sorry but i just don’t have a face for radio ok

This weekend was a good one for me. I didn’t clean my room (like planned) or have thanksgiving dinner but I did make changes to my blog, hang out with friends and do a radio show.

Take a peek around, I’ve added some pages, changed links from redish to hot pink, and a few other tweaks here and there. Let me know what you think. Big, UPS to Patrick from Toronto City Life for helping. You rule dude. We’re kicking things up a notch at the office. PAWS UP.

On Sunday afternoon while many of you were stuffing yourselves, I was a guest on Perpetual Radio Network’s Social Media Show. I dropped  in to discuss Toronto International Film Fest (TIFF), New Zealand Fashion Week (NZFW), the Virgin America Provocateur contest/win, influencers and much more. Give a listen or download the podcast for the train ride home today. It’s free and awesome.

Happy Monday 🙂

P.S Check out Ontario Microfit: This program offers substantial benefits for home and business owners who develop small or ‘micro’ renewable solar power systems of 10 kilowatts or less. Yay envirinment!

the sky is no longer the limit

I’ve been following all the news about Virgin Galactic since inception in 2004. I am amazed and inspired by it all. Richard Branson is the most inspiring man in the world to me. Hands down. No limits, no boundaries, ready to take on the world, the universe. Doing it. The fact that I get to meet him and be part of the Virgin Team is a dream come true.

Got an email last night with the great news “Virgin Galactic Releases Exclusive Footage of Spaceship’s Historic Maiden Solo Flight.” This is SO EXCITING! HERE WE COME SPACE! In 2004 I sent an email asking if there were going to be flight attendants to space because I was ready to start training. For the record, there are not.


The world’s first commercial manned spaceship, VSS Enterprise, which is being developed by US space tourism company Virgin Galactic, achieved its first piloted free flight on 10th October 2010 in Mojave CA.

Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group, who was present to witness the flight later described it as “one of the most exciting days in the whole history of Virgin”. He went on to say: “The sky is no longer the limit. We will now begin the process of pushing to the final frontier of space itself over the next year”.

VSS Enterprise was described by Scaled Composites pilot Pete Siebold as “a joy to fly” and the company confirmed that all objectives of the flight were successfully completed.

National Geographic Channel in the United States will be showing a documentary on the build up and preparation for the first flight of VSS Enterprise on Monday, 18th October at 10.00pm ET/PT.

the things you own begin to own you

Can someone please come clean my room?

All I want to do is internet and it won’t clean itself.

I like to drive around, take photos and tell you about it. This is my life.

A happy day or them, a nice photo for me. A story for everyone.

What’s happening here?

I dream about living in a big old house with tree covered streets.

I grew up in a place with lots of trees. Our house was close to a river.

Found Lynsie’s prints at Pretty Freedom in Kensington on a stroll.

Coney Island, I will see you with my own eyes one day.

Blue Banana, eye spy something from a New Zealand family I know so well. Brittle I love too.

Mirror ring so pretty. Fun for late night party goers possibly? Nice nails too Sabrina.

These tights are coming to Canada. I am bringing them.

Would you like a pair? Tell me.  We can haz lots of colours.

Yes, these are my new boots. I will wear them like regular boots, wherever, whenever.

I should be cleaning my room right now. I have internet addiction and I like it.

Do you like it? Maybe you have it too!

i believe i can change the world. i will.

you can too.

cute article on – DEREK DRESSES CASIE is New Zealand’s home of fashion online. On the last day of New Zealand Fashion Week, Derek Fabulous and I went shopping with the Editor of Thread Megan Robinson and it was a RIOT (as you will see).

Please note I am wearing a Foursquare shirt. I’m so styling, nerdy and cool at the same time, haha. Read the article here, it’s really cute (all the pix link to it as well). Follow Derek on Twitter & @threadNZ for style from NY & NZ.

I laughed so hard when Derek put this on his face. He was like, totally serious. DEREK I MISS YOU DAH’LING!

“Grabbing a frilled tulle skirt, Derek used it to whip Casie as he held onto the reins of her leather waistcoat.”

This was my fav outfit: “Casie in a 40s swimsuit, leopard jacket and red velvet hat.” No pants baby. Gaga this one’s for you! PAWS UP!

Got no diamonds, got no wealth. I got no man, but I got my health.

Love this tune. How great of a movie is Beaches? I remember watching in in the basement on a Saurday morning, early, with my sister. Sad but so happy their friendship those two. The shirt above is Cybelle from NZ. My fav Orly nail polish in shiny Black Out and Joe Fresh matte lipstick in Poppy.  A couple of my recently acquired  new favourites.

Went to Shopgirls Gallery Boutique the other day and got some Yoga Jeans. Great little shop it is, located in Parkdale and carries all kinds of Canadian designers. All the staff are artists and they have gallery space on the walls. They have a blog, Twitter and are on FB too.

Michelle the owner took me around and we perused all the Canadian designers. Look at her in the gorgeous collar. I want!

These are the Yoga Jeans I picked, signature limited edition made for Shopgirls exclusively, down to the last couple pairs ones. Check me out, Shopgirls logo there.

This is the standard lunge test. It works, they are SUPER stretchy. Wont lose their shape. Retail around $110 which is totes reasonable.

I never wear jeans and wore them all day yesterday, deff Casie approved. The best pants I’ve worn in a while. Go to the boutique and get some of your own it is at 1342 Queen Street West. They are probably open call 416 534 7467 to check first.

It reminded me of a little shop I might see in Ponsonby, Auckland filled with New Zealand designers. I love all these kinda things with feathers and lace and leather.

This table was so cool. Made from bicycle parts as you can see. I’d love to see Dad make one of these. Hey Dad, can you make this? I know you can, I mean can you try one out?

You can rent the space out. Pretty neat. Easy to get to. Might be good for a gathering little smaller than GenYTO. Something where we serve wine around the room.

Love the ceilings.

Queen Street in Toronto is such a great place. This board at Portland/Queen always has the best little quotes. Ones to make you feel cute for sure. Oh Natalie! I just can’t decide either! A life of freedom is sooooo appealing!

P.S Took all these photos with my Motorola Backflip, pretty good camera/phone if youre looking. Mine is with Telus, it’s an Android. I dig it. Google ILU, FTW!