today in the news

  • Sexy beards & babes (@ INQ Vice Event! w/ @j_lab) #
  • When I'm on my way to a party and I see people out exercising I think 'nice'. #
  • ha! @JohnInToronto my head is a party hat! #
  • go go gadget outfit. #
  • tamil lyger #
  • omg just saw a donut burger on Globan news – Krispy Kreme w/ a meat patty. Zomg fatgasm. #
  • Going on the #BudCamp bus with 30 Bud girls next Friday morning. I'm jealous of myself right now. #
  • i'm going to be a meteor shower when i grow up. #
  • Open roof film fest w/ @crystalgibson then meeting @michaelnus @kylerehling & heading to @INQMobile donut party. Woot. Look the eff out. #
  • OMG. Nicest thing everrrr. RT @stephwashere: I wanna be like @casiestewart when I grow up. #
  • i love you guys, you make me happy & feel good. #
  • my ringtone is bad romance. what's yours? #
  • i need a new tattoo artist. mine shipped out to BC to be a hippy. #
  • beckham should just model now. he's the best when he just stands there & makes a sexy face. #
  • yes, i know it's not friday. #
  • you guys know about @shopmyclothes? pretty neat site. picking up new digs tomorrow. stay tuned! #followfriday #
  • doododododo dee dada. #
  • Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Imma see if I can sneak in a tattoo 🙂 #
  • i have a feeling tonight;s event might turn in to a shit show. i'm feeling roudy. #
  • who's going to #BudCamp #
  • Did I mention I'm in a contest with @VirginAtlantic & could use your votes? T-19 Days! #
  • oh galen weston, you are so cute in those close to home commercials. #
  • i lost 80 pounds with slimband too. ok no i didn't. #
  • ok this Adam/Victor thing on the #YandR today is bull and boring. GIMME DRAMA! #FTW #
  • i hope someone puts a donut ring on my finger tonight hehe #
  • what do you wear to donut party? doh, nuts! #
  • Made it home from today's meetings just in time for the #YandR I love me. #
  • Couple babes here today. (@ Starbucks (Festival Hall Chapters)) #
  • is me!! #
  • Fingers type "comwe" brain means "come with me". #
  • Killing time before meeting 🙂 (@ Friendly Stranger) #
  • sending you all #positivevibes today. #
  • had a dream about the iceberg #
  • i love wordpress. #
  • i wrote a beautiful post on empathy an it deleted itself. how ironic. wahhhhhhhhh. #
  • really looking forward to my lunch date today. you know who you are 🙂 #
  • Photo: nobody really cares if you’re miserable… #
  • HAHAHAHAHA! RT @flashlight: OH: "Son, it's private, keep it in your pants." "But daddy, it's like a rocket ship!" #
  • email is the new snail mail. #
  • we are all made of stars. #
  • what's the site/app called where you can record your actions on computer and save as a video? #
  • Photo: › This Is For Luck, Baby! #
  • missing the #smmeasure chat today, will check in post meeting! #
  • My FAV UK Blogger @bangsandabun is up for the Cosmo Blog awards in Sex & Relationships, I've voted have you? #
  • godaddy email = the suck. i know i know. google apps is the way to go. grrrr. #
  • New people following… Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Reveal yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #
  • some very beautiful music on BRAVO right now. djembe, sitar & other wooden instruments. #
  • good morning. i just cleaned living room & kitchen andit's not 10 am yet., today is a good day. #

Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 2

Wha? Pubic Enememy. No way.

Flava Flav!

Time to get down.

And get UP!

I’m so badass. Scouts America shirt. Oh yeah.

Lots of crown surfing in the sunset. Less surfing internet.

We loved it. So much energy.

We were on our phones about 80% of the time. Tweeting to tell everyone how fun it was. Mobile charging stations next year for sure. Opportunity there.

After a long day it was time to be escorted back to our castle to chage for night imte fun. Party was at the curling club any everyone was going.

Except maybe these dudes.No Wakestock pork shirts allowed.

You may recognize this dude with Carly as Maestro, Canadian hip hip royalty.

This was Kevin, Parkdale dreamboat. Saw him a couple times during the day. Nice shirt hot stuff.

We didn’t stay out too late. Lauren & Raymi heaps taller than me yet adorkable 🙂

Part 3 coming with Sunday fun!!!!!!!

Omg seriously. Just do it.

Put on some music miss thang, turn it up. Put on the lights and wear something cute. Headband hairpiece helps. Put all the clothes on the bed. Organize the empty hangers. Get the bins to throw stuff in. Put on lipstick. Put your clothes away. It doesn’t reallllllllly take that long. Clean up the other crap you’ve collected and throw shit out. Put clean sheets on the bed. Make bed, lay on top, relax. Look at the cleanness of the place, feel good. Go out and play.


Can’t focus. Keep thinking of you. Keep thinking about the impact you’ll have on my future. Our connection, your energy, my energy. So cold right now you are.You melt, I taste you. You feel nice on my skin, you feel nice all over me. When will I see you? Feel you. I don’t know. You are moving closer to me every single day.

The iceberg.tip of the iceberg

blah blah blah, think you’lll be getting this nah nah nah

i would like a barbie house and hot modern ken.


This afternoon Beans and I threw on some heels and strutted over to GCI Canada for the Summer BBQ. Nice roof patio partio they have going on. Perfect for tanning.


My boy Luke wasn’t there (Mexico vacay!) so I got to know a bunch of the ladies.  Seems like a real positive place to work, they all seemed quite happy.  Beautiful sun and beers were a nice addition too.


Food was great. Very organic and healthy tasting which went swell with radiant sunshine and an ice cold Stella. Ice cream sanny was the perf addition to our lunchable. Don’t judge my chippy nail polish or funny face.

Ok, now for the best part. I chatted Naz who does stuff with Barbie and she gave me a present. It was in a nice box and I was like OMG OMG is it a BARBIE?


It WAS a BARBIE! A 1662 Special Edition, Brunette, Bubble Cut hair with bathingsuit and outfit. Oh man. Now Peaches & Creme has a new bestie. Just kiddin, not opening it. The Barbie faces have changed to much over the years. Sabrina got one too.  Skinnier with bigger boobs now. I like the older Marilyn style better.How sweet is this lady? I love her.
