I had this favourite book when I was little, actually, I still have it at Mum’s there’s no way she would get rid of our old books. It retells the story of Louis Pasteur, whose unwavering belief in the concept of germs led to a cure for rabies. I loved it, I’m sure I read it over a hundred times. I woke up today thinking about it and decided it’s time, I need to do a couple things I’ve been putting off:
renew licence
renew health card
sign up for flirty girl fitness classes (have a week pass)
call my trainer and get our sessions in order
It’s just after 8am (damn you internet almost 9’er NOW!) and I’m heading to get all this done this morning. I can do it. What are you doing today?
Yesterday I had another date with my boyfriend Raymi. Have you noticed how I call everything my boyfriend? It helps to fill the void of not having one. I love my gadgets and my friends and they make me happy. One day I will find a nice charming tall man who loves to do nice things for me and is smart and good looking. (Bats eyelashes through the internet, hi!).
Maybe when I am in Dallas, Boston, San Juan, or LA next month I will find one. Just kidding, working/friends/sister time. Who cares if I don’t I reckon I’ve not got time for that anyway. I’m waaaaay too focussed on myself and where I am going with my beautiful mind life. (Selfish much?) NO, FOCUSED TYVM.
She gets me to take her photo 8,000 times. Cute when she asks. What people fail to understand is THAT IS US WORKING. She posted about resto we went to, it’s called BOOM. Good thing we were sitting in the bright sun because my damn-era aka camera flash broke. Had to return the bitch (warranty count: third unit). I love the warranty and this girl at Best Buy, she’s given me two new guys so far. Wonder how many I will incur in two years? Moohaha warranty is on my side here fur sure. THANKS!
Ok ok I’ve been stalling and there’s probs gonna be a line the size of Canada’s Wonderland by the time I get there. Looks like I’ll be going buck wild with Angry Birds and Where’s Waldo on iPad. Oh man I love that thing! OK byeeeeeeeeee.
Have a great day!
P.S. Did you get a ticket to RAYMI’s 10 YEAR BLOG ANNIVERSARY PARTY? It’s tomorrow night at Wrongbar. See you on the dancefloor. Lots of swag, prizes, entertainment and stuff so come.