sq.com/bT6BDH #
- anyone going to #LilithTour on Sat? looking for some peeps to be on camera for a #MuchMusic thingy lemme know. http://bit.ly/bmEusO #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Cody Simpson – 'iYiYi' ft. Flo Rida [Official Video] http://youtu.be/ZAHDtzeC_AU?a #
- this one time, at band camp http://bit.ly/9Q6C0g #
- Today @ctvtoronto we have 'feel de vibe' for Caribanna from about noon-2 in the parking lot so I wore this http://twitpic.com/27klua #
- I've favourited a YouTube video — Kevin Macdonald on Life In A Day http://youtu.be/C_4uii96xqM?a #
i have so much to tell you i could blog all day
This is me last night at the Bon Jovi concert. It was really fun. Tonight is karaoke with my friends but first a TweetUp along King Street that’s all free. I have a zillion photos to share and stories and more. Look for the very first guest post from potential intern Jordan. make sure you let me know what you think of her coverage. She’s one of the Little Monsters this Lady Blogga sent to report and event. I’m looking forward to seeing it too!
Ok, must ruin home & change then run out again. Thank you for reading and being part of my life, I truly love sharing it with you. I hope your day has been awesome and is it’s not already, they get off your ass and go do something fun/crazy. You only live once baby!
xoxo CASIE
P.S. This cracks me right up. It’s a series from New Zealand. Pure hilar. JA-NIECE!!!!!!
caribbean gal gon’ feel de vibe
Its a huge party in the lot at work for Caribbana called “Feel de Vibe“.
Took a break in my day to check it out and get some vibes groovin.
I’ve stayed away from Caribbana the last few years but gonna go this year. Its the largest Caribbean festival outside, well, the Caribbean. There was some drama with it being not so safe but I think’ we ‘ gon be ok now.
The lines for food in the lot were huge so I popped over to Ackee Tree my most fav spot for some island food. The lunch special is $6.95 and so damn good. I like to dress the part for events, I’m sure you knew that by now.
Today at work is going pretty good. Starting to ‘feel da vibe’ there and get ‘tings all done in a day without stressing. Feels good. Looking forward to #loserkaraoke tonight. Gon’ sing a Kiwi tune I reckon!
OMG I loooooove steel drums. Our city is always so action packed. It’s the best!
is it wrong to be so excited for this?
Jersey Shore is BACK for Season 2 July 29th. Fist pump baby.
Yesterday was a great day. I went to see Bon Jovi w/ Michael & Cory. Post on that coming when I finally get some time to blog. I’ve been so busy lately, i’ve got so many things to share with you.
- Kid Rock & Bon Jovi #ftw (@ Rogers Centre w/ @alisaan @j0scelyn @dvln) http://4sq.com/4wMUKK #
- Madness at the rogers centre right now and traffic is insane #spadinawatch
- looking forward to #loserkaraoke tomorrow. honestly.
- Hmm. Can haz cheeseburger? #nomnomnom http://twitpic.com/27ddw4
- anyone 14-19 wanna come down to much on Friday AFTERNOON for something fun? looking for 2 peeps. lemme know ASAP!
- wow. time for lunch. where sis 4pm come from? gah.
- anyone else having #FB troubs tagging people in posts today or uploading images? driving me mental – already tried chrome/firefox/explorer.
- FB is being a real bitch today. That is all. Carry on as I try to keep calm. #fml
- lotsa #twerk to catch up on today after my holiday peeps, catcha replies in the arvo or lunch I reckon <10 #muchlove
- #twerk (@ MuchMusic Studios) http://4sq.com/dxUDSE
- today the hair is grey http://twitpic.com/27apvn
- Gooooood Morning 🙂
GRAPHIC: the smirnoff experience
Monday night I had the pleasure of attendng one of TO’s most exclusive events ar ARD Events (my fav venue). It was the who’s who of social, media & fashion. Everyone was there and looking super stylish. I took the handsome Michael Nus as my date.
I wore a vintage Albert Nipon that was a hit. I’ve not got so many complimentsa on one dress from so many social sites/people in a while. Good score I tell ya!
This is my fav photo. Thanks to Erin Bury for snappin the pix, I forgot to bring Nancie (my camera).
No one knew what to expect, the invitation was very mysterious (and creative) and the whole night was comic book themed.
I loved seeing so many fmiliar faces in one place. Oh, Deadmau5 was there too so the music was epic. I’ve got more photos to upload but have to scoot to the office. First say back since Thursday.
Overal, the Smirnoff Experice was awesome. I’d like the opportunity to do more parties like that and if you vote for me to be the Virgin Provocateur, I’ll be able to do it. Vote here, I thank you in advance.
Have an awesome day 🙂
Party is killer. @deadmau5 @jpricchio @annavon @liztrinnear @jessegiddings @michaelnus @thejons on 12seconds.t v
he called to say look at the moon, he’s a real catch.
I tweeted heaps yesterday:
- who was your childhood movie star that you always had a crush on? — lindsay lohan. http://4ms.me/b34gZS #
- Testing out#motorola #backflip so far touch keyboard is soft on my fingers and camera is facing towards instead of away from face #
- <4 is more than <3 #
- zomg me too. fav show. RT @40deuce: I am kicking ass in Jeopardy tonight! #
- Photo: pretty girls w/ long hair http://tumblr.com/xmjdv3fqh #
- Photo: topless tuesday hottie (via girlsgotafacelikemurder) http://tumblr.com/xmjdv21vz #
- how many newfies does it take to screw in a brake pedal on a toyota? — no clue. http://4ms.me/clubyw #
- i would like to see inception tonight. #
- missing the #exclusif courvoisier event tonight. sorry peeps. have fun & a couple drinks for me 😉 #
- Photo: i probably should not have laughed so hard at this. but i did. sorry @drakkardnoir, for i could not… http://tumblr.com/xmjdv1a7r #
- Photo: @michaelnus duuuuuuuuuuude! look what i found? whoa. http://tumblr.com/xmjdv14sp #
- life has many positives. what is one positive that you have taken notice… — how wonderful the people around me are. http://4ms.me/cZEIPz #
- oh man,. mel gibson. #
- tell us something funny about your younger sister that… — she used to put these neon tie dye gloves on her feet … http://4ms.me/cbcyFe #
- RE: @michaelnus you’re a true rockstar Nus, glad you were there 🙂 #rockon http://disq.us/ho42p #
- Favourite person of yours on twitter? — hard to say, there are so many, i realy love @wafflesgirls tbh. http://4ms.me/cmxjcj #
- Photo: › One more…Scarlett Johansson by Sheryl Nields via @lushvuitton http://tumblr.com/xmjduz7vz #
- Photo: she’s like a total sex machine…Scarlett Johansson by Sheryl Nields via lushvuitton http://tumblr.com/xmjduz6q9 #
- your life seems to revolve around alcohol, are you an … — uh, no. i just go to alot of parties in bars or sponso… http://4ms.me/bXNVdu #
- lovely seeing you hawt babes last night @annavon @aprilwozny @xoxsnp @erin_bury @liztrinnear @hawleydunbar @unbrelievable #smirnoffexp #
- omg there is no stopping that abby newman. whoa. #nakesheiress #
- omg. @michaelnus looks like nick newman eh? holy faaack’n #swoon http://twitpic.com/2742ya #
- Hey peeps! @Rypple is hiring a #CommunityManager It could be YOU! Say I sent you 😉 http://bit.ly/ryppleCM #SMjobs #
- hung.ry for some (@ Mr. Sub (College & Spadina)) http://4sq.com/aBtoHT #
- #smirnoffexp w/ @deadmau5 http://post.ly/nzmD #
- Dry ice butt plugs in drinks. Zomg #smirnoffexp http://twitpic.com/26xg8t #
- 12seconds – Party is killer. @deadmau5 @jpricchio @annavon @liztrinnear @jessegiddings @michaelnus @thejons http://tiny12.tv/WGU85 #
- 12seconds – #smirnoffexp hanging w/ @deadmau5 #nbd #awesomism http://tiny12.tv/7MRYD #
- I can haz sandwich starring @michaelnus #smirnoffexp http://twitpic.com/26xetc #
- Omg #hollister guy, give it a rest! #douche #smirnoffexp http://twitpic.com/26xc9c #
- Ahem, @michaelnus, i see a #nuscabana is the future with these babes, oww owwwww!! http://twitpic.com/26xayo #smirnoffexp #