Fun show. Kinda slow in the middle but good start and finish. I wish I wore a leather vest too. Not to the concert, but on the regular. [must find small leather vest]
Yes please. Sing to me! Aaaahhhhhhhh. I screamed loud a couple times. I wasn’t really that it excited at first, it was last minute and it just happened and before I knew it I was there. It was awesome.
Found out he is like 48 and all I have to say is, 48 in 2010 ain’t what 48 used to be.
Thank you. Positive message. Nice light show. Included videos of fans singing in the performance across the whole back screen. Liked that.
Packed house @ Rogers Centre. SKYDOME. SO many people in there man.
Well, mostly women, but man it was a lot of people.
Look at this cool cat, nice hair dude. Wanker.
Couple studs in the house.
Hey Bon Jovi,
You are awesome.
Love, CASIE xo