Blogging is a weird and interesting thing, so is life.

Piano typing my thoughts to the music. Things are so clear in my head. I love writing. I just downloaded a piano app for ipad.

I don’t get why people are mean sometimes. I guess I should get it because it’s been a regular occurance where girls try to knock you down when you’re excited about something and feeling happy. What is the point in doing that? Seriously? You only make yourself look stupid and put out bad energy. It’s annoying. Being nice will get you further. So will being friends with girls who are doing well instead of trying to knock them down. Ya hear what I’m sayin? Sheesh!

I need some new music.
What are you listening to? What should I be listening to?

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

every day is special if you make it so!

today was a full on day. scooted out to a meeting about a new project.

had lunch at this cute place called Bld on Toronto Street. like it there.

oh hai, lemme take this call while i take my own photo aka work.

walked by and say this guy remmebering. made me sad. i paused and thought about all the soldiers who have fought for our freedom and made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives.

i thought about grandad and grandpa and my family and mum and all the things that i’m grateful for. so many things. thank you for being part of my life.

this is nana and grandad and mum and my aunt & uncles. i bet grandad never thought he would be on the internet! amazing eh grandad?! love and miss you.

ok onto the next stop…

popped into  fashionably yours where i was most fabulously styled by jay strut for raymi’s 10 year anniversary party tonight at wrongbar.

so many great finds in there. it’s located at 632 queen street west west of bathurst. go there say HI to JANET and JAY for me when you do. they are lovely and nice.

oh what to wear?

i tried on some seriously lovely dresses.

it came down to the fuchsia betsy johnson or the little sequin french connection number. i look like a huge dork…i am. get used to it.

i want to walk in your shoes, yes yes i do.

one day i will have a boyfriend who can wear these shoes with style and look hot.

and the winner is…SEQUINS. kinda knew it, i love sequins so. probably all the years i spent wearing them as a young ballerina from the age of three for ten years that did it.

ok time to get ready for raymi’s party. see you on the dance floor! byeeeeeeeee!

Stories are gifts.

How long have you been reading stories? Forever.

How many stories do you read a day? Where do you read them? How long are they? Who is in them? What are they doing?

What are you doing when you read them? What are you reading? Why are you reading it? How does the story make you feel?

What do you think about them? Where are you when you read it?

Think about it.
Read more.

yesterday on twitter, this happened:

photo diary: wendesday november tenth twenty ten

where i got my ipad. an empty space lined with caution tape now, only a memory.

hung out at starbucks, i read apps and downloaded information to my brain. smart.

oh, to be that sweet breeze that brushes by and makes you feel warm then smile.

do you men know about this store? if i was a man i would check it out. i will, they blog.

i am addicted to where’s waldo like a child. i will find you all, wizard, scroll, wenda.

afternoon stopover in this little spot. the 420 so well hidden from daytime traffic.

i find this type of construction a joy to watch. all the little men like lego, building.

is this what my building looks like under ground? fascinating really, isn’t it?

so many beautiful buildings in our city. sometimes the sun hits them just right.

benches for tomorrow. i don’t have a poppy. war isn’t the same now as when grandad went.

the leaves are so very beautiful in the sun this time of year, look at their beauty.

these ones were so dull, their colour had been lost and the wind blew them all away.

dear this time of year, i love you. stay for a while, will you please? xo casie

popped into the most colourful store in the city, peach berserk for some sunshine.

arrived home and got this travel pack in the mail. thank you to the team at @constantbody.

that is my day in photos. i will stay home for the rest of the day now 🙂