This was a really fun party.
you are so freaking fabulous look at these pix, #ILU
Talk about a good time. TweetgasmTO V1.0 on Monday night was a hit. Thanks everyone for coming. Who likes to rock the party? We do.
there was dancing
oh and tweeting
and talking!
and babes
and more babes
and MORE babes
blog blog fashion baby
oh co cute
but they’re monsters!
they will eat you
ok just kidding
There are more pix in my web album here. Loved seeing/meeting everyone. I am lucky to be surrounded by awesome community of smart (and really really good looking) people. Looking forward to the next one. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see of if you would like to get involved, let me know. There are heaps of peeps I didn’t get pix of, sorry guys. I’ve got Kyle to remedy that next time.
If you had fun, please vote for me to be the @virginamerica Provocateur it takes 2 secs. I will get to throw parties with a budget for an entire year. It will be insane. It will also be insane if I do not win, so vote, please. I rarely ask anything of you.
By the way, after seeing these pix I dream of us all in Zombie makeup. Anyone?
you never know until you try
It is safe to say that I am currently having the time of my life. After spending the day with Carly at the Agency I flew to The Pilot to meet Miranda & David. We had a blast. The rain came in wee spirts and I managed to keep dry yet very hydrated.
I also touched iphone 4 for the first time. Feels so delicate. The boy behind me is Jean Luc from Kijiji. The Pilot is an interesting place. Everytime I go there I meet the most interesting peeps. I was hanging out with Ebay, PayPal and one of the SAW writers Leigh Wannell .
Today I have an audition for a commercial as a ‘Kiwi girl’ and a patio meeting about 4ish. Later on I’m attending a screening with of Dinner for Schmucks with Michael before Loser Karaoke.
Sunday I’m on the very first episode of the Social Media Show (SMS) podcast with Karam Kanji the Community Manager for TechVibes. I will keep you updated, show is at 3pm.
Have an AWESOME day. Go do something great, this is the only July 29th 2010 that will ever exist, make it memorable. I’m up early to make heaps of awesome.
Blog ya later 😉
waiting for wednesday
Things have been REALLY busy this week. I kinda feel like whoa, how was I doing all this stuff before? No wonder I was tired. Today I’ve been working out of the Fairlie Agency office with Carly following up on emails, auditions and work.
Tomorrow I’ll be working from my home office and possibly the roof top pool. I’d really love to be able to work from home forever. The freedom to do exactly what I want is really inspiring to me. Really inspiring.
This is Carly & I with Shawn (from Ontario Place (middle) and Guy Boucher (right), the designer of Zeugari Swimwear. He’s outfitting Carly, Raymi, Lauren and I for Wakestock next weekend. I am so excited to wear his suits. They are GORGEOUS!
If you wanna come to Wakestock the $55 social ticket offer for the weekend ends THURSDAY at 10AM. Get ya ticket here. Password is PARTYGIRL.
the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-29
- I'm #crazyawesome Srsly #
- Oh: "they spend more on marketing than anything" #srsly #realtalk #universal #saw #
- I love @cpstyle cause she is all biz when I am all show. #
- Hanging out with directors of #saw No big deal. #
- Meet my new bestie @dbradfield. in reply to dbradfield #
- @ilivecpstyle and me #
- @ilovecpstyle w/ #iphone4 #
- Hanging out w/ #kijiji #paypal #ebay #fleishman. My life is pretty good right now. #
- I can haz #iphone4 #
- #topsecret (@ The Pilot) #
- omg. i'm gonna miss the #yandr today for a meeting. somebody please update me later, imma need my fix. #
- yes, @Mikealbertini tv is a web of lies. #
- do you like antique furniture? — i looooooove antique furniture. #
- what is your favorite meal that your mom would always cook for you? — bacon & egg pie + pavlova #
- are you enjoying the outdoor patio's this summer at all? — yeash, more than i should probably! haha #
- did you hit on me at a Rancho Relaxo electro show last year? coz I didn't mean to be… — omg. i have no idea. maybe? #
- What will you miss most about your Much/MTV PR job? — a couple cool peeps like @allisonbowsher @queensley 🙂 #
- Loonies or toonies? Anglais ou francais? Poutine or pho? — toonies. anglais. pho. #
- Who is your favorite Star Trek related twitter persona… — obviously @picard102, i would let him light me on fire… #
- are your parents both retired yet from the rat race? — nope. mum is taking a year off to sail to the bahamas on he… #
- what would you do if you won 50 million in lotto max? — throw a huge party in the air w/ @virginamerica for all my… #
- what is your favorite lucky number? — 2. #
- that bikini of yours when you were a luscious model wi… — it's rusty swimwear. i got it at winners about 10 year… #
- if you were agent casey of the f.b.i. what would be your fir… — female body inspector? be the fashion police! #FBI #
- you got questions? i got answers #
- this year @wakestockcanada – @raymitheminx @laurenonizzle @carlyannedotcom & I will be in AMAZING #zeugari swimsuits > #
- are we friends on linkedin? lets trade reco's #
- OH: "move over martha, there's a new stewart in town" #
- twitter twitter little star via #businessweek #
- stop marketing start engaging – @unarketing RT @itshumphrey: Fire Your Marketing Manager and Hire A Community Manager #
- oh great, @kanyewest is here now guys. let the interruptions begin 😉 #immaletyoufinish #
- do you ever look at old photos and think "i'm so cute"? just saw a younger @carlyannedotcom & that's what i'd think if i was her 🙂 hehe #
- cheap weekend pass for @wakestockcanada right hurre > social ticket password: #partygirl #
- hey new tweeps! have you showed your looooove yet? mucho gracias 🙂 #
- nervous excited is my favorite feeling #
- Heading to @fairlieagency for some face time. Dang its hot out, cripes! #
- Photo: this is a pretty rad shirt. #
- Photo: want. want. want. via – trashionbitches #
- Photo: #
- Photo: me today 🙂 #
- looking for a contact for a hotel in collingwood aug 6-8, #bluemountain #daysinn #holidayinn – anyone? #
- happy birthday to the beautiful @urbanebloc 🙂 have a wonderful day sista! #
- morning everyone! this tweet is coming from home and i'm casually wearing a stylish betsy johnson bath robe hehe 🙂 #