Watch this video and lets hope you already have a way in or you come up with a good way to get the two extra tickets I’ve got because this party is gonna be seriously of the CHIZZLE. Warehouse, vodka, great music, one hell of a good crowd and 14 parties happening around the world at the same time. Our gift arrives in a crate with a party from India.
I will be there and I know a bunch of people behind the magic making this happen and I can’t wait for it.
Raise your glasses for vodka shots.
Remember the other Smirnoff party GRAPHIC? You may have seen it on your TV with a one second unmistakable appearance from your fav pixie party girl at 00:18.
Here are the deets:
What: The Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project: India
Who: Jalebee Cartel, Shaa’ir + Func, Dragonette, Isis = Amazing
When: Saturday, November 27th, 2010 > next weekend
Where: The Munition Factory (so badass location)
I dunno who I should bring with me. You need to be totally awesome and fun with a love for vodka and dance floors. You must have intermediate to advanced knowledge of how to have a good time and not be camera shy. No bad attitudes or egos allowed. Strict dress code of personal style. Flare for conversation mandatory.
Tickets are courtesy of Smirnoff Canada and the Smirnoff Nightlife Exchange Project and you must be 19+.
Apply below.